HjemForumAnsvarligt spilAutoescluso all’AAMS IT

Autoescluso all’AAMS IT

2 år siden af Pierrgg
4.726 visninger 2 svar |
2 år siden

Godaften alle sammen, jeg er virkelig ked af det, det er omkring en måned eller mere, at jeg er selvudelukket efter at have indset, at jeg har et problem.

På trods af alt åbnede jeg andre spillekonti i slægtninges navn, der brugte mine kort i mit navn til indbetalinger, som sædvanlig mistede jeg alt.

Jeg er virkelig i store vanskeligheder, jeg ved, at jeg har overtrådt T & C'erne, men jeg tror måske også, at jeg ikke er blevet beskyttet i gentagne indskud i mit navn.

Jeg ville vide, om der var en måde at inddrive de penge, der var tabt på grund af mit problem, og om der var mulighed for at kunne lukke alle de konti, som jeg har åbnet i min families navn med dokumentation.

Jeg tog fejl, jeg ved, og jeg har det dårligt med det, men selvudelukkelse burde hjælpe dig til ikke at spille, og det tager ikke lang tid at spille igen med de samme betalingsmetoder, som jeg brugte før. Måske endda på de samme steder.

hvis nogen tror de kan hjælpe mig er de velkomne, mange tak.

Jeg indser, at jeg ikke længere har kontrol over noget som helst.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Hey Pierrgg,

Sorry to hear about this. I know the position that you find yourself in. Many times I have been in the same situation.

The main thing is that you can say that you have a problem. This is day 1.

The days after this are difficult, but with time and space away from gambling the days do get better.

I will be honest and straight with you. The money that you lost in all the different persons account, you can’t get back. The thing that you need to focus on is yourself. Don’t try to convince yourself that you can get this money back. It is gone.

The most important thing is to block all the accounts and go from there.

I did an interview with Simon V. Maybe if you read it then you can see that you are not the only one who has been in the position that you find yourself in right now.

Go to the responsible gambling section of this forum and there are many things there that could help you in this difficult time.

Reach out if you need to talk more.

Keep strong.


2 år siden

Hi Piergg,

I am sorry to hear about your experience, but unfortunately, your case is quite common. As Charlie states, the first most important thing now is realizing that you have a problem (that's done), and the second is what you are going to do about it. (that's the harder part) It is the only way out, and you might find inspiration in the interview mentioned.

Besides that, I would recommend doing some research on what is happening with you and what can be done. Ideally, talk with someone who is able to provide you with guidance. You will find much important information on the Gambling Therapy website, and you can also talk with their professional operators. On top of that, you can find localized help in our database of help centers.

Did you self-exclude on the Italian national self-exclusion scheme? You should do it asap: https://www.adm.gov.it/portale/en/autoesclusione-dal-gioco-a-distanza-giochi

On top of that, I want to underline that playing with fake personal details and violating T&C does not pay off! You will be feeding your negative habit and losing money, and even if you win, you will most probably be requested a KYC, which you will fail, and your winnings will be voided.

Hold tight,


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