HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 378)

1 år siden af kirekin
868.670 visninger 7.327 svar |
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18 timer siden

Hello can you help me how to get refund

from ari10 transactions. 🙂

15 timer siden

Don't forget about the group folks,if you want to join


For those who don't know,we are coming together as a collective to bring as many people as possible with complaints against casinos under the Santandea group .we have all had issues with some casino under their umbrella.

By coming together and presenting the case to the CGB they may take more notice and likely to act due to the number of complaints. It's worth a shot .

All you need to do is send


Casino /username and roughly amount owed

All information will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with any other members

Also for the nice person who sent me the email saying I am trying to scam people for money .Not once have I mentioned money or payment for doing this .Just to be crystal clear I do not require or will not ask for payment further down the line either .I am doing this as I am in same boat as many others and I want to see if we can get something done as a group and that's it .

2 dage siden

Hmm good point someone mentioned to me that a casino was flip flopping .I don't think even casino knew where it's licence was or it tripped it self up and got caught out in a email lol.

14 timer siden


I get it. Well, one has to have his wits about to keep up 😀

14 timer siden

What casinos are under this group please ?

2 dage siden


Kan du fortælle mig, om curacao egaming stadig er operationelt, eller om ændringerne til curacao har taget deres vejafgift?


Automatisk oversættelse:
14 timer siden

Hi, we've colleted that:

While Curaçao eGaming no longer offers licenses to online gaming operators, the former regulator now offers Accreditation Services. These services include assistance with GCB license applications, business structuring, and forms and documentation updates. Operators that become accredited can display a new Accreditation Seal demonstrating their dedication to compliance and best practices.

14 timer siden

Hej. Jeg har spillet på dette casino i en del måneder og begyndte at få problemer med en udbyder, der hedder 3 oaks. De holdt turneringer, og da de sluttede, samlede jeg aldrig deres præmier. Jeg tabte pengene, fordi jeg på det tidspunkt ikke tog nogen skærmbilleder eller noget, og jeg mistede beløb på 200, 160, 1500 og nogle flere. Automatisk når turneringen sluttede, da jeg gik ind i spillet, fortalte den mig sin position, og dens gevinster er x. Jeg trykkede på accept, og den sendte mig automatisk ud af siden og lod mig ikke længere komme ind i spillet. Faktum er, at fra det øjeblik begyndte jeg at fange alt for at have beviser, og i den sidste turnering vandt jeg 10 tusind, fordi jeg fik 1. pladsen. Nå, det er over en måned siden nu. Jeg hævder det hver dag, og de giver mig ikke noget svar. Og det skylder de mig ikke, de skylder mig mere, fordi spillene aldrig betalte mig. Men nu har jeg beviser for alt. Hvad gør jeg?

Automatisk oversættelse:
14 timer siden

Mystake, goldenbet, donbet,volbet,rolletto,cosmobet to name a few if anyone else can add as I have found that Companies under oxyion development Ltd have now been bought out by Santeda also

13 timer siden

Hvilken e-mail skal jeg sende den til?

Automatisk oversættelse:
13 timer siden


13 timer siden

Is it 3 oaks.com? I have just looked at their licence if it is the correct website ,and it is licensed in the UK.

So you have a little protection .If you have all the evidence ,go back to the casino and produce the evidence , also its advisable to read up on the ukgl laws to help you with your case.If you get no resolution they must provide you with a final decision letter after exhausting all avenues available via their customer complaints procedure. If no resolution can be reached ask for a GDPR request on all game play transactions and account so you can x ref .Also ask for reference code so you can pursue a case against them. With the ADR .

File a complaint with a ADR

Once that's done still no resolve then report to UKGL

But be advised the ukgl authorities can not impose the casinos refund players .They are just there to make sure they adhere to it .

Indlæg af Applesandpears93 er blevet slettet
10 timer siden

I’m looking for anyone with experience with NatWest or Virgin Money Disputes, please reply.

10 timer siden

I've been successful with virgin money

10 timer siden

Hi mate is there’s somewhere I can talk with u?

Indlæg af rink58 er blevet slettet
9 timer siden

Mange tak.

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 timer siden

Some info for those using Chase bank - Chase Bank classifies gambling charges as cash withdrawals, making it nearly impossible to charge back.

This is why I would recommend goods/services not received.

8 timer siden

Hej alle sammen, jeg er også i samme situation.

Jeg havde en spilleblok aktiveret på min Revolut-app

Men Luckywins casino formåede at starte push-meddelelsen

Kortdebitering på €300 og €400 for et TopUp.com-firma og endda en debitering på €200, der skulle have været på mit kort fra min Revolut-app, vises som en overførsel foretaget af mig i Strukins navn.

De brød faktisk loven ved at foretage en bankoverførsel i mit navn.

Jeg har sendt e-mails til TopUp.com, men de genkender ikke transaktionen, og Revolut nægter at fortsætte.

Giv mig lidt hjælp, I er de eneste tilbage til mig

Automatisk oversættelse:
8 timer siden

Hey who do u bank with? I'm going through a similar situation with natwest. I raised 50 chargebacks under goods not recd and said in the info issue with good and service and service not received. I added in the notes it was wrong mcc codes. I've had 32 emails saying they are issuing temporary refunds and today I've had over 500 in refunds come in - HOWEVER these are not from the bank these are from merchants which the bank confirmed today. I then spoke to the disputesz team who said all the chargebacks have been cancelled as they contacted the merchants bank and they said it was done by transfer the agent explained it like it was done on an international payment like western union so I can't get a chargeback. I've not had an official correspondence from the bank by email about this yet and I'm just so confused. They're now saying I should go through the scam route. Can someone please give me some ideas and suggestions and im so stuck now on what to do!!! What do I do next

8 timer siden

Me too, look at my last comment bud

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