Hej alle sammen
Jeg vil gerne dele min personlige erfaring og informere andre spillere om NovaForge Ltd's praksis, som opererer under en enkelt licens ALSI-152406028-FI2, gyldig indtil 13. juni 2025.
Virksomheden administrerer snesevis af casinoplatforme under samme virksomhedsparaply. Nedenfor er den fulde liste over platforme ejet af virksomheden:
1. bankonbet.com
2. betriot.com
3. casinoinfinity.com
4. cazimbo.com
5. crownplay.com
6. dollycasino.com
7. fezbet.com
8. greatwin.com
9. amunra.com
10. burancasino.com
11. boomerang-bet.com
12. boomerang-casino.com
13. casinodo.com
14. casinoly.com
15. excitewin.com
16. frumzi.com
17. kingmaker.com
18. legendplay.com
19. neon54.com
20. nomini.com
21. spinanga.com
22. revolutioncasino.com
23. rtbet.com
24. talismania.com
25. zetcasino.com
26. cashed.com
27. casinia.com
28. lunubet.com
29. mrpacho.com
30. myempire.com
31. powbet.com
32. powerupcasino.com
33. sgcasino.com
34. sportaza.com
35. wazamba.com
36. casombie.com
37. joker8.com
38. librabet.com
39. ohmyspins.com
40. playzilla.com
41. posido.com
42. quickwin.com
43. rabona.com
44. slotspalace.com
45. sportuna.com
46. novajackpot.com
47. 5gringos.com
48. spinrollz.com
49. spin247.com
50. slotuna.com
51. slotexo.com
52. robycasino.com
53. polestarcasino.com
54. playio.com
55. ninlay.com
56. malinacasino.com
57. luckyheroes.com
58. legiano.com
59. kinbet.com
60. jackpotfrenzy.com
61. houseofspades.com
62. grandclub.com
63. genieplay.com
64. funid.com
65. extravegas.com
66. cawino.com
67. casinova.com
68. dazardbet.com
69. cadoola.com
70. boaboa.com
71. billybets.com
72. beteum.com
73. betalright.com
74. betalice.com
75. alfcasino.com
76. 7signs.com
77. zeuswin.com
78. wonaco.com
79. wingaga.com
80. wildsino.com
81. viperwin.com
82. vinylcasino.com
83. vegasino.com
84. tikicasino.com
85. supabet.com
86. spinsy.com
87. naobet.com
88. vikingluck.com
89. spinight.com
90. robocat.com
91. bethall.com
92. spinfest.com
93. spinsofglory.com
94. herospin.com
95. oceanspin.com
96. casinolo.com
97. midasluck.com
98. allyspin.com
99. bassbet.com
100. spinit.com
101. royalgame.com
102. duospin.com
103. greenluck.com
104. winbay.com
105. dragonia.com
106. pistolo.com
Selvudelukkelsesspørgsmålet og dets konsekvenser
Efter at have anmodet om selvudelukkelse fra Robocat-platformen, skulle jeg automatisk være blevet udelukket fra alle andre platforme, der ejes af samme virksomhed. På trods af min selvudelukkelse fik jeg dog lov til at registrere mig og spille på Vegasino, hvilket fuldstændig omgår principperne for ansvarligt spil.
Denne multi-platform politik, hvor virksomheden konstant skaber nye brands under samme licens, har til formål at fange sårbare spillere og giver dem mulighed for at fortsætte med at spille på trods af de restriktioner, de har sat for sig selv.
Hvis vi accepterer, at selvudelukkelse skal gælde separat på hver platform, "dræber" vi i bund og grund den afhængige spiller, hvilket tillader dem at falde ind i en ond cirkel af afhængighed uden reel beskyttelse.
Dette fænomen er ikke kun uetisk, men også farligt, da udbydere har et ansvar for at sikre, at spillere er beskyttet, når de træffer selvudelukkende foranstaltninger.
Afvisning af klage fra Casino Guru
Jeg indgav en klage til Casino Guru og forklarede situationen og mine bekymringer, men min klage blev afvist som ubegrundet, på trods af at en identisk klage vedrørende Posido Casino, som tilhører samme virksomhed som Vegasino og Robocat (NovaForge Ltd/Estolio Ltd) ), blev løst til fordel for spilleren.
Denne inkonsekvente behandling rejser spørgsmål om retfærdigheden og gennemsigtigheden af klagebehandlingsprocessen.
Hvad jeg beder om
En ny vurdering af min klage af en anden sagsbehandler.
Anerkendelse af min selvudelukkelseshistorie fra Robocat og dens korrekte anvendelse på tværs af alle platforme under samme ejerskab.
En fuld tilbagebetaling af mine nettotab på tværs af deres platforme.
Klare og håndhævede selvudelukkelsespolitikker på tværs af alle deres platforme for effektivt at beskytte sårbare spillere.
Jeg opfordrer alle, der har stået over for lignende problemer med disse platforme, til at dele deres erfaringer. Det er vigtigt at øge bevidstheden og sikre, at de relevante myndigheder griber ind.
Hello everyone,
I would like to share my personal experience and inform other players about the practices of NovaForge Ltd, which operates under a single license ALSI-152406028-FI2, valid until June 13, 2025.
The company manages dozens of casino platforms under the same corporate umbrella. Below is the full list of platforms owned by the company:
1. bankonbet.com
2. betriot.com
3. casinoinfinity.com
4. cazimbo.com
5. crownplay.com
6. dollycasino.com
7. fezbet.com
8. greatwin.com
9. amunra.com
10. burancasino.com
11. boomerang-bet.com
12. boomerang-casino.com
13. casinado.com
14. casinoly.com
15. excitewin.com
16. frumzi.com
17. kingmaker.com
18. legendplay.com
19. neon54.com
20. nomini.com
21. spinanga.com
22. revolutioncasino.com
23. rtbet.com
24. talismania.com
25. zetcasino.com
26. cashed.com
27. casinia.com
28. lunubet.com
29. mrpacho.com
30. myempire.com
31. powbet.com
32. powerupcasino.com
33. sgcasino.com
34. sportaza.com
35. wazamba.com
36. casombie.com
37. joker8.com
38. librabet.com
39. ohmyspins.com
40. playzilla.com
41. posido.com
42. quickwin.com
43. rabona.com
44. slotspalace.com
45. sportuna.com
46. novajackpot.com
47. 5gringos.com
48. spinrollz.com
49. spin247.com
50. slotuna.com
51. slotexo.com
52. robycasino.com
53. polestarcasino.com
54. playio.com
55. ninlay.com
56. malinacasino.com
57. luckyheroes.com
58. legiano.com
59. kinbet.com
60. jackpotfrenzy.com
61. houseofspades.com
62. grandclub.com
63. genieplay.com
64. funid.com
65. extravegas.com
66. cawino.com
67. casinova.com
68. dazardbet.com
69. cadoola.com
70. boaboa.com
71. billybets.com
72. beteum.com
73. betalright.com
74. betalice.com
75. alfcasino.com
76. 7signs.com
77. zeuswin.com
78. wonaco.com
79. wingaga.com
80. wildsino.com
81. viperwin.com
82. vinylcasino.com
83. vegasino.com
84. tikicasino.com
85. supabet.com
86. spinsy.com
87. naobet.com
88. vikingluck.com
89. spinight.com
90. robocat.com
91. bethall.com
92. spinfest.com
93. spinsofglory.com
94. herospin.com
95. oceanspin.com
96. casinolo.com
97. midasluck.com
98. allyspin.com
99. bassbet.com
100. spinit.com
101. royalgame.com
102. duospin.com
103. greenluck.com
104. winbay.com
105. dragonia.com
106. pistolo.com
The Self-Exclusion Issue and Its Consequences
After requesting self-exclusion from the Robocat platform, I should have been automatically excluded from all other platforms owned by the same company. However, despite my self-exclusion, I was allowed to register and play on Vegasino, which completely bypasses the principles of responsible gambling.
This multi-platform policy, where the company constantly creates new brands under the same license, aims to trap vulnerable players and allows them to continue gambling despite the restrictions they have set for themselves.
If we accept that self-exclusion should apply separately on each platform, we are essentially "killing" the addicted player, allowing them to fall into a vicious cycle of addiction without real protection.
This phenomenon is not only unethical but also dangerous, as providers have a responsibility to ensure that players are protected when they take self-exclusion measures.
Complaint Rejection by Casino Guru
I filed a complaint with Casino Guru, explaining the situation and my concerns, but my complaint was dismissed as unfounded, despite the fact that an identical complaint regarding Posido Casino, which belongs to the same company as Vegasino and Robocat (NovaForge Ltd/Estolio Ltd), was successfully resolved in favor of the player.
This inconsistent treatment raises questions about the fairness and transparency of the complaint handling process.
What I Am Asking For
A re-evaluation of my complaint by a different case handler.
Recognition of my self-exclusion history from Robocat and its proper application across all platforms under the same ownership.
A full refund of my net losses incurred across their platforms.
Clear and enforced self-exclusion policies across all their platforms to protect vulnerable players effectively.
I encourage anyone who has faced similar issues with these platforms to share their experience. It is important to raise awareness and ensure that the appropriate authorities take action.