HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 211)

1 år siden af kirekin
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3 måneder siden

Revolut behandler selv transaktioner for kasinoerne. Som Revolutpay eller som modtager ved kortbetalinger. Det er trist, at denne bank får en licens i forskellige lande.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 måneder siden

Is there a limit to how many charge backs you can do?

3 måneder siden

Der er ingen grænser for tilbageførsler fra kortholder, men kortudstedere VISA og Mastercard vil blive opmærksomme på et stort antal tilbageførsler og kan stille ubehagelige spørgsmål til betalingstjenesten.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 måneder siden


3 måneder siden

If you indicate the names of the sites and tell me which company they work with, I can help everyone. Please, I would like to help each other.

3 måneder siden

They have all been rejected from Revolut.

I guess I could write to bank of Lituania, but I doubt there is any point.

3 måneder siden

No but banks seem to use the amount against the consumer to reject additional ones:

Years a go this happened to me via Halifax, two chargebacks for tickets and flights which were valid, next time I had to do one for tickets Lloyds who own Halifax starting going down the whole questioning me for fraud citing that they cannot accept anymore chargebacks from me even though they were valid this was during COVID when some ticket providers kept offering vouchers which were of no use to me, luckily the ticket provider wrote to Lloyds to admit wrongdoing and then refunded directly.

As for our issues on this forum, even though there are no limits I would imagine certain providers such as Revolut are flagging internal risk/governance issues and looking for an excuse not to assist us.

Luckily in the UK we have the FOS to go to but appears others elsewhere not so fortunate.

All mine have now been processed across two companies so I would say to everyone please keep going, use the complaints process at the banks then flag FOS if not resolved, check back over the forum a few of us have been successful with the banks and if not others have had FOS side with them.

Key point don’t give up and continue to help each other on here.

3 måneder siden

Jeg er i samme situation som dig, jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg skal gøre længere, fordi de nægter mig at foretage tilbageførsler.

Hvis vi er flere, der skriver til Litauens bank, kan det føre et sted hen, hvem ved.

Vi har ikke modtaget kvitteringer eller varer, så vi burde have fuld ret til en tilbageførsel.

Har også kontaktet Mastercard i Norden men der er gået over 1 uge nu og stadig intet svar.

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 måneder siden

Ja, det skader ikke at prøve. Det værste, der sker, er, at de giver Revolut ret, men så er situationen ikke værre end før.

Kontaktede også en afdeling hos Mastercard hvor man kunne melde fejl, men ikke har fået svar i over en måned.

Har Revolut også lukket din konto?

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 måneder siden

Ja, det er præcis hvad jeg tænker!

Nej, de har ikke lukket min konto, hvilket er mærkeligt, for jeg har lavet masser af tilbageførsler siden dette startede og har vundet hver enkelt.

Men så snart jeg begyndte at lave tilbageførsel i sidste måned på de transaktioner, jeg havde tilbage, stoppede det, og de påpeger, at de i disse tilfælde ikke kan fortsætte lige pludselig.

Automatisk oversættelse:
Indlæg af Colin09 er blevet slettet
3 måneder siden

I have Grottobook ones and the show London but they were taken as euros.

They haven't replied to any of my messages and I'm nervous to do a charge back as it's on a credit card I have done some on and don't want them to close my card as I need it.

How do you know their bank is in Lithuania?

Thanks for the help in advance

3 måneder siden

Becouse Revolut reply with an email if you use their complaint form and telling you that you can contact their bank in Lithuania then they give you a link/form to complain🙂

Redigeret af forfatter 3 måneder siden
3 måneder siden

If you indicate the names of the sites and tell me which company they work with, I can help everyone. Please, I would like to help each other.

3 måneder siden

Hi there!

Perhaps it would be good to explain how you intend to help. I'm curious to know that, for example. Given the nature of this whole thread, I bet it is important to know more about your suggested role.

Do you agree?

3 måneder siden

I have had success via a casino, I can’t ngo into details here due to spy’s but if there is a telegram or discord happy to chat

3 måneder siden

Oh sent before I had x finished and sent for review obviously being policed in casinos behalf??

I have the emails I sent etc. I do have mental health issues and other factors are included but you have to tailor it to you

3 måneder siden

can I ask why the fist part of myl post was not published? I was only letting people know I had won against a casino but could not give details here??

Redigeret af forfatter 3 måneder siden
3 måneder siden


in process of doing chargeback against pixeleum and finnart.io, donbet don’t want to help deposited won more then I deposited and now that I wanted to withdraw they closed my account down. Tried email both 3rd party merchants no avail but now trying to do chargeback.

I also have same issue from bounty reels has the same issue deposited won up to 23k closed my account after wanting to withdraw but can’t find details for 3rd party merchants which took my money they are called




Any details to get in touch with these would be a massive help.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 måneder siden
3 måneder siden

Faramp = https://www.mobilum.com/en

Contact them and explain the situation and they will help with chargeback 👌

They dont do refunds directly so you still need to go via your bank, but when you have proof of the email Conversations its No problems, mobilum will tell you to do chargebacks and approve them in 2 weeks.

Redigeret af forfatter 3 måneder siden
3 måneder siden


Thank you so much for that seriously. I will try them tomrrow and start getting the ball rolling with these. Would you know any of the other 2 companies information at all.

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