Hvis kasinoet blev ved med at blokere din udbetaling, er jeg ked af det. Det er heller ikke rart at høre, at du til sidst har mistet dine penge i casinoet, for jeg kan ikke tilbyde dig en klage. Hvis du havde svaret på mine spørgsmål, ville jeg have foreslået dig det, men det gjorde du ikke. Endnu en gang beklager jeg, og jeg håber, at du ikke kommer i en lignende situation i fremtiden, og at du undgår lignende casinoer. 🙁
If the casino kept blocking your withdrawal, I'm sorry. It's also not nice to hear that you eventually lost your money in the casino, because I can't offer a complaint to you. If you had answered my questions, I would have suggest it to you, but you didn't. Once again, I am sorry and I hope that you will not get into a similar situation in the future and that you will avoid similar casinos. 🙁
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