HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 367)

1 år siden af kirekin
826.776 visninger 7.116 svar |
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4 timer siden

Can I know the source or date, please? This is a very good finding!

3 timer siden

Just had a response from basswin within 13 minutes from initial email, I sent them a screen grab of my transactions and started mccs etc and they've said they're referrer it for a refund... its a good day guys.

Also shout out to the person who found the curaco legislation on mccs LEGEND!!!

3 timer siden

Can I have a copy of your text please

3 timer siden

Hi guys I have set up the new email account for everyone who wants to move forward with the complaint against Santeda bv international .

I would like someone to help me though plz as I think we are going to get alot of people on board .Is anyone up for the challenge?🫠

The email.is :


All information will be private and confidential that you send and will not be shared with any other members participating. Only myself and whoever is willing to help will have access to the email address only for sorting out collections of data and helping getting it in order to present to the relevant bodies CGB.

Anyone who wants to participate

This is what's needed

Name of casino ,user name amount owed /requested back response from casino wether it was excepted or denied

So basically if you have joined multiple santeda casinos I need each one

Oh and also your location

It may take a while but the more people we get better out chances

Let's do this 💪

3 timer siden


2 timer siden

Was the refund request successful? I had these in the past and they referred it for refund to the "relevant department" and had asked for copies of ID and the bank card.. 2 days later was told it was refused and they wouldn't budge

2 timer siden

The bank does not but Visa has terms specifically for a chargeback 12.7 for using invalid data/MCC these are bypassing gambling blocks and gambling laws, many of us are getting the chargeback raised and approved some are not and the banks as per Visa terms should be charging back. The fact is these casinos operate without a licence illegally in the UK your notes are incorrect you maybe correct for Germany but here in the UK what you are saying is wrong.

Have you spoke to any legally qualified people in the UK? Myself and cryptoG (see previous notes have) the Gambling act is there to protect the consumer, the banks although not directly liable for the money do have a duty of care to process a valid chargeback, see notes on 12.7 visa and from others say Mastercard also do incorrect MCC. I would imagine you are either someone who is bored and wants to give bad advice or works for a casino/bank.

2 timer siden

Just to add if you read the thread, many of us do not want the money back from the actual bank we just want them to follow visa/Mastercard chargeback rules and chargeback so the casinos refund. FOS on chargebacks state if there is a good reason and chargeback will succeed i.e merchants bypassing a law or gambling block then they would expect the bank to at least initiate chargeback.

2 timer siden

Jeg arbejder ikke for et kasino eller en bank. Jeg ser på sagen fra en række forskellige vinkler. Det er altid en andens skyld, men du er selv 100% perfekt.

Mange mennesker opfører sig, som om de er blevet snydt, som om deres penge bogstaveligt talt var blevet taget op af deres lommer. Dette er ikke tilfældet. Du betalte frivilligt og fik noget til gengæld (kredit). Alt andet er civilret.

Mange nævner også, at de er udelukket fra Gamstop? Så hvorfor skulle du registrere dig på et andet casino og indbetale penge? Skulle du ikke være mistænksom og spørge dig selv, hvorfor du kan registrere dig her nu? Punkt 12.7 er alt i orden, dette ville betyde, at du kan spille fra Storbritannien uden bekymringer, €1000 i dag, €3000 i overmorgen, hvis jeg ikke vinder noget, så booker jeg det tilbage.

Hvilken forbrugerbeskyttelseslov beskytter dig? Nogen må have udstedt det og repræsenteret dine interesser. Hvem gør dette? Fortæl mig venligst navnet på denne myndighed.

Du kan glæde dig over, at du ikke får konsekvenser fra politi eller anklagemyndighed. I Tyskland har politiet i et par måneder rejst sigtelser, hvor du har anklaget dig for hvidvaskning af penge og deltagelse i ulovligt spil. Husk dette, når du tager dine næste skridt. Der kan godt være en lov i dit område, der forbyder deltagelse i ulovligt spil, så er det din tur, og de penge, du taber, vil være det mindste af dine problemer.

Og jeg er en, der ligesom dig har spillet sine penge væk på ulovlige kasinoer og kun har set en brøkdel af dem igen. På et tidspunkt løber du altid hovedkulds ind i en mur og starter forfra, klamrer dig til hvert et strå og ser det som løsningen.

Det, jeg forsøger at sige, er, at hvis kasinoet, banken eller betalingstjenesteudbyderen siger nej og ikke sender dig en refusion, så vil yderligere tiltag ikke lykkes.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

Someone’s very positive lmao

2 timer siden

Nogle mennesker er måske bare i en fase med at ordne sig selv eller tage det første skridt, men det første skridt må ikke være at hente pengene, men deres egen inddrivelse, ellers går pengene tilbage, hvor de kom fra, tro mig.

Et spørgsmål til dem, der ikke har modtaget penge tilbage fra banken eller kasinoet:

Er der sket noget siden da? Har du fået en cent tilbage flere måneder senere?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

I don't think you understand the point we are all trying to make! We've all admitted we have gambling problems and there isn't the protection for us. We work hard trying to get past our problems and are all mentally drained from trying to do so. What these companies are doing is illegal , they are using different merchant codes which allow us to be able to gamble which is bypassing the banks systems. If they followed the correct MCC code , none of us would be here, it really is as simple as that. If you're going to run a company you need to follow the same law as everyone else. They are bypassing this and not having to pay extra taxes or use the correct licenses! If they followed the simple laws, we wouldn't all be wanting our money back as we wouldn't have been able to deposit. They prey on vulnerable people like myself to steal our money. They are rats and what they are doing is not moral whatsover

2 timer siden

In the UK the responsibility lies with the casino the player cannot be acting illegally by accessing it. I suggest you don’t comment on UK matters as you do not understand our laws, have you seen me make outlandish statements about other countries laws?

It is illegal for non licensed casinos to operate without a licence, Gambling Act, it is illegal for a company to take a gambling payment from a credit card, Gambling Act. They use codes to bypass this therefore illegal, does some responsibility fall on the player yes absolutely so, the difference is if we are on Gamstop or these casinos were not acting illegally then we would be stopped and couldn’t physically deposit.

1 time siden

It’s not about losing money to them it’s about not being able to withdraw the winnings.

I signed up to jokabet deposited over £1k got my balance to 4k tried to withdraw it they rejected it twice then blocked my account as Uk players are "restricted from depositing and playing at or casino" only after trying to withdraw. They didn’t give a fuck about me depositing though

1 time siden

If you take the time to read and I am not going to mention him as he doesn’t want referencing but the FOS settled in his favour.

Clearly you are on here to defend casinos, literally no one on here has said I want to defraud the bank or casino, you can also see clearly how antagonistic you are being on victim blaming people. Some of us are in much better places than others with little amounts lost/recovering better, however bear in mind some have noted they felt suicidal so you coming on making up statements on UK law and generally not being supportive is not welcome.

1 time siden

Right peeps i need some help Lloyds bank are point blank refusing to even look at the transactions Mcc miscodings I have loads of skinsonly, gamingstore and nicheworkout. I have gambling blocks on my account .told them about new laws that came in in oct but they won't even acknowledge that the casino was using a derelict building as address unlicensed ect gave all information from GCB visa 12.5 you name it i have given it .But no basically sent me a banner with information on the samritans and mental health because they are putting me under so much stress I had a panic attack .My head is lifting off me I have spent 6 days trying to sort this out via chat and it's getting to the point now I have had enough

Any advice would be great 👍

1 time siden

Jeg har sagt det flere gange før, jeg forsvarer ikke nogen. Du skal tænke ud af boksen og stille spørgsmålstegn ved dig selv.

Udtrykket svindel er ikke passende her, du betalte frivilligt uden at nogen satte en pistol for hovedet på dig. Sådan som jeg ser det er, at du kan spille i Storbritannien uden risiko, og du leder efter en anden at bebrejde din forseelse. Bank, VISA eller Mastercard.

Du undgår dog mine spørgsmål, og jeg har aldrig fået svar fra dig.

Spørgsmål 1:

Hvorfor registrerer du dig på et casino og finder ud af, at du kan indbetale og spille, når du faktisk er banned overalt? (Spilleafhængighed tæller ikke som et svar)

Spørgsmål 2:

Hvilken lov beskytter dig?

Spørgsmål 3:

Hvilken myndighed beskytter dig? Hvis der er en lov, der beskytter dig, skal der så være en beskytter for det? Hvor er beskytteren?

Spørgsmål 4:

Har protektoren (uden ombudsmanden) nogensinde hjulpet nogen?

Jeg går ud fra ikke! For I er alle blevet forladt af jeres regering og er overladt til jer selv!

Redigeret af forfatter 1 time siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 time siden

Mention the casino wouldn’t let you withdraw your winnings and closed your account. Worked for me

1 time siden

Q1 - Addiction that is a valid answer

Q2 - Gambling Act

Q3 - UK government

Q4 - Yes search on here you will see a few cases referenced.

I won’t be responding to you again as you clearly don’t need help on chargebacks or bank complaints.

1 time siden

Just ignore him mate.

definitely works for the casinos or the fake merchants

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