ForumGenerel debat om gamblingWithdrawal process and uploading documents

Withdrawal process and uploading documents

2 år siden af Rymo
2797 visninger 5 svar |
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2 år siden

I played on a online casino today and now my withdrawal is declined and need to upload the following documents

Photo of me holding my passport, front and back.

Utility letter with my name and address, not older than 90 days.

Screenshot of transaction from where the deposit was made.

Photo of my credit card, front and back and also the CVC code has to be visible including my signature.

This feels really bad and I don't want to upload my CVC code, who would?...

I am considering to just let it go, they can keep that f*cking 2k.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 år siden
2 år siden

Kære VULKAN VEGAS Jeg forsøger at trække mine optjente penge tilbage, og i alle de metoder, de afviser mig, skal de være et seriøst firma, ligesom de let modtog mine penge.

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

vi er de samme, de indsætter ikke de tjente penge ... det eneste er at klage på sociale netværk, så ingen andre satser på deres platform

Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Normally when they ask you for the front and back of your debit card you deposited with you are allowed to cover the middle 8 numbers on the front and the CVV on the back. This is usual practice now from most casinos I have played as are all the other verification documents they asked for

2 år siden

You are lucky your not with a UK Gambling Commission affiliate casino they can ask for 3 mths of bank statements showing proof/ source of income + wage slips.

2 år siden

I played on a online casino today and now my withdrawal is declined and need to upload the following documents

Photo of me holding my passport, front and back.

Utility letter with my name and address, not older than 90 days.

Screenshot of transaction from where the deposit was made.

Photo of my credit card, front and back and also the CVC code has to be visible including my signature.

This feels really bad and I don't want to upload my CVC code, who would?...

I am considering to just let it go, they can keep that f*cking 2k.

2 år siden

Honestly, everything you described sounds OK except the part with the CVC code. I'd never send it to them. What's the casino's name?

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