HjemForumAnsvarligt spilQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (side 63)

1 år siden af kirekin
1.173.861 visninger 9.692 svar |
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9 måneder siden

They are owned by Elegro I think it's their UK subsidiary.. been quite difficult in the replies but have agreed to 'investigate'

9 måneder siden

So on banktransaktion i have to look after azure

9 måneder siden

Tjek din bankkonto! De begyndte at hæve penge fra min konto i dag!


Og modtog en sms fra banken


Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

2 hævninger for i alt ~1700 SEK, sagde han fra banken, at nogen har tanket bilen i Philadelphia den 22.05.

Jeg brugte kun kortet på Ica eller andre stationære butikker, men ikke online, især ikke på kasinoet længere.

Redigeret af forfatter 9 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Heldigvis var det 1700 og ikke 17.000

Men dette viser, hvad og hvem vi har med at gøre.

Problematisk det tager 90 dage for banken at foretage en tilbageførsel

Automatisk oversættelse:
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

Jeg leder også efter MyDates & Grotobook

Hvis du finder det, så skriv venligst kontaktoplysninger.

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Kan du hjælpe mig?

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden

Jeg skrev til Elegro for en uge siden, men modtog intet svar

Jeg leder også efter Stickers London.

Trods intensiv research har jeg ikke fundet noget om dette

Automatisk oversættelse:
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden


gtf out you scammer trash.

Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

Oh I'm sorry for calling out your scam.

Please leave and take your scams somewhere else.

Since you can't provide any real information about your special superduperskills = scam. There's nothing you can do.

It's just a scam, get people to contact you, a scenario like this or similar, someone is asking you for help, they are desperate, you asking them how much in deposits are we talking about etc, oh it will cost you 10% of it and I need to get paid before etc etc. Just get out please.

You are an obvious scam.

Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

There is still nothing you can do, no matter what you say.

Do you know all the shell company merchants in this thread?

Do you know all the payment processors/payment gateways/aquiring banks used by the people in this thread?

You don't, so stop it. There is literally nothing you can do, no more than anyone else have done already, for free.

There is 0 shred of evidence that you can do anything, anything except scamming gambling addicts desperate for a refunds.

Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

Stop it, there are no other means.

It's either merchant, casino, payment processor, or acquiring bank and you can't do anything about those. These are the only actors involved. Unless you own Visa and MasterCard and are sitting there clicking refunds lol.

My god, please go scam someone else.

Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

Anyone who reads this would better off not contacting this person.

It speaks for itself, no matter what he claims, there's nothing he can do.

Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden
Indlæg af Refundnow Skjult af Radka
Årsag: breaching community policies
9 måneder siden

Oh, I received several refunds.

You still have no proof. And if you did, you would talk about it.

The way it sounds, it's only you who can do it, so then it would not be a problem for you to tell us about it.

I thought you were done responding and defending your scam?

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