HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 245)

1 år siden af kirekin
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2 måneder siden

I'm in contact with donbet now as they have admitted that they are liable and responsible for all 3rd party payment processors from start to finish.

Clearly asked them if one of their merchants was not following their terms and conditions and policy which by law if your using a 3rd party merchant they must follow the same rules and policy set out by the casino are they resonible and liable and they responded yes you are absolutely correct.

Took a while for them to admit this so just waiting for their department to get back to me now so might have some luck with the casino direct.

2 måneder siden

Jokabet’s response to my complaint arguing that they broke their own terms by allowing me to join and lose over 5k…

We kindly refer to our Terms and conditions:

4.1. The Casino accepts players only from those countries and geographic regions where online gambling is allowed by law. It is the player's sole responsibility to inquire about the existing gambling laws and regulations of the given jurisdiction before placing bets on the website.

4.2. The Casino accepts strictly adult players (the minimum age is 18) and players who have reached the age specified by the jurisdiction of the player's place of residence as eligible for online gaming. It is the player's sole responsibility to inquire about the existing laws and regulations of the given jurisdiction regarding age limitations for online gambling.

4.3. It is entirely and solely your responsibility to inquire and ensure that you do not breach laws applicable to you by participating in the games. Depositing real funds and playing for real money is subject to the laws of your country, and it is your sole responsibility to abide by your native regulations.

Additionally inform that according to our T&C which you agreed upon the registration it was clearly stated that by depositing funds to casino the customer is aware about risk of losing it.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help.

Best regards, Sharon

Casino Support Team


2 måneder siden

They must know its illegal in the Uk or they would not be disguising payments !

2 måneder siden

Im not sure why these Uk regulated payment providers like sumup are taking and allowing these payments disguised as something else ive sent several emails to them with no reply !filefilefile

2 måneder siden

They’ve declined you due to an incomplete request?

2 måneder siden

Yes but I added emails of contact so they said I have to add more details ive not got any receipts as I never got any the other ones they just declined so that I cannot raise new ones but not this one which does not make sense ive sent it to sumup and just managed to get a case ref number this time

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Yes Revolut

2 måneder siden

Is this the same bank you received your previous successful chargebacks from?

2 måneder siden

No I have never tried this one before boots

2 måneder siden

Did you ask for receipt from merchant in your email? If they’re ignoring you then surely the bank statement transaction could serve as receipt?

2 måneder siden

The casino site has not replied to one single email I sent about 15 ive gave up do you think Revolut are considering the chargeback ive not prepared anything yet

2 måneder siden

They’re not considering it, they’ve rejected it?

2 måneder siden

No they never rejected it completely i can resend this one but they want more info

2 måneder siden


Du i Sverige, hvor tror du, du kan rapportere Quickbit?

Er det Finansinspektionen eller Skattestyrelsen, du har en bedre chance hos?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Revolut er rigtig gode, de afviser alle mine tilbageførsler nu, det er lige meget hvilket firma det er, der har ikke været forskel på om det er Visa eller Mastercard, nu har jeg et digitalt Visa og flere transaktioner blev afvist igen.

"Vi har desværre ikke ret til at bestride i sager som disse" står der på alle dem, som dommen afviste.

Er så træt af Revolut lige nu 😅 det føles som om de har markeret min konto, bare fordi jeg lavede en tilbageførsel før hos disse virksomheder, men faktisk har jeg/vi det okay og burde få vores penge tilbage før eller siden.


I andre tilfælde har de nægtet tilbageførsel fra det samme firma, og så gik det pludselig i gang med nogle Luxtel, for eksempel vandt 5 tilbageførsler.


Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

respectfully, there's people with gambling problems who are trying to get their money back after being preyed on by these illegally operating casinos. i get the vibe, based on your post history, that you want to gamble, and if you lose charge back and free roll essentially, this affects the other people who have gambling issues claim their money back with the banks, i'd appreciate it if you didn't do this or ask for casinos where charge backs are successful. (The reason i believe you're doing this is you've asked for casinos that accept credit card, which would be ok for an instant charge back as it's illegal to gamble using credit cards in most countries)

2 måneder siden

Ok what did you tell them with Luxtel just it was illegal gambling site with incorrect coding ?

2 måneder siden

Nej, aldrig nævnt noget lignende, fordi jeg ved, at Revolut benægter, så snart du nævner kasinoet, lavede fejlen før og var ærlig over for dem, hvilket kun førte til, at de nægtede, og at jeg i stedet mistede pengene.

Jeg sagde, at jeg aldrig har modtaget ordrebekræftelse eller kvitteringer eller nogen varer og nævnte siden https://luxtell.eu/, hvor de hævder at sælge mobiltelefoner og tilbehør, mailede supporten til siden flere gange, og de reagerer ikke.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

Hvad skrev Revolut på dine transaktioner, der blev nægtet tilbageførsel? Tænkte jeg ville se om de svarede det samme som med mit.

Så at du havde en der blev aflyst fordi der manglede oplysninger, det sker som regel når du udfylder den forkerte dato i oplysningerne, dobbelttjekker at du har valgt den rigtige måned osv. når du udfylder alt

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 måneder siden

fileOk I resent it loaded with info I checked the date is ok will see how it goes be nice to even get one back out of the £6500 for now this is reply to the others thanks

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
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