HjemForumAnsvarligt spilvelobet åbner konti for spillere med ludomani efter at være blevet informeret om det

velobet åbner konti for spillere med ludomani efter at være blevet informeret om det

10 måneder siden af Anonymized545
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10 måneder siden

Du lukker kontoen på grund af ludomani og de åbner en anden med dit samme dataansvarlige spil 0 og oven i købet svarer de dig ikke med nogen forklaring, de afklarer ikke hvorfor de har gjort det og skaber uoprettelig skade, der fører til en frygtelig sygdom og en meget dårlig afslutning

Automatisk oversættelse:
10 måneder siden

Hey, I've already replied to you here: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/velobet-casino---general-discussion/8#post-96805 so it would be nice if the conversation was kept in one thread to keep it all straightforward.

Thank you. 👍

10 måneder siden

Meget dårligt casino, dårligt i udbetalinger, dårligt i indskud, de beholder dine penge, du fortæller dem, at du er afhængig af gambling, og de åbner en anden konto for dig med dine data, og penge forsvinder fra kontoen.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Velobet.com er ikke licenseret, tillader spaniere at registrere og spille og tillader spillere med ludomani at spille igen, hvilket alt sammen er tilladt og dækket.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Men alt dette forbliver ikke sådan, de kommer til at betale, men ikke engang dem, der dækker over dem, vil blive udfordret.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

I have already expressed my answer to this in the following thread: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/velobet-casino---general-discussion/10#post-97792 

It's not necessary to post it in three different ones, so it would be best if we keep the conversation in one so we don't get lost in it. I don't see much point in writing the same thing several times to different threads.

9 måneder siden

Og jeg gentager for dig igen, at ludomani er et meget alvorligt og alvorligt problem, for ikke at give det den betydning, du tillægger det. Det er meget tydeligt på skærmbilledet, hvordan jeg beskriver mit problem, og de læser det, og de svarer mig senere med en e-mail. Der er ikke mere at sige, det er derfor, du vil vide, hvorfor de ikke ønsker at få sandheden, begyndende med det faktum, at der på din side står, at spanske spillere ikke er tilladt, og jeg har sendt dem to forskellige konti med spansk registrering . Jeg ved ikke, hvorfor de ikke anerkender sandheden, vil du vide.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Dear player,

Since we have decided to restrict you from the forum since we are confident this conversation is going nowhere, even in many other threads, and you also appear to be resistant to caring explanations, this is one of the last posts for you, where I mainly care to explain the restricted countries to others.

Starting with this:

All casinos accept players from certain countries only, with the rest of the countries being 'restricted'. This means that players from these restricted countries are not allowed to open an account and play in the casino. This is the same for all gambling sites, but what differs is how casinos deal with players from restricted countries.

The casino's point of view

Many casinos only state the restricted countries in their T&Cs, so it's the responsibility of players to check whether they are allowed to play at them or not.

Whenever someone from a restricted country registers, these casinos allow them to create an account, but only let them know about the restriction when they want to make a withdrawal. As long as a player is losing, the casino is OK with it, but as soon as the player wins and wants to withdraw money, they use the 'restricted countries' rule to decline the withdrawal and block the player's account.

This is, of course, extremely unfair, as players might register without knowing about the restrictions, and casinos are taking advantage of their mistake, often knowingly and intentionally.

The player's point of view

If a player is able to access the casino's website, open the registration form, create an account, deposit and play, it's understandable that they assume that they are allowed to play at this casino.

Some experienced or careful players might read the T&Cs and find out that their country is restricted, but these players are definitely in the minority.

Our position

It is not acceptable to let players gamble if a casino knows that they are from a restricted country and if the casino plans to refer to the rule about restricted countries whenever a player requests their first withdrawal. This is completely against the rules of fair play, as the casino is knowingly letting a player wager money without a chance to actually win something in return.

Many casinos claim that this is difficult or impossible to implement into their systems, but it is simply about comparing the player's country of residence with the list of restricted or allowed countries; therefore, we do not consider it to be that difficult on a technological level.

Our recommendations for casinos

The right thing to do is to check for restricted countries during the account creation process, and to not allow players from restricted countries to register and play. If the casino knows about restricted countries and also knows the player's country of residence, it's not a big issue to enforce this rule.

If the casino allows a player from a restricted country to play because it hasn't implemented this check, it should accept that it was the casino's mistake and pay out all winnings to the player despite the fact that they shouldn't have been allowed to play in the first place, provided that the player hasn't done anything else that's against the rules.

Requirements for both 'fair casinos' and 'fair and safe casinos'

For a casino to be classified as a 'fair casino' or a 'fair and safe casino' by our review team, it must not allow players from restricted countries to create an account and play. The check for restricted countries must be done during the account-creation process.

(Source - Casino Guru Fair Gambling Codex)

I hope it is pretty straight-forward to recognize that the whole situation is more complex, and that the information we provide in the review may be viewed differently by players.

Not only do we consult terms and conditions, but we also consider the way registration is held. Thus, when it comes to complaints, the Team sticks to the aforementioned Fair Gambling Codex, considering each case at a time.

Hopefully, the given suggestion will spare others possible issues when asking for self-exclusion:

"When applying for the self-exclusion, state the reason why you want your account to be deactivated clearly and specify the time period. Also, email "Subject" should be clearly marked and easily recognizable as casino support receives many requests per day hence, if it’s visibly marked you stand a better chance to have your request granted as soon as possible. I would also strongly recommend that you always save your self-exclusion request so that you have valid proof of such action."

Please understand that dealing with the numerous charges you have leveled at us is not within our daily capabilities. Complaints are good example, speaking of which - the last one 👈

I imagine you feel mistreated, so please, find another forum that better suits your interests.

9 måneder siden

De er bare modstridende vilkår og betingelser for alle kasinoer generelt, og jeg siger også, at den, der bestemmer alt dette, hvis det bliver ført for retten, er en dommer, dommeren kan annullere alle vilkår og betingelser for ethvert kasino! Vilkår og betingelser er noget vrøvl, at kasinoerne forsøger at svine dig til, når du vinder, kun for at sige, at du har overtrådt nogle af vilkårene og betingelserne, intet andet end et trick, i dag hvis du går til et indkøbscenter og logger ind på et offentligt internet netværk, eller endda gå til en pårørendes hus, og logge ind på din konto eller endda via mobildata via satellit, som ikke er dynamisk (det ændrer sig hver gang du logger ind), så du bare ved at logge på en IP, som en anden spiller loggede ind på du har allerede overtrådt casinoets vilkår generelt, du er allerede straffet, så jeg kan ikke se logikken i dette, det er idiotisk, forestil dig at gå til en pårørendes hus og skulle spørge dem om de har en konto på casinoet x eller y, bare for ikke at overtræde vilkår og betingelser, med noget, som selve livet er mindre vigtigt end et simpelt kasino, (måske er jeg en klovn).

Redigeret af forfatter 9 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

I don't think you're thinking wrong. But if we know in advance that such things can cause inconvenience, then we have to be careful, because a lot of people are trying to abuse it anyway, and that's why casinos usually have it included in their Terms and Conditions.

9 måneder siden

Ulempen er, når casinoet også udnytter dette til at skade spilleren, men på den anden side er det umuligt at opretholde forbindelsen med kun én IP, da den ikke er dynamisk! Det ændrer sig hver gang du slukker for routeren eller bruger mobildata via satellit, det synes jeg bookmakere skal tilpasse sig! Bare en mening.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

And so, based on my experiences, we always want more supportive evidence from the casino.

The same IP address or dynamic IP address is just not enough to clearly state that the player has created several accounts.

Technically, these rules are to save casinos from bonus abusers, so saying that two players with one shared IP are just one person with two accounts won't stand too long. There must be some other connection or similar events, like taking registration bonuses on both accounts.

Quoting from the Fair Gambling Codex:

"Most casinos only check for duplicate accounts as a part of the verification process, which is generally done when a player asks for a withdrawal. If a player wins something on one of their duplicate accounts, the winnings are generally annulled. In some cases, the initial deposits might be returned to the player if the casino believes the duplicate account was created by accident.

The casino's point of view

Casinos only allow players to create one account to protect themselves against bonus abusers. Opening multiple accounts and trying to claim the welcome bonus more than once is one of a small number of ways that players can use to gain an advantage over the casino, or at least make the casino's advantage smaller. This is why it makes sense that casinos protect themselves by closing duplicate accounts.

Our position

We accept that it is the responsibility of players to make sure that they don't create multiple accounts at the same casino. Not because we think it's the right way to do it, but because it's the industry standard, and we cannot penalize all casinos that don't enforce the 'one account per player' rule the way we consider best. However, we believe and hope that checking for duplicate accounts during account creation will become the industry standard in the future and players will be better protected.

In the meantime, each case should be considered separately. If the casino finds out that a player has created five separate accounts and claimed the full bonus amount on each of them, it is likely that this is a bonus abuser, and the casino has every right to penalize them. On the other hand, if a casual player mistakenly creates two accounts and doesn't even claim the bonus, the casino shouldn't penalize them just because it has a rule that can be used against them.

9 måneder siden

Men hvis du lukker en konto på grund af ludomani, selvom det er via chat, og de svarer via e-mail, at din konto er lukket, og dagen efter giver de dig mulighed for at åbne en anden konto med dine samme personlige data uden at snyde noget og uden at anmode om enhver bonus og indbetaling fra den samme bankkonto med de samme data, det er ikke ansvarligt spil, de udelader det for at drage fordel af sårbarheden hos spillere med denne sygdom og Acosta profiterer fra dem, der ved, at de er sårbare.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Good question, I'd like to quote my recent response to the very same topic:

"This is exactly the problem with the multiple accounts addicted players tend to create. Obviously, someone addicted just can't resist the urge to play, so he must get to the casino somehow despite his previously closed account.

I truly understand this situation. Frankly, when it comes to players protection, casinos are limited by their platform and software capabilities.

Just imagine the only "personal" detail such a platform compares with the history is an email address. As a result, you will be able to create as many accounts as you like because the email must always be unique. Under such circumstances, it does not actually matter whether you use your real name and address.

And because it's common knowledge that only one casino account is permitted, and using different personal details means failing the KYC, casino management may think all possibilities are covered. Sadly, the KYC usually comes after the initial withdrawal request. Accounts are not much investigated earlier, because it's part of the most likely inevitable KYC.

So, technically, there is a pretty tight spot for each addictive player, which may feel like a trap, and we're trying to explain that to casinos on every occasion."

9 måneder siden

Undskyld Radka, fra min uvidenhed forstår jeg stadig ikke, hvordan en person, der lukker en konto på grund af spilleafhængighed og aldrig ønsker at åbne den igen, casinoet er perfekt informeret i dette tilfælde, det giver dig mulighed for at åbne en anden senere med det samme navn, efternavn, fødselsdato, adresse, land, samme bankkonto, der foretager indbetalingerne, fra mit synspunkt er der flere punkter at tage i betragtning, at et casino har ansvaret, fordi en spiller med dette problem kun har mulighed for at at lukke den dør for at prøve at komme sig, og hvis de ikke tillader det, kan det være et helvede, det kan endda føre til værre ting som selvmord, derfor ville en dommer i disse tilfælde have meget at sige om dette beskidte spil, som kasinoerne ansøg, tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

May I ask, if such a case has happened to you, actually? Which casino was it and when exactly did this happened? If you feel our complaint team could be of any help, feel free to say so, and we will do our best to help you out. We will not like to see this leading to any worst things, of course. Please let us know, how could we assist you. We'll wait for your reply here.

9 måneder siden

Hej Romi, tak

Hvis dette sker og er sket på velobet.com.

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 måneder siden

Is there any way we can help out, actually? Please let us know, we will be glad to do it, for sure.

8 måneder siden

Oplevelsen med dette casino, sandheden er, at det har været det værste i mit liv. Jeg håber, at indsatsen mod disse typer kasinoer som velobet.com forfølges hårdt. Det er det, mange af os er i.

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 måneder siden

Well, I'm certainly sorry, but haven't you thought about filing a complaint if you've encountered such problems ? Our team would look into it and try to investigate everything necessary and maybe we could help. What do you say ? 🤔

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