HjemForumAnsvarligt spilCan’t stop gambling??

Can’t stop gambling??

 af Charlie_Manchester
30.263 visninger 81 svar |
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How many of you guys are struggling to stop gambling?

Feel free to contact me if you need some support.

I try to stop since 22 years. In landbased casinos i am blocked in whole europe. Online is a big problem. As they trigger me always with sms and mails, which i cannot shut off i have 3-4 fallbacks per year. I am in therapy and i have also a legal representative for financial stuff. He then always has to fight to get the money back..... its so stupid. I dont know why i cannot stop and always try again. I should know that it makes no sense. I never payout. Never. I won 200.000 euros one time. Just to loose them the next day........ very sad



Thank you for posting on my thread.

I know the feelings that you are experiencing. It is very difficult to gain control of this disease.

You say that online is the problem and that they sms you etc.

If you self exclude from these casinos then all the marketing stops immediately.

Is this something you have tried?

Take care.



I am selfexcluded everywhere. It doesnt stop. They sell my data and its getting worse. Unfortunately the MGA dont offer a blacklist or something. I selfexcluded at khanawakee gaming comission as well as in curacao. But the operators dont care..dont forget they make the most money with addicted people

Yukon Casino Khanawakee - lukkede mig ikke ude på trods af e-mail - sådanne svindlere!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hold venligst op med at spille, det ødelægger hele dit liv, økonomisk, nervøst og MENTALT - det æder dig op indefra - og helt ærligt - jeg undværer terapi - jeg er uhelbredelig afhængig af TINGET! 😅👌 - havde engang hus - nu bor jeg på 27 m2 😨

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja. Spil er virkelig det farligste. Der er NUL spillerbeskyttelse online. Ingen steder.

Terapi gør virkelig ikke meget. Men det hjælper at klage. For så sviner du til alle operatører, og de blokerer dig alligevel, når de indser, hvem du er 😂

Automatisk oversættelse:

Nå, det er måske rigtigt, men så går "mand" derhen og leder efter andre endnu mere tvivlsomme udbydere, og så vinder du INGENTING MERE overhovedet - eller ingen udbetalinger! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hvor spiller DU???

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, SeargentSlotty, friend. I am sincerely sorry to hear about your problem and I really hope that you will eventually get rid of this addiction. Don't you have the opportunity to find another hobby that will be as exciting (and less harmful) for you as gambling?


Det er umuligt at stoppe, det æder dig indeni, først din økonomi, så dit sociale liv og så tager det din SJÆL. LG Bro

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey Josef,

It is definitely possible to stop. You need to put distance between you and the casino.

It takes many failed attempts. Trust me I know.

Take care bro.



The problem with us long term gamblers is that we are always chasing our loses😫 We think when we get some spare money that it comes to mind this time it will be different our luck must change and when we lose we are locked into the mesmerising world of slots and then gamble what we can’t afford to lose and our mental health suffers as a consequence. Last night I lost it with the very last casino I was signed up to and wrote them an abusive email to make sure they close my account with them. I have been gambling online for 5yrs now and have lost in my terms a fortune so now no more it’s time for me to 🛑 STOP!!

I wish everyone who recognises the same feelings the will power to stop the same as me and find something more useful to spend their money on


What you say is absolutely true. It has taken me over 10 years of going around in circles with this horrible addiction to finally break free.

The hardest thing is being honest and admitting that you have a problem. Once you can accept this. Then the barriers can be put in place to make it more difficult to gamble. Only then can the recovery begin.

Like I said. It is possible to beat this addiction, but it is very difficult.

Keep strong


Wow, ja jeg ved det. Det virkelig dårlige ved det er, at man virkelig gambler alt og så har man ikke engang noget at spise mere - virkelig skørt - og galskaben er også - engang var jeg meget fuld, så havde jeg på BOOK of RA - med 20 EURO niveauet en forlængelse - og du får så 300 EURO - det er næsten til at håne! 😂🙄

Automatisk oversættelse:

Som jeg allerede har beskrevet - når du er til allersidst - vil de tage din sjæl! 👀😨

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hej Slotty, hvor vandt du 200.000 EUR? Jeg kan ikke forestille mig at nogen online udbyder ville overføre dig sådan et beløb, hos de fleste udbydere skal du være glad hvis der overhovedet kommer et par 100'ere tilbage....😎

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg har stadig 85 euro til dagligvarer indtil næste fredag, og siden september 2021 har jeg desværre brændt 40.000 euro af, jeg kan ikke sove dag og nat på grund af dårlig samvittighed, jeg drukner i alkohol, det er meget slemt. Jeg har sagsøgt et par stykker, og jeg håber, at jeg får mindst en brøkdel tilbage med sagsfinansieringen. Det ødelægger dit liv, og når du ikke har noget tilbage, tager det din sjæl....😷

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yep it becomes a major mental health issue it plays on your mind when you win you think your now on a lucky streak then you lose it all. Also the ratio to win per spin is actually very poor unless you get really lucky which given my experience only happens once. I think if there was a proper investigation into these casinos and providers it would be found that are nothing more than a bunch of crooks preying on the week minded and vunrable. I know it’s our choice to give them our money but the promotional emails and media advertising permeates the mind. Also the slot I play is meant to have a 96.4 RTP and in my experience again. and something I couldn’t get into my thick head, I think it has been no more than 50%. I also don’t think that given the amount of slots there are they they have been tested each one over a million spins it’s a joke. Anyway like I said I went from £360 on a x20 £100 bonus after I had wagered £1000 down to nothing but dead spins 90% and buffering. So I wrote a very abusive email to the casino to make sure that it has now brought an end to my cycle of misery 😫🤢😡


Hvor spillede du? 😎

Automatisk oversættelse:

In my 5yrs I probably joined 100 casinos originally UK gambling commission verified, I got sick of losing thinking the casino was corrupt so Gamstop self excluded for 5yrs then went on to Curaçao based casinos same story. Such was my addiction I would soon become a VIP or a MUG!! As I know see myself🤮 The casino which will be my last the one I mentioned earlier was Goldwin.com very generous with promotional bonuses but no chance of winning £1500 deposited and one £100 win and that was on a x35 £50 bonus. The whole online gambling industry is corrupt that’s my opinion in 5yrs of gambling 🤢😡😫

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