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Gambling - forsøger at holde op

 af paclmaya
12.554 visninger 37 svar |
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Jeg vil sætte et mål om at holde op. Jeg ved godt, at jeg er stærkt afhængig, måske hjælper det mig, hvis jeg skriver om det og måske får noget feedback. Jeg ved godt, at det er et svært skridt, men jeg må tage risikoen, jeg har satset for meget, og jeg vil ikke tænke på, hvad jeg har tabt. Nu er det punkt kommet, hvor jeg virkelig føler, at jeg udsætter min familie for fare, og det vil jeg slet ikke!

Jeg håber, jeg får lov til at berette om mine oplevelser her - jeg skriver om 1-2 gange om ugen.

Men det skal stoppe! Jeg vil gerne takke alle for støtten og så videre. Ønsk alle andre, at de har bedre held eller styrke til at holde op!

Automatisk oversættelse:

You are not alone in this dark hole. Sometimes sharing your story could really help and not just yourself.

Have you read about Charlie? Not an easy story to say...

If you feel like sharing your story, you can always get in touch:


We know how tricky gambling is and what it feels like when you're on the way to the bottom, that is why we try to implement a global self-exclusion tool. It's a bold and very complex idea but certainly very needed as well.

I'm sure there are lots of players who would understand you.

Stay strong!


Let me ask you one thing, because that could be the point where the issue lies in.

Why do you gamble? Are you poor and you try to become rich this way? Do you like the feeling when you win? Do you like the games - how they look, how they sound, the design, the features?

You surely know you can't win back what you already lost, then the question is - what makes you to continue playing when you apparently know it's not good for you?

Hey Paclmaya,

You took a brave first step to realize you have a problem and share it with the community. As my colleagues outlined, there are several ways to go around unhealthy gambling habits. I want to share with you some local sources where you can find more information on what you can do next or talk with a professional:

Here you will find the list of help organizations in Austria and get online counseling:


This organization has a broader reach and also engages in group sessions


I have more sources in case you are interested, just let me know.

Hold tight,


Så i begyndelsen var det fascinerende. Misforstå mig ikke, jeg har aldrig spillet store indsatser. Så fra tid til anden satsede jeg 100 euro, indsatsen var 20 cent - bare for at spille i lang tid. Bare for sjov - hvis jeg var heldig, havde jeg et + og hvis ikke, var det ikke tragisk.

Jeg har spillet i omkring 11 år. , alt var faktisk altid okay, eller måske siger jeg det bare til mig selv – kun inden for de sidste 2,5 år har jeg bestemt overdrevet. Det kom covid-19 - så blev der pålagt karantæne, igen en masse tid til at spille. Så blev det mere og mere retningsspillende at vinde tabene tilbage. Og siden covid 19 kom, fungerede intet på kasinoerne længere.. Altid bare irriteret, forbandet-frygteligt.

For nylig sagde jeg til mig selv - ude af spørgsmålet, jeg vil, jeg kan og må ikke mere - jeg kan ikke blive ved sådan her, ellers ødelægger jeg levebrød på et tidspunkt, og det er ikke muligt.

Mine første dage uden onlinekasinoer.

Jeg har natvagt på arbejde. desværre for meget tid - min første tanke - køb et Paysafecard. Dårlig. Det var omkring 2-3 timer, så køb dig et paysafecard, kom 25, er ikke meget. Vanvittigt, hvad der går igennem dit hoved. Men så indså jeg, at jeg var nødt til at gøre mere. Så næste skridt var at blokere min Paysafe-konto. Med en eksplicit vægt, uanset hvad jeg skriver igen, for ikke at frigive det mere.

Og det var godt - næste dag, nattevagt igen, og det første jeg gjorde var at skrive paysafecard.com, aktivér venligst min konto. Det er så ekstremt.

Gik på kasinoet igen i dag, hvad gjorde jeg, testede lige spil, uden at betale - det vil sige kun med legepenge. Prøv bare disse spilfunktioner, hvor du kan købe gratis spins. Sænkede mig lidt igen.

Mit næste skridt bliver engang inden for de næste par dage – at udveksle e-mailadressen, det er utroligt, hvilke e-mails jeg får fra casinoer, om bonusser og så videre.

Så det var mine første dage uden et kasino – det er slet ikke let, men jeg vil klare det, og jeg vil klare det.

Jeg takker jer alle sammen, ønsker jer en god uge - for jeg holder ferie alligevel indtil hellig lørdag! god ferie til jer alle"

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, paclmaya.

Hope you enjoyed your holidays and remained balanced and positive.

I just wanted to check on you and ask how are you doing now. 🙂 Are you doing good?

Tak, imens har jeg det fint - har ikke spillet før i dag, lad os se hvor stærk jeg egentlig er - men det hjælper eller gør det nemmere bare at spille med legepenge

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm really happy it works for you!

Keep up the good way.

Are you in touch with anybody related to gambling issues? Have you got some professional care?

I'm sure it would serve you well if you have some option where you can turn if needed.

Stay well and strong!

nej, jeg har ingen kontakt med folk, der kæmper med det problem, jeg har.

Det er vigtigt for mig at skabe med min vilje, hvis det ikke virker får jeg helt sikkert professionel hjælp.

Men jeg tog for nylig et vigtigt skridt for mig selv ved at lade Paysafe blokere mig. Det var et vigtigt skridt.

Og tak for komplimenterne

Automatisk oversættelse:

I see, just want to make sure that you have some support and you're holding up.

The idea with Paysafe is a damned good one 👍.

Hold tight!


How do I learn more about the global gambling tool? Does it help with stopping crypto deposits? I strongly believe casinos should black list players deposit addresses aslong as they don’t tried to hide them. This would save so many problems and ultimately save so many people from gambling associated depression/ su—ide.

would be extremely grateful for such a tool to have existed a few months ago

I feel no matter how hard I try to not watch gambling streamers, or YouTube related "gamba" content; but the adverts on all my social media are nothing but casinos.

I had managed to self exclude myself and stay away from gambling for a good few weeks until I had adverts on my Snapchat,

Sorry for how long this message turned. I really would like to email my story of depression leading me into gambling addiction due to this weird similarity of lockdowns and this mass amount more Twitch streamers casually advertising slots

Jeg er også af den opfattelse, at streaming af hasardspil burde forbydes, jeg tog også derned i toget, men gudskelov har jeg nu indset, at dette tog kun har en endestation - spoil it!! Og jeg vil bestemt ikke ende der.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tak for dine pæne ord - men vejen er stadig hård og stenet - men gjort indtil videre.

Automatisk oversættelse:

How do I learn more about the global gambling tool? Does it help with stopping crypto deposits? I strongly believe casinos should black list players deposit addresses aslong as they don’t tried to hide them. This would save so many problems and ultimately save so many people from gambling associated depression/ su—ide.

would be extremely grateful for such a tool to have existed a few months ago

I feel no matter how hard I try to not watch gambling streamers, or YouTube related "gamba" content; but the adverts on all my social media are nothing but casinos.

I had managed to self exclude myself and stay away from gambling for a good few weeks until I had adverts on my Snapchat,

Sorry for how long this message turned. I really would like to email my story of depression leading me into gambling addiction due to this weird similarity of lockdowns and this mass amount more Twitch streamers casually advertising slots


That's what we think as well, the current state of the industry is missing a global tool to keep players safe. So we even established a project called "Global Self-Exclusion initiative".

Our current goal is to maintain support and grow the influence through the whole industry until enough experts are working together that the whole idea could begin to be implemented for real.

Sadly, it's not a simple vision.

And when it comes to streamers, well - at the moment we try to find streamers who would willingly stream the hard reality of playing ordinary slots. No sponsorship provided by the casino he/she plays in, no profit cut for sending players to the casino through bonuses acquired during the stream or advertised links...

Another brave idea hopefully yet to come true 🙂.

Tak for dine pæne ord - men vejen er stadig hård og stenet - men gjort indtil videre.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I can't even imagine how hard it must be.

Keep fighting!

Jeg kan nu hævde, at jeg ikke har spillet i 1 måned, eller næsten en måned. Det er forbandet svært.

Og helt ærligt, hvis jeg ikke havde spærret min paysafe-konto uden mulighed for at åbne den igen, så var jeg nok ikke nået så langt.

Da jeg svor til mig selv aldrig at betale med kreditkort til et kasino igen, var det en god idé.

Jeg kan rådgive alle, og jeg mener det seriøst, hvis du vil stoppe, så benyt muligheden for selv at indbetale i online casinoet. Det betyder at blokere Paysafecard og andre muligheder.

LG til alle

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, paclmaya!

There are players more suitable to comment on your progress, but I'd like to say that every minute counts. Even the most achievements are made by a small progress day after day. 👍


Hi paclmaya,

First of all well done for sharing your story. It really does help if you talk about your experience. There are many people who understand the position you are in. I have struggled for many years with gambling.

The best advice i can give you is to block yourself from all the casinos that you are registered with. You need a barrier in between you and the casino. As time goes by the urge to gamble will get less. When you feel the urge to gamble. Tell yourself how bad it makes you feel when you lose and how angry you are when you give in to temptation. Keep repeating this over and over and over again until it sinks in to your brain. It really does help. Sometimes only a 30 second distraction can make all the difference. If you feel like you must gamble. Take 30 seconds out and imagine the feelings you get when you lose.

Keep posting on your progress and don’t be too sad if you relapse. This is part of the journey unfortunately. It’s what you do about it that is key. Learn from past mistakes and try to do better moving forward.

Stay safe,


Jeg har været ren i næsten 2 måneder nu. Jeg spiller stadig på kasinoer fra tid til anden, men kun med legepenge – jeg logger ikke engang ind der længere. Og så mærker jeg endda, hvor vred jeg bliver, når jeg bare bliver skrammel her. Efter 10 minutter slukker jeg igen.

Jeg er virkelig så glad for, at jeg lod Paysafe blokere mig fuldstændig.

Jeg lod også Win2day blokere mig, fordi jeg kunne købe eurobons der og betale ind med dem.

Det hjælper, hvis du ser netflix, amazon prime eller skygo på arbejde i stedet for at spille på online casinoer.

Der er ikke længere et så ekstremt ønske om at skulle foretage en indbetaling.

Vil nå mit mål og i det nye år lægge alle de penge jeg lægger på siden, dække min konto og så spare op til en ferie 2-3 år senere

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there!

Your progress is amazing! You're obviously a strong-minded person I'd say. I also, admire your long-term plan. 

Just stick to it. 👍🙂

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