Jeg har en DuckyLuck Casino-konto, som er i GBP (britiske pund).
Jeg foretog en hævning på £804,01. I går (den 19. juli kl. 18:56 britisk tid) modtog jeg 0,01333251 BTC. På det tidspunkt svarede det til lige under £700 baseret på Coingecko. Derfor er der stadig ca. £100 mangler ved udbetalingen.
Jeg kontaktede casinoet og spurgte, om de kunne tjekke beløbet, og de svarede, at hævningen var korrekt, og sendte mig et link til blockchair.com, som viser beløbet sendt i USD, som er 890,45 USD. Baseret på omregning er USD beløbet ca. £690, stadig omkring £115 mindre end min udbetaling.
Jeg kontaktede kasinoet igen og fik et svar om, at de ikke har kontrol over BTC-prisudsving og tredjepartsgebyrer, og at det sendte beløb var korrekt. Når jeg tjekker 24-timers BTC-priser, selv hvis de tæller den højeste registrerede pris på BTC den dag, som er £52177,51 pr. Coingecko, ville det svare til £695,66, en forskel på kun £5. Hvad angår eventuelle tredjepartsgebyrer, opkræver min crypto Exchange (OKX) ingen gebyrer, når jeg modtager Crypto.
Baseret på dette ville den eneste forklaring være, hvis en betalingsudbyder af DuckyLuck opkrævede et gebyr på cirka 115 £, og dette blev trukket fra min udbetaling. Dette gebyr virker dog usædvanligt højt. Tidligere var der nogle gange en forskel på maksimalt £5-£10.
Derfor vil jeg gerne spørge, hvad du synes om denne problemstilling. Er et så højt gebyr muligt hos casinoets betalingsudbyder (ikke på min side, men på siden af casinoet), og hvis det er højst usandsynligt, vil du anbefale mig at indgive en klage?
Tak og med venlig hilsen,
I have a DuckyLuck Casino account, which is in GBP (British Pounds).
I made a withdrawal of £804.01. Yesterday (on 19. July at 18:56 British Time) I received 0.01333251 BTC. At that time it equalled just below £700 based on Coingecko. Therefore, there is still approx. £100 missing from the withdrawal.
I contacted the casino and asked if they could check the amount and they replied that the withdrawal was correct and sent me a link to blockchair.com, which shows the amount sent in USD, being 890.45 USD. Basd on conversion the USD amount is approx. £690, still about £115 less than my withdrawal.
I contacted the casino again and received a reply that they have no control on BTC price fluctuations and third party fees and that the amount sent was correct. When I check 24-hour BTC prices, even if they counted the highest recorded price of BTC on that day, being £52177.51 per Coingecko, that would equal £695.66, a difference of only £5. Regarding any third party fees, my crypto Exchange (OKX) doesn't charge any fees when receiving Crypto.
Based on this, the only explanation would be if a payment provider of DuckyLuck charged approximately £115 fee and this was subtracted from my withdrawal. This fee, however, seems unusually high. In the past there was sometimes a difference of £5-£10 maximum.
Therefore, I would like to ask what you think about this issue. Is such a high fee possible with the casinos payment provider (not being on my side, but on the side of the casino) and if it's highly unlikely, would you recommend me to launch a complaint?
Thank you and best regards,
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