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Hvorfor eksisterer dette forum overhovedet?

1 år siden af MatzeHe
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1 år siden

Det er bare spørgsmålet!

De fleste af casinoerne vurderet godt af Casino Guru er vurderet dårligt over gennemsnittet af brugerne!

Hvad får du betalt for at vurdere disse kriminelle så godt?

Nå, kriminelle hjælper andre kriminelle, hvis du har samme interesser!

Jeg har haft dårlige oplevelser flere gange nu, selvom de tilsvarende kasinoer havde et meget godt ry!

Det starter med helt forkerte oplysninger om betalingsmuligheder og udvalget af spiludbydere!

3/4 af casinoerne tilbyder ikke den angivne betalingsmetode, og det gør spiludbyderne heller ikke!

Enhver Facebook-gruppe er mere seriøs end dette beskidte forum!

Der er en grund til, at folk i Tyskland siger nej til jer kriminelle fra Curacao og Malta!

Jeg er nu meget glad for, at du afviser tysktalende spillere!

Dette beskidte forum gør ikke engang noget imod klart påviselig kasinosvindel!

Det er ligegyldigt, om du har vundet større beløb, som du bliver nægtet, eller for nylig kasinoer, der sletter brugernes data, efter de har foretaget en indbetaling!

Du hjælper selvfølgelig ikke spillere, der ikke får svar på deres mails eller beskeder via kontaktformularen.

Du skal klage meget over dit kriminelle supportforum for at få dette domæne forbudt i nogle lande!

Personalet her gør intet for spillerne!

Og hvorfor skulle du det, når du er i ledtog med casinooperatørerne!


Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

Let me answer first with questions:

Have you read our article describing how we rate casinos?

Have you read our fair gambling codex in order to know how casinos should treat players according to us and how players should behave in online casinos?

Do you know how many employees deal exclusively with player complaints? Did you know that nobody pays us for dealing with those complaints and despite that, we dealt with 1000+ new complaints just the last month?

We never claimed that you can't have a bad experience in a casino that has a good reputation. I claim that there's a lower chance for having any issues and in case you have them, there's a higher chance that we can help to resolve them if the rights are on your side.

When it comes to the payments and available game providers: We use info that is given to us by the casinos. There were many cases in past that the payment options and providers were available in the casino, but they weren't available in the player's jurisdiction. Then it doesn't mean the casino lied. It means there are restrictions applied based on the player's country of residence. It's always better to get this confirmed by their customer support if some information is important for you. It's also a good way to see how their customer support works.

Do you know what's funny? Some casinos don't like us, because of the terrible ratings we gave them and the decisions we made when it comes to complaints submitted against them. We had quite a friendly relationships and now they refuse talking to us. Then there are players who hate us because of the great ratings we gave to casinos and the complaints we rejected when they complained against casinos. It would almost sound like nobody likes us, but the daily contact we have with players proves the opposite 🙂

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Ja, så forklar mig hvorfor de beder dig om hjælp og du ikke gør noget? Jeg har ventet på et svar i over en uge, fordi et af dine velvurderede kasinoer ikke svarer på mine henvendelser!

Jeg gentager, et CASINO anbefalet og godt vurderet af dig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine penge er væk, hvilket du er ligeglad med! Det var trods alt kun 25 euro, fordi jeg glemte et "0". Det ville være fantastisk, hvis jeg skulle løbe efter 250 euro! Det er på tide, at sådanne fora bliver taget ud af cirkulation eller i det mindste sanktioneret for at medvirke til svig!

Jeg vil gerne vide, hvad du gør, hvis nogen virkelig anmelder dig, og du vil se dig selv i retten!

Hvad er det ellers ikke! På grund af dine vurderinger stoler du på kasinoernes seriøsitet, fordi du tror på det vrøvl, du skriver!

Hvis du bliver snydt på 2 ud af 2 kasinoer, er det en 100% svindelrate!

Igen spørgsmålet, hvad betaler casinoerne dig for, at du vurderer dem godt?

Jeg er ikke i humør til at skændes med en fyr, der kommer efter mig med billige undskyldninger!

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I would say you should focus on the complaint and update it properly.

Start with the disputed amount. If you made a mistake, it's not the end of the world - just a matter of cooperation.

Furthermore, the complaint is still in the process and more importantly the casino took notice of the issue.

Why are you making such statements now? I really don't get it.

First, you deliberately chose to submit the complaint for free, and now you caused us that nothing is actually happening while the casinos respond.

Kindly mind the timer, and act respectfully - we're not given anything for dealing with your complaint.

I'm sorry, but your whole approach makes no sense to me.

Anyway, I asked Nick to update the amount for you. I hope you can manage the rest on your own.

Thank you.

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
1 år siden

Du laver fuldstændig sjov med mig, gør du ikke? Hvordan skulle kasinoet have noteret sig dette? Du bad ikke engang om mine data, som jeg brugte til at registrere.

kan du se lys

Jeg kan ikke opføre mig respektfuldt, hvis du tror, du laver sjov!

Du tilbyder at behandle kasinoklager!

Jeg gentager igen: Jeg blev offer for et kasino, som du annoncerede som godt!

Det er anden gang, du ikke har nogen som helst interesse i at repræsentere mennesker.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

I don't really understand what's going on here to be honest. You complain about a casino that has a good rating on our website. The casino has the rating of 8.2/10, which is good, but far from the best. Anyway, you have an issue with the casino so you submitted a complaint 6 days ago. We didn't reject your case. Nick started dealing with your case and the casino got involved as well today.


So today, Nick asked the casino to give him information about how much time they need to look into it and he's waiting for their reply. You probably believe that your case is the most important one and we should deal it with it immediately, but that's not how it works. The cases that were submitted prior to your case are more important, because those players are also waiting for our response as well as you did, but they waited even longer.

If you're dissatisfied with how the complaint process works on our website, feel free to close your case and open it elsewhere if you believe that you'll be served faster and with a better result. Nobody forces you to get helped from us. We have our procedures, 17 full time workers who only deal with complaints and we offer our services for free. You're acting here as if we were your lawyer, to whom you paid a nice sum of money and he didn't get back to you for a few days.

1 år siden



100 procent af de sidste kasinoer bragte kun negative oplevelser! Alle casinoer, der er godt satsede! 8,2/ud af 10 burde ikke være godt? Så bør du ændre ratingsystemet.

Undskyldninger er der ikke mere!

Du taler bare vrøvl hele dagen! Lad det være. For 25 euro er det for dumt for mig!

Jeg vil nu videregive dit forum til en undersøgelseskomité! Måske er der nogen, der vil levere dig til kniven!

I er blodige kriminelle, det er alt!

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 år siden

You submitted a complaint on our website. You asked for our help. We started dealing with your case, invited the casino into the discussion. I still believe there was a very good chance that we could help in this case, especially because the casino is generally willing to discuss various cases with us and they were willing to look into your case as well.

What I don't understand until today is the fact that you simply behave like we already decided in favour of the casino. You're convinced we stand on the casino's side. You've been doing this from the day 1 before we even managed to look into the case. You wanted to get help from us, but at the same time, you believe that we're equally bad as the casino for some reason that I don't understand until today.

I believe that someone who repeatedly calls us criminals before we even got a chance to help, doesn't deserve our help. I really tried to be patient and give our team the chance to resolve your case successfully, which would shut your mouth up, but my patience is over. You don't deserve our time, you don't deserve our help and you definitely don't deserve to get space on our forum where you could insult us over and over again. I'm gonna ban your account permanently. If you decide to open other accounts in the future, they'll be banned as well. Your open complaint case will be dismissed.

Redigeret af forfatter 1 år siden
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