4 dage siden
Hej folk,
Mit problem er, at jeg har et gamblingforbud i mit land og kan ikke spille her nogen steder, men desværre på kasinoer i udlandet kan jeg spille absolut. Jeg tabte en enorm mængde penge i dette kasino https://delorocasino.com/
Spørgsmålet er, om jeg kan returnere mine penge, fordi jeg virkelig har udstedt et officielt forbud mod spil i mit land.
Hello people,
My problem is that I have a gambling ban in my country and cannot play here anywhere but unfortunately in the casinos in the abroad I can play absolutely. I lost in this casino a vast amount of money https://delorocasino.com/
The question is if I can return my money back because I really have an official gambling ban document issued in my country.