HjemForumAnsvarligt spilSelvudelukkelse for hele Tyskland?

Selvudelukkelse for hele Tyskland?

1 år siden af DrSimonCem
10.141 visninger 20 svar |
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1 år siden

Dette land trods åbenlyse modsætninger; der gøres et forsøg på at centralisere internettet; grænser til skizofreni.

I modsætning til alles logik bliver der efterfølgende lavet 'pseudo' love, som har til formål pludselig at give det gratis internet en lokal karakter.

Der begås igen kendte fejl, og der trækkes grænser.

Fuldstændig sindssyge i vedhæftningen af internettets struktur, som ikke kun er på et bestemt sted, men i hele verden; i det omfang der er elektricitet til rådighed; udelukkende på grund af tilslutning af flere computere.

Intet med EU, FN, globalisering eller endda fri verdenskonkurrence!

Vi har skabt en situation i onlinekasinosektoren, hvor vi har gjort os selv ukonkurrencedygtige.

En række kasinoer har derfor enten lukket helt, blokeret tyske IP-adresser eller forsøger at bruge den latterlige tyske.

online gambling licens til at fortsætte.

Lad os være ærlige: Hvem er så dum, at de ser ud til tusindvis af velrenommerede casinoer, hvor du har beviselig dårligere chancer for at vinde, med ekstra fejlagtige spil, hvor indsatsgrænser, 5 sekunders spin-timer og mange andre justeringer ødelægger det sjove meget hurtigt?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I must say I agree with your last summarization. The local laws and limitations unintentionally lead players to casinos without German licenses. 🙁

1 år siden

Problemet er den resulterende kriminalisering. Det er svært at gennemskue, om man handler i overensstemmelse med loven.

Det er et punkt, der kan få meget alvorlige konsekvenser.

Her er hurtigst muligt en klar løsning,

en forenkling og harmonisering med international ret er nødvendig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Well, obviously.

As you can see, we in Casino Guru - namely Šimon - are working on a complex set of solutions resulting in

Global Self-exclusion Tool.


What do you say about such an initiative, I wonder?

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

I og for sig rigtig godt, at du tager initiativ.

Jeg vil gerne vide flere detaljer, måske jeg kan give et bidrag?

Venlig hilsen Simon

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Now i have seen the link you ve sended.. 😎

1 år siden

Great, I'm sure every support is appreciated. Don't hesitate to use the "get in touch" feature. 🙂

1 år siden
We have created a situation in the online casino sector in which we have made ourselves uncompetitive.

I originally missed your post about the situation in German gambling, but I'm glad I found it now. We discuss it on a regular basis with our colleagues in Casino Guru, but with players as well.

In the UK, they have a different issue where players who are blocked in all UK licensed casinos via GAMSTOP start looking for different options and then they end up playing in casinos that may don't have any license at all. They basically block themselves from the casinos that are the best and safest for them and then they play elsewhere. Only the global self-exclusion would be a solution here.

Contrary to this, the "new" German law created an absurd situation where German players are forced to play in casinos that are generally worse for them (due to the rules they need to obey) or they play in casinos that accept the German players illegally. My brain still isn't able to process the fact that someone in Germany came up with the law and the law was accepted. It really harms all the Germans who want to play casinos online.

1 år siden

Off course, in fact, a completely new authority was subsequently created from scratch.

Complete with office and administration buildings. To my knowledge, many times more office space was rented or acquired than the 'authority' has employees!

The handful of existing employees were let loose on the market without clear guidelines. The only orientation is the latest version of the more than questionable 'new German online gambling contract'

1 år siden

It's all more symbolic.

If you really wanted to do something, you would need a lot more personality.

Not to mention the surveillance technology that would be required. Instead, a couple of show trials are going on against a couple of big ex-German online casinos.

Ironically, it seems to get caught against the fairest and safest casinos. As a bad example, this should then cause all other casinos to stick to the contract.

1 år siden

Off course, in fact, a completely new authority was subsequently created from scratch.

Complete with office and administration buildings. To my knowledge, many times more office space was rented or acquired than the 'authority' has employees!

The handful of existing employees were let loose on the market without clear guidelines. The only orientation is the latest version of the more than questionable 'new German online gambling contract'

1 år siden

I suspect you are talking about the GGL, am I right? 🤔

1 år siden

It's all more symbolic.

If you really wanted to do something, you would need a lot more personality.

Not to mention the surveillance technology that would be required. Instead, a couple of show trials are going on against a couple of big ex-German online casinos.

Ironically, it seems to get caught against the fairest and safest casinos. As a bad example, this should then cause all other casinos to stick to the contract.

1 år siden

In your opinion, does a real chance of changing this (in my eyes) absurd situation come soon?

Call me a heretic, but I'm beginning to think it would be far more reasonable to ban whole gambling rather than put German players into this trap.

1 år siden

Yes its the GGL.

1 år siden

Well, not much to say from my point of view now, aside from the heretic idea 😀.

Let's see whether we are about to witness other German players interested in this topic. 🤔

1 år siden

Ja, teoretisk set kan du forbyde så meget du vil. Næsten blade

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

ikke rigtig gøre noget ved det, da der er/ikke vil være en ensartet konsensus internationalt.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

This is a strong point, I'd say.

Speaking about common goals, are you familiar with this Global Self-Exclusion Initiative?

The current task is monumental:

"While working on specific solutions for the GSES, we realized that online gambling lacks unified standards for self-exclusion. This creates a significant gap in terms of the effectiveness of self-exclusion within the industry, and within the global system as a whole. To address this issue, the next 18 months will see the Initiative focus on a collaborative project involving research and key stakeholders."

1 år siden

Ja, jeg har set på det før. Det giver helt sikkert mening for mange mennesker.

I slutningen af dagen må alle trække snoren for sig selv, hvis de kommer i problemer gennem spil, og så er det ligesom alt andet.

Dosis gør giften.

Og selvfølgelig den bedre:

Du laver dit eget held!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I'm glad you agree. Though the path to the final lap is far away, the necessity of such a tool is obvious.

I can't imagine what it's like to feel this way and to fight such a demanding battle.

Yet, I thank you for your wise words!

1 år siden

Vær venlig.. !

Jeg ønsker alle at være glade.

Lykken er ligeligt fordelt i hvert hjerte!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 2

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