Hej Peter og hej jelder2189 ,
Tak fordi du sendte os oplysningerne.
Efter at have gennemgået kontoen, bemærkede vi, at spilleren benyttede sig af en kampagne, hvor det maksimale udbetalingsbeløb var $250. Spilleren blev informeret om dette under chatsamtalen med Aryan, hvor det blev forklaret, at beløbet på $1424,78 ikke ville være en del af udbetalingen på grund af den maksimale udbetaling på $250.
Inden spilleren accepterer bonussen, beder systemet spilleren om at sørge for at læse vilkår og betingelser for bonussen, som i dette tilfælde specificerede, at det maksimale udbetalingsbeløb var $250. Det forklarer også, at eventuelle andre gevinster fra disse kampagner ikke vil være gyldige.
Spilleren fik tilsendt $250-udbetalingen, som hun vandt fra denne kampagne. Ja, de resterende gevinster er blevet fjernet, da det er en del af vilkårene og betingelserne.
Vi håber, at dette forklarer situationen yderligere.
Med venlig hilsen
Customer Engagement Coordinator
Hi Peter and hi jelder2189,
Thank you for sending us the information.
After reviewing the account, we noticed that the player took advantage of a promotion for which the maximum withdrawal amount was $250. The player was informed of this during the chat conversation with Aryan where it was explained that the amount of $1424.78 was not going to be a part of the withdrawal due to the maximum cashout of $250.
Before the player accepts the bonus, the system asks the player to make sure to read the Terms and Conditions for the bonus, which in this case, specified that the maximum amount withdrawal amount was $250. It also explains that any other winnings from these promotion would not be valid.
The player was sent the $250 withdrawal that she won from this promotion. Yes, the remaining winnings have been removed as that is part of the Terms and Conditions.
We hope that this explains the situation further.
Customer Engagement Coordinator
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