HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 309)

1 år siden af kirekin
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4 uger siden

Exact same for me, I just wish mine were all Visa as they are easier to get through

4 uger siden

I raised a complaint to Revolut 19/11/24 it said reply should be within 15 days I just chased it up as I have not heard a thing !

Indlæg af paulmcewan05 er blevet slettet
4 uger siden

When you first raise chargebacks they do them no problem but after a few they start to look into them more as they start to get suspicious to why you are raising so many . My bank did mine fine at the start and had instant temporary refunds , now they are making me wait 45 days as I have raised chargebacks in the past and ask more in depth questions, it’s annoying .

you do realise your name and your address is in that picture 🤣 maybe you should cover that up , quite personal details for everyone to see .

4 uger siden

Same for me, Chase is a pain to get them through but probably did 4/5 refund few days later, next ones now having to wait. Barclaycard did them fairly quickly but I keep getting letters saying another 6 weeks to investigate, I am assuming as they were incorrect MCC that they have evidence to show it’s fraud from merchant or alternatively it’s a generic letter

4 uger siden

I did but the ones to payop and Falcora were funds transfer so that’s irrelevant I think

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4 uger siden

Ok mate I deleted it now its only an address not much can be done with it really.

Yes it seems to be 1st ones no hassle then next time a big hassle I might just leave it as I got more than enough raised through the bank I will have a think I might just give them this one😂

4 uger siden

Hallo, I look for help and some information about ZPDG and GAIW-DONATION. I would be great if someone could help me with the CB procedure etc. My Email pigwajanina108@gmail.com.

anbieter: 21c****o.net, curacao

Ps - I read more than 100 pages from this topic but I am lost in lots of information🙁 please help

4 uger siden

I raised a complaint to Revolut 19/11/24 it said reply should be within 15 days I just chased it up as I have not heard a thing !

4 uger siden

Revolut are absolutely horrendous - their position is that they reject everything unless you have insurmountable evidence. They reject anything that has been confirmed as you making the payment - unless you do a Goods and Services one. Even then they may refuse it.

4 uger siden

Yes hopeless tried to say the last one I raised is chargeback fraud that has now been raised to the ombudsman and they also ignored the other 4 transactions so I raised another complaint for them I raised several fraud claims as well and got receipt messages then kept getting told nothing has been raised their side then said it had but I never got any outcomes just a farce really !

Redigeret af forfatter 4 uger siden
4 uger siden

Read the other 200 pages 😊.

This thread has been going on for awhile... a lot of info on those pages.

4 uger siden


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4 uger siden

Hun, I think we all appreciate your idea but ,realistically many of us just don't have the spare funds to contribute to these law firm fees .

Also it might be a case of jurisdiction as well belive me I have looked into this . It may be the case you have to go after the actual company registered buissness as a whole say like Santeda for instance. As many of us are in so many different geo locations it will be extremely difficult to pursue unless a very good law firm takes it on and they cost .Are people prepared to take the chance risking more money on something that there is no guarantee winning in a court of law not in their country of residence as all our laws are so different. I would love to see these companies pay the price and be brought to justice like many of us but it's a high risk .The only other option I thought is to maybe start a petition and get enough people to sign once there is enough present it to the Curacao gambling licence demanding they either revoke licences, suspend ,or review .If not expose Curacao gaming license for corruption from the top for allowing this to happen by going to news papers everywhere in all countries with the petition. 🙂

4 uger siden

Promphives says that they can't refund, but if i contact my bank they can make a chargeback. The bank is Revolut, i also shared this email with revolut but then declined the chargeback after around 5 minutes.


How can it be like that?

4 uger siden

Give me your email bud I’m up for it

4 uger siden

I have had money yesterday from my chargeback just one of them so far, this is about 1 month after, still waiting on others

4 uger siden

What did the FOS say?

Was this the initial determination by an ‘investigator’ or did you refer it further for an ombudsman determination?

4 uger siden


4 uger siden

It is definitely weird how they refund some and not the others. You'd think it would all be at the same time !

4 uger siden

I just got an email from Kinghills (one of the casinos I used) asking for proof of my Gamstop registration and I think they are going to refund me 🤣

One of the dodgy merchants must have definitely told them the situation. I'll let you guys know what happens.

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