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træt af at miste

 af roberta81
42.425 visninger 113 svar |
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Jeg er træt af at miste hver aften .. JEG FORSTÅR, AT IKKE MERE ET ØJeblikk af fritid efter en arbejdsdag .. OG BARE AT AT OPGIVE EFTER MEGET MONTERET PENGE IKKE TIL MIG .. HJÆLP MIG AT VIL Nogen der laver en rapport .. tak

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, if you're tired of losing every evening, why do you keep playing? If it's difficult for you to stop, then I suppose you can set loss limits in most of casinos so you won't be allowed to play after you lose certain amount or you can even self-exclude yourself from the casino. You can also ask the customer support to close your account.

If it's frustrating for you to keep playing, then I'd say it's simply better to stop playing.


Jeg taber også

Automatisk oversættelse:

Når du vælger et online casino, råder jeg dig til at være opmærksom på casinoer uden indskudsbonusser, så kan du spille uden at tabe en masse penge

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tab er uundgåelig i denne branche, men du skal være forberedt. Invester ikke alt og afsæt altid din fortjeneste for at give mening!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Tjener nogen meget?

Automatisk oversættelse:

While playing slots or any other gambling you are not prevented from losing! Actually, even if you have a huge lose streak be sure it would be a huge win streak! Just don't get tilted and everything would be fine!

That's what I am trying to point out to some of my friends. They are insisting that I can earn well while playing this but I couldn't imagine myself losing a lot of money but I don't have any security if I can win in the next game. I am just started with this betting things but I am more becoming afraid to continue because I just don't want to lose all the money that I once saved for my future. Does anyone from you could recommend any tips how to be good in this stuff. I just registered in one of a betting platform that introduce by my friend Red, and I am eager to know if it's really worth it. I am afraid of losing.


Hmm this is to answer the first question on how to stop losing.

I’ll start with the wiser group of options.

-       The first obvious answer is to call the gambling hotline the Casino Guru team has provided or find out what is the problem gambling hotline in your country and talk to them.

-       The second option is to find another hobby something you find interesting that can fill the hours without taking away too much money. Playing the Witcher 3 for 2000 hours isn’t a waste of time in my opinion when you consider alternative of online gambling.

-       Third option is to find something else that can make you money on the side with a much lower risk like either stock investments or property investment. Spending the extra hours you have after work to look at investments is pretty good usage of time in my opinion.

The second group of options is risker and less wise.

-       Learn how to play the games well enough to minimize loses.

o  Let’s take blackjack for example. You play a perfect basic strategy from the strategy cards given in so many sites like Wizards of Odds. Break up the money you plan to play with into 100 – 200 betting units and only play minimum amount for the rest of your play sessions. With a house edge of .007% if you plan to play 100 Euro you should lost about 1 – 8 euro per night of playing if you just break them down into 100 Betting Units.

-       Teach yourself to get better at the game

o  Understand the mathematics involved with the game. I don’t just mean RTP but also volatility of the game and variance.

o  Also learn to observe and take notes on the games you are playing. Take slots for instance, write down how many spins did it take before you got a payout. Write down how much was the payout when you hit it.

o  Experiment with different betting units and write down the results. What is the results when using a different betting strategy like Martingale or Oscar’s Grind make any difference in your overall win loss.

o  Learn the Legal and I am very serious about this when I say Legal gaming strategies involved for each game. Like the many counting systems for blackjack, how to take advantage of the loyalty point systems involved with each different online casino. Learn how to play perfect strategy for Video poker etc etc etc. There are hundreds of resources you can find online.

o  One added advantage of teaching yourself to be better at the games is at least your not just putting money on the table all the time and you can minimize your loss that way. 

Same. Tho it helps from what I'm using as a sports trading platform. they stop loss and limit win functions to limit exposure and to exit positions at opportune time. On a more safer way, they guarantee stop function to put an absolute limit to downside risks, eliminating slippage. So, I can say sometimes it's balanced and well I'm well secured with them.


Jeg foretrækker stadig onlinespil, og det er en skam, at de som dette endnu ikke er tilgængelige for at spille på Internettet. Jeg vil meget gerne føje dem til min hjemmeside.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I think the smartest way to stop losing is to take a break and spend some time with your loved ones until you can collect enough money to get back in the game. Losing streaks can run for a long time but you can save yourself by not putting your money on the game during this time. I can feel it is frustrating and is affecting your health. Use this time to learn some good strategies and take care of yourself.


Hej Roberta! Jeg har spillet i lang tid, og virkelig er der ingen gevinster. Hvis du vinder i dag, i morgen mistede jeg alt og lidt mere, eller hvis du taber og taber, vinder du noget ... Derfor er kasinoer i mit land er forbudt "Games of Bad luck", i 4 år har jeg aldrig haft en supergevinst, og jeg tabte en masse penge.! Så ... Jeg anbefaler STOP, hvis du er ny på kasinoer, fordi det bliver en afhængighed. Jeg har selv spillet meget mere, end jeg kunne, jeg brugte mange gange uden penge derhjemme .... Så stop mens n bliver mere seriøs! Klemmer

Automatisk oversættelse:

Jeg kan fortælle fra mig selv, hvor det er bedre at dreje. Jeg ved allerede fra mig selv, at du har brug for at blive fortrolig med oplysningerne om gode bookmakere, de vil ikke længere være en fjols, og der, med en kompetent tilgang, kan du ikke miste, men tjene. Derfor anbefaler jeg, at du gør dig fortrolig med ingen indbetalingsbonusser

Automatisk oversættelse:

The house ALWAYS wins......eventually.

Even if you won £5000 today .. over the next year you would gamble it all away again.. and spend £3000 more trying to win again.... house wins.

walk away . save your money.


Yes, looking at it from the long-term perspective, the casino should always win. Some gamblers just refuse to accept it.

Jeg foretrækker stadig onlinespil, og det er en skam, at ligesom denne endnu ikke er tilgængelig til at spille over internettet. Jeg ville elske at tilføje dem til min hjemmeside hjælper mig med dette, og efter min mening er dette den bedste service til denne type spil. De har også fremragende brugerstøtte og integration med næsten enhver eksisterende onlinetjeneste.

Automatisk oversættelse:

What's the game you're about?

Tak for rådet til jer alle ... cmq det er nu blevet en principiel sag for mig .. siden maj sidste år, at i det casino vinder jeg ikke .. det er et år .. jeg vil gerne hvis du kan fortælle mig, hvem jeg skal kontakte for en jeg tjekker ... fordi og det viser ... selv en tåbe ville forstå, at mit navn er blokeret ... i den forstand, at han aldrig vil betale mig ... og jeg har bemærket flere ting ... slots, der blokerer ... afslutter en skriftlig fejl ... de får mig til at forlade stedet, mens jeg spiller ... ærligt talt er der noget, og jeg vil gerne finde ud af .. hvem kan jeg kontakte ???

Tak allesammen

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm not sure if I understand it correctly. Are you talking about your experience in a specific casino? (the blocked account, disconnecting while you're playing etc.?)

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