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Gamalyze – generel debat

1 måned siden af mauroalgisi
2.185 visninger 32 svar |
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1 måned siden
Er det et godt spil? Har du sikret dig en stor gevinst? Er du løbet ind i et teknisk problem? Her kan du debattere alt, hvad der er relateret til Gamalyze.
1 måned siden

Godmorgen, jeg vil sige, at jeg sammenligner det med slots, at spille tilfældigt, typisk for mange spillere, hører ikke til min spillestil, meget begrundet og forsigtigt!!

Redigeret af forfatter 1 måned siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

And what slots are in your style? What doesn't suit you about this one?😀

1 måned siden


1 måned siden

Hej, det er en ubrugelig test, for mig er det at spille i mørke, hvad vil du have en spiller til at gøre uden nogen reference, tilfældigt vende kortene til hvad? Jeg anbefaler i stedet at udgive et casinospil med en indsats på omkring 2000 chips, og se hvem der kan tjene uden at gå til nul!! Dette er et værktøj til at forstå, hvem der er en moderat spiller, eller en tvangsspiller, afhængig af gambling!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden


1 måned siden

Dette er virkelig et fantastisk spil, du kan vinde meget, det kan bestemt anbefales til alle

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Hej, det er en ubrugelig test, for mig er det at spille i mørke, hvad vil du have en spiller til at gøre uden nogen reference, tilfældigt vende kortene til hvad? Jeg anbefaler i stedet at udgive et casinospil med en indsats på omkring 2000 chips, og se hvem der kan tjene uden at gå til nul!! Dette er et værktøj til at forstå, hvem der er en moderat spiller, eller en tvangsspiller, afhængig af gambling!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

It is a game that is part of "safer gambling week" players have the opportunity to try and find out what type of player they are, so if you find this test useless, that's fine. I have seen many players who are of the opposite opinion and enjoy something like this. Views can differ and if you know yourself and your playstyle then it's probably ok if you don't need to know again.🙂

1 måned siden


1 måned siden

Is that the score you ended up with? Did you learn anything useful?🙂

1 måned siden

Dette er virkelig et fantastisk spil, du kan vinde meget, det kan bestemt anbefales til alle

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Hi, what did you manage to upload when you turned over all the cards?😀

1 måned siden

Hi all,

We are running this game as a way to educate about the risks of gambling and foster safer behaviour.

The game analyses your behaviour based on your reaction to losses and wins and your focus on either of the packs, as they are different and offer different potential gains and losses. There is another thread for this game: https://casino.guru/forum/responsible-gambling/play-free-simple-card-game-to-test-your-gambling-style.

Your goal is to end the game with as much money as possible. Similarly as when you risk your own money. Based on how much you end up with will tell you how good you were compared with others.


What I find more interesting is the following page, which will tell you more about your gambling style. Like it or not, gambling activates processes in your brain that influence your "logical" thinking. You deal with impulses thanks to the reward system (release of dopamine) in your brain. It makes people follow particular behaviour patterns. If you become aware of these patterns, it is easier to control your behaviour, thus decreasing the negative impact of gambling.


I hope you will enjoy it.

1 måned siden

Hej, dette er min tanke, som jeg finder meget nyttig i dette spil: Tilfældighed er i sagens natur uforudsigelig. Intet værktøj, ingen algoritme eller system kan forudsige udfaldet af tilfældige begivenheder som dem i hasardspil. Vores sind er imidlertid disponeret for at lede efter mønstre, selv når der ikke er nogen, og det får os til at falde ind i den illusion, at det er muligt at "kontrollere" eller "forudsige" tilfældigheder. Pareidolia er et stærkt fænomen, men i forbindelse med gambling giver det os ikke nogen reel fordel. Det tjener snarere som et værktøj til at holde spillere fanget i gamblingcyklussen, give næring til falske forhåbninger og fremme en industri bygget på illusionen om kontrol.

At være opmærksom på pareidolia og dens effekt på gambling kan derfor hjælpe med at opretholde en mere rationel og løsrevet tilgang, så man undgår at falde i fælden med at lede efter mønstre, hvor de ikke eksisterer.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Thank you for this expertise. We appreciate it.

Did you try the game yourself here?

1 måned siden

Hej, ja, jeg prøvede det flere gange, med score varierende fra 2850 til 3270, score lavet med den forsigtige spillers logik. Det betyder ikke, at jeg var god eller heldig, men jeg følger tankerne om AI-intelligensen, skabt af mennesker!!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

That's a meaningful observation, and the (so-called) gamblers fallacy has been affecting the stimulus to gamble from its inception. Feeling that after three reds in a roulette, it must come black has made countless people lose when they felt so assured.

Even though the game's outcome is random, the number of different possible outcomes is limited. For example, there are three possible outcomes for colour in roulette (red, black, zero). This principle applies to most games and is vital for the long-term profitability of the house (casino, bookie, etc.)

Gamalyze is structured similarly, with the distinction that each deck has a (slightly) different set of outcomes. One gives slightly higher wins but has a chance for a significant loss; the other might be more conservative, with smaller wins and smaller losses. The reactions to the outcomes (losses and wins) and changes in decks choosing are the baseline of this risk calculation.

It is not perfect, and the perception of results can be subjective. It is also challenging to eliminate the bias when playing the game, especially if you are playing it multiple times. At the end of the day, the intention is to consider how you gamble to enhance control in the future.

1 måned siden

Hi, yes I tried it several times, with scores varying from2000 to , scores2280 made with the logic of the cautious player. I was good or lucky,

1 måned siden

filefileHi, yes I tried it several times, with scores varying from 2280I was good or lucky,

1 måned siden

Hello my friends and the best bunch of people I talk to, yes I try this game I played it twice it's like any other slots it got me up there and the last 5 hits it brought me down that's why when you play a slot game it gets you up then it bring you down,that why you got to get out when you hit big and move on to another game but people don't think like that they think it's gonna hit them big "WRONG" lol MOVE ON TO ANOTHER GAME💯, 👀always try new games and when you hit good get out move on 😁 😜,and that's what I think is a good strategy.

1 måned siden

It really is an interesting strategy.

1 måned siden

Yes it is

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