HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 369)

1 år siden af kirekin
828.887 visninger 7.142 svar |
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4 timer siden

I'm thinking the same, pretty sure the user you're thinking of is Katze or something of the sort

3 timer siden


3 timer siden

Did anyone managed to get a refund from Ari10 lately?

3 timer siden

Yeah i read a message and a half and immediately thought it was them, pretty sure they got banned before for rubbing multiple people the wrong way. Seemed to have no interest in helping people or being productive.

4 timer siden

Reglerne er blevet revideret, men er korruption blevet bekæmpet?

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 timer siden

Too early to tell, we will have to wait and see how it plays out still very early days .

3 timer siden

Not sure hun, haven't heard or read anything but i may have missed something .

3 timer siden

i have seen in this thread that someone got refunds from them. Contacted them, refused to refund. I have over 3000£ with them.

3 timer siden

Nu er det noget af et statement.

Jeg mener dig ikke noget, jeg stiller bare en masse spørgsmål. Jeg vil også fortælle dig, at der altid er to sider af en mønt, og du skal altid se på tingene fra to perspektiver.

Du har tunnelsyn, der kun ser lige ud; alt andet er spærret ude, og det kan være farligt.

I Tyskland er det i øjeblikket sådan, at spillere, der har modtaget penge, skal betale dem tilbage til casinoet. Kasinoet har sagsøgt spilleren!

Tingene kan hurtigt gå den anden vej.


Den juridiske situation er normalt den samme, eller der er små forskelle. Ud over civilloven er der normalt også en lov om betalingstjenesteudbydere, som er obligatorisk for banker. Banker kan afvise en tilbageførsel på grund af sidstnævnte, fordi banken har opfyldt sin forpligtelse.

Spørg om retsgrundlaget for afslaget og angiv, at bankens interne retningslinjer ikke accepteres som svar

Vilkår og betingelser for kasinoerne:

Ikke gyldig, fordi der ikke har fundet nogen juridisk transaktion sted, der er ingen vilkår og betingelser for ulovlige tjenester, uanset om vilkårene og betingelserne er aftalt eller ej, simpelthen ikke gyldige, fordi loven har forrang. Kasinoerne er dog ikke ligeglade med loven

Tilbageførsel af bankoverførsler:

Ikke muligt. Kun muligt med modtagerens samtykke, omkostninger på €10-15,00 pr. transaktion. Så hvis du har 100 transaktioner, vil du sandsynligvis ende med at miste €1000,00, hvis forhandleren siger nej.


Rapportér løbende til FCA med tilføjelse af beviser. Dette giver banker mulighed for at blokere betalingstjenester, gælder for kort og overførsel


Installer Gamban, så du ikke længere kan få adgang til et casino-websted


Fortryd midlertidigt, brug kun kortet til at hæve penge i pengeautomater. Eller overlad din netbank til en ven, der kender til din afhængighed. Så du aldrig bliver fristet igen

Automatisk oversættelse:
3 timer siden

Have you any evidence for that example cause I thing it's big lie.. the illegal casino sued the player I'd love to see the evidence

3 timer siden

The way I see it it's the internet and given the amount of casinos there are on it you have to know something is up. If you have deposited a lot of money, gambled it and lost that's tough luck that's what your paying for, you know the risks. If you choose to open an account with a casino that's not licensed in your country with their laws that can be enforced by them with fines and closures because you GameStopped your self. Then you come on here and see a discussion stating incorrect merchant codes and you all think you should get your money back.

I'm GameStop 5yrs and new the risks I could see my deposit transactions going to Nigeria Russia and other places but carried on. I lost a lot of money mostly because I think the. slot providers are corrupt using AI learn your betting pattern technology and the RTP going down the more you play so stopped, I don't even trust UK casinos as the reason I GameStop was because the process was always the same= win at first then it gets worse.

But good luck to you if you get your deposits back think again about gambling it away 😭

I did one charge back for £390 deposits at Ninewin, the reason being I won £2000 and the refused to pay because of clause 4.2 in their terms and conditions which makes any player illegal from the UK to play for real money. I was verified by them passport bank statement and phone number. I told revolut what had happened and they got my deposits back. A fair case for using charge back

2 timer siden

https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000233172/warum-vielen-gluecksgamern-nun- Klages-von-onlinekasinos-drohen-koennten

Var Østrig ikke Tyskland, undskyld. Men loven i Østrig er den samme som i Tyskland

Og angående ulovligt spil og politianmeldelse (anmeldelse til politiet foretages af alle banker) kan du selv søge på Google.

Hvem lyver?

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

Jeg vil gerne have svar på følgende spørgsmål:

Når du registrerer dig på et casino, ved du ikke, at det er et ulovligt casino, vel? Eller hvordan finder man ud af det?

Redigeret af forfatter 2 timer siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

Good article but that 100% won’t happen in the UK we have the gambling act and not ruled by some tin pot dictatorship like the EU

2 timer siden

First of all, the article you are referring to discusses a single case out of the thousands that occur. The casino in question requested a police report related to the winnings, which is an isolated incident. As far as I know, there has never been any case where a bank has asked for a police report in such a context. It's important to avoid generalizing such isolated incidents, as they don't represent the wider reality. We should refrain from spreading misconceptions or creating unnecessary panic

2 timer siden

Jeg kunne poste 10-15 links her fra et andet forum, hvor spillere blev anmeldt af banken for ulovligt spil i Tyskland. Bankerne har rejst tiltale til politiet for hvidvask og ulovligt spil. I øvrigt er spillere blevet anmeldt af bankerne i flere år.

Jeg vækker ikke unødig panik, jeg taler sandt, ligesom kendte tyske advokater i øjeblikket udsender stigende advarsler om ikke at kommentere sådanne kriminelle anklager.

@ Moderatorer her i forummet: Kan jeg sende linksene?

Hvis det er ok, lægger jeg linkene op.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 timer siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

Casinos have caused significant harm, destroying countless lives due to gambling addiction. This issue affects individuals and families alike, leading to severe financial, emotional, and social consequences  gambling establishments are designed to exploit human vulnerabilities, using sophisticated psychological techniques to encourage excessive play  blaming solely the individual while ignoring the systemic exploitation by the industry is neither fair nor productive. Both the operators and the regulatory frameworks have a duty to mitigate harm and protect those who are most vulnerable.

2 timer siden

I har frigjort jer fra diktaturet 😉

De strafferetlige anklager er baseret på lokal lovgivning. EU-retten gælder ikke rigtig her 😉 Jeg er kun klar over de mulige konsekvenser af disse indlæg 😉

Redigeret af forfatter 2 timer siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 timer siden

In the UK I’m not saying they wouldn’t try but they would have to admit to breaking the law, as previously stated it’s the operators who are held to account/at fault here not the player. Now if the player was using stolen funds or cheating the actual game then that’s a different story but an unlicensed operator bypassing the system themselves are like my not get involved. The banks could investigate for fraud but again the "fraud" wouldn’t be against the bank so I very much doubt they would pursue/even be able to. I work in the financial industry and if the banks are not at a loss then the chances are they would claim civil matter between merchant and player.

2 timer siden

Also this should allay any scaremongering going on for the UK based players.

2 timer siden

Do you realize that if casinos were operating legally and didn’t use tactics to bypass banking restrictions, all the individuals who have self-excluded from gambling wouldn’t be able to play?

2 timer siden

I'm not saying illegal all claim to have licenses in Curacao Malta Cyprus and such like. If you join a casino deposit low withdraw low and build trust making sure you get paid. I have been playing online for 10 years more fool me, and know the reason why I gamble 😭 but have now decided to 🛑 the reason being not the casinos the providers are using corrupt technology that scripts your wins and loses. The more you play the less a slot will pay. Pragmatic Playngo Netent and Bgaming are criminals. Think of it logically 99% of slots are rubbish and there's 1000s of them. The main players slots and table games defy odds in terms of losing and dead spins and when you win free spins they pay enough to carry on not to cash out. My advice is if you have to play slots online deposit low cash out low you will still lose in the long run, I wish I'd followed my own advice sooner.

I've decided if I gamble again I will go to a real casino where I can have a meal a drink and play. If I win happy days but gambling online for someone like me is to easy because I get bored being retired and having too much time on my hands. I have paid the price big style and if I charged back every wrong merchant codes I would get thousands back if I won but because I played I decided I was the foolish one 😭🤬

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