Indsatsen for vietnamesisk lotteri i hver region har forskellige måder at spille og vinde gearing på. Dette afhænger af reglerne for det vietnamesiske lotteri-væddemål i forskellige områder inklusive Nord, Centralkysten og Syd. Denne artikel viser detaljerne i alle måder at spille lotteri i de tre regioner i Vietnam - Nord - Central - Syd.
Det betyder, at du vil satse på forekomsten af et specifikt nummer i resultatet af den daglige vietnamesiske lodtrækning. Der er to almindelige typer i væddemål, to-cifret pakke og tre-cifret pakke.
8 lotteripræmier med 27 vinderchancer
To-cifret pakke
I en tocifret pakke ville du købe en væddemålsbillet, der forudsiger de sidste to cifre i de otte lotteripræmier (27 vinderchancer) fra den daglige vietnamesiske lotteritrekning med gearing på en vinder 80 for en enkelt gevinst. Hvis dit nummer vises i de sidste 2 cifre af en eller flere præmier, ville du vinde. Hvis dit nummer vises N gange i lodtrækningen, vinder du N x 80 x "indsatsbeløb". For eksempel satser du 1.000 CHIP på nummeret "25" sammenlignet med det vietnamesiske lotteriresultat. Hvis tallet "25" vises to gange i lodtrækningen, ville du vinde følgende: 2 x 80 x 1.000 = 160.000 CHIPs.
Nummeret "25" vises to gange i resultatet
Tre-cifret pakke
På samme måde vil du i en trecifret pakke (med gearing på en gevinst 500) satse på forekomsten af et tal med 3 cifre, for eksempel "470". Hvis tallet "470" vises N gange i lodtrækningen, ville du vinde følgende: N x 500 x "indsatsbeløb". Men da du satser på et tal med 3 cifre, har du kun 23 positioner tilbage.
23 vinderchancer tilbage til trecifret pakke
Med ovenstående resultat vinder du det følgende beløb på 1 x 500 x 1.000 = 500.000 CHIPs, hvis du satser 1.000 CHIP for nummeret "470".
Nummeret "470" vises i de sidste tre cifre i en af de to 2. præmier
Parlay-væddemål betyder, at du vil satse for forekomsten af flere numre i lotteriresultatet. For at vinde skal alle dine valgte numre vises i den vietnamesiske lodtrækning den dag. For denne type lotteriindsatser har du 4 typer - Parlay 2, Parlay 3 og Parlay 4.
Med hensyn til reglen i Parlay-2 køber du en væddemålsbillet, der forudsiger to tal (hvert nummer har to cifre) i de otte lotteripræmier (27 vinderchancer) fra den daglige vietnamesiske lotteritrekning med gearing på en gevinst 14 for en enkelt gevinst . Hvis dine to tal i øvrigt vises i de sidste 2 cifre med to eller flere præmier, ville du vinde. For eksempel satsede du 1.000 CHIP på parret "36" og "37", sammenlignet med det vietnamesiske lotteriresultat, hvis begge vises i de sidste to cifre af præmierne i den dags lodtrækning, ville du vinde 14.000 CHIPs . Enten en af dem vises ikke, du mister din indsats.
For at vinde i Parlay-2 skal begge valgte numre være i resultatet
På samme måde, i Parlay-3 (en gevinst 53), satser du på forekomster af 3 tal (hver har 2 cifre). For eksempel, hvis du satser 1.000 CHIP for de tre numre "00", "01", "10", vinder du de følgende 1.000 x 53 = 53.000 CHIP baseret på resultatet. Enten en af dem vises ikke, du mister din indsats.
På samme måde i Parlay-4 (en vinder 200), satser du på forekomster af 4 tal (hver har 2 cifre). For eksempel, hvis du satser 1.000 CHIP for de tre numre "00", "01", "10", "81", vinder du de følgende 1.000 x 200 = 200.000 CHIP baseret på resultatet. Enten en af dem vises ikke, du mister din indsats.
Du køber en billet til at forudsige det næstsidste ciffer i specialprisen (hovedet). Hvis det næstsidste ciffer i denne præmie er identisk med dit valgte nummer, ville du vinde med en gearing på en gevinst 5. For eksempel satsede du på 1.000 CHIP'er, at det næstsidste tal i specialpræmien er "5". Hvis nummeret vises i det næstsidste ciffer i Specialprisen, for eksempel, den specielle pris den dag er "90157", ville du vinde 1.000 x 5 = 5.000 CHIP, fordi tallet "5" er det næstsidste tal i Specialpris.
Du køber en billet til at forudsige det sidste ciffer i specialprisen (halen). Hvis det sidste ciffer i denne præmie er identisk med dit valgte nummer, ville du vinde med en gearing på en gevinst 5. For eksempel satsede du på 1.000 CHIP, at det sidste ciffer i specialprisen er "7". Hvis dette nummer f.eks. Vises i det sidste ciffer i specialprisen, er den specielle præmie den dag "90157", ville du vinde 1.000 x 5 = 5.000 CHIP, fordi tallet "7" er det sidste ciffer i specialprisen .
Selve det manglende parti er det parti, der ikke vises i det daglige lotteriresultat. Dette væddemål inkluderer Missing-4, Missing-8 og Missing-10.
Ved væddemål om manglende-4-lotteri satser du på 4 numre, der ikke vises i lodtrækningen den dag. Gearingen er en gevinst 2. For eksempel satser du på 1.000 CHIP'er, at de 4 tal "22", "33," 44 "og" 55 "ikke vises ved de sidste 2 cifre i nogen lotteripræmie den dag. Hvis disse tal ikke vises som resultat, vinder du 1.000 x 2 = 2.000 CHIP.
Tilsvarende er. Dette betyder, at du satser på 8 numre, der ikke vises i lodtrækningen den dag. Gearingen er en gevinst 5. For eksempel satser du på 1.000 CHIP, at de 8 numre "22", "33," 44 "," 55 "," 20 "," 30 "," 40 "," 50 "ikke vil vises ved de sidste 2 cifre i enhver lotteripræmie den dag. Hvis disse tal ikke vises som resultat, vinder du 1.000 x 5 = 5.000 CHIP.
Du køber en billet til at forudsige de sidste to cifre i 7. præmie (hovedet). Hvis de sidste to cifre i disse præmier er identiske med dit valgte nummer, vinder du med gearing på en gevinst 75. Hvis dit valgte antal vises N gange, vil du vinde 75 x 1000 x N CHIP. For eksempel satser du 1000 CHIP'er på, at de sidste to cifre i 7. præmie er "72". Hvis dette tal vises to gange i de sidste to cifre i 7. præmie, vinder du 1.000 x 75 x 2 = 150.000 CHIPs.
Du køber en billet til at forudsige de sidste to cifre i Specialprisen (Specialen). Hvis de sidste to cifre i denne præmie er identiske med dit valgte nummer, ville du vinde med en gearing på en gevinst 75. For eksempel satsede du på 1000 CHIP, at de sidste to cifre i specialpræmien er "57". Hvis dette tal vises i de sidste to cifre i specialpræmien, vinder du 1.000 x 75 = 75.000 CHIPs.
Køb en væddemålsbillet, der forudsiger de sidste tre cifre i Specialpræmien fra den daglige vietnamesiske lotteritrekning med gearing på en vinder 500 for en enkelt gevinst. Hvis dit nummer vises i de sidste 3 cifre i specialprisen, ville du vinde. Hvis dit nummer vises N gange i lodtrækningen, vinder du N x 500 x "bet". For eksempel satser du 1.000 CHIP på tallet "157" for Triple Special sammenlignet med det vietnamesiske lotteriresultat. Hvis de sidste tre cifre er specialprisen "157", ville du vinde følgende: 1.000 x 500 = 500.000 CHIPs .
I lighed med lotteriindsatsen i nord vil du satse på forekomsten af et specifikt nummer i resultatet af den daglige vietnamesiske lodtrækning. Der er to almindelige typer i væddemål, to-cifret pakke og tre-cifret pakke. I de sydlige regioner er der imidlertid 9 lotteripræmier, men kun 18 vinderchancer. Derfor, selvom reglerne for at spille / væddemål ligner Nord-regionen, er vinderaterne ganske forskellige.
Det vindende satsesatsning og Triple Special for Syd og Central er som følger:
• To-cifret pakke: en gevinst 75.
• Tre-cifret pakke: en gevinst 600.
• Triple Special: en gevinst 600.
De vindende satser for lige væddemål, hoved & hale, hoved & speciel og manglende parti-væddemål svarer til vinderaterne i nord.
The betting of Vietnamese lottery in each region has different ways of playing and winning leverage. This depends on the rules of the Vietnamese lottery betting in different areas including the North, the Central Coast, and the South. This article demonstrates the details of all the ways to play the lottery of the three regions of Vietnam - North - Central - South.
It means that you will bet on the occurrence of a specific number in the result of the daily Vietnamese lottery draw. There are two common types in lot betting, two-digit package, and three-digit package.
8 lottery prizes with 27 winning chances
Two-digit package
In a two-digit package, you would buy a bet ticket that predicts the last two digits of the eight lottery prizes (27 winning chances) from the daily Vietnamese Lottery Draw with leverage of one win 80 for a single win. If your number appears in that last 2 digits of one or multiple prizes, you would win. If your number appears N times in the draw, you win N x 80 x "bet amount". For example, you bet 1,000 CHIP on the number "25", when compared with the Vietnamese lottery result, if the number "25" appears twice in the lottery draw, you would win the following: 2 x 80 x 1,000 = 160,000 CHIPs.
The number "25" appears twice in the result
Three-digit package
Similarly, in a three-digit package (with leverage of one win 500), you will bet for the occurrence of a number with 3 digits, for example, "470". If the number "470" appears N times in the draw, you would win the following: N x 500 x "bet amount". However, since you are betting for a number with 3 digits, you only have 23 positions left.
23 winning chances left for three-digit package
With the above result, if you bet 1,000 CHIPs for the number "470", you will win the following amount of 1 x 500 x 1,000 = 500,000 CHIPs.
The number "470" appears in the last three digits in one of the two 2nd prizes
Parlay betting means that you will bet for the occurrences of multiple numbers in the lottery result. In order to win, all of your chosen numbers have to appear in the Vietnamese lottery draw of that day. For this type of lottery betting, you will have 4 types – Parlay 2, Parlay 3, and Parlay 4.
Regarding the rule of Parlay-2, you buy a bet ticket that predicts two numbers (each number has two digits) in the eight lottery prizes (27 winning chances) from the daily Vietnamese Lottery Draw with leverage of one win 14 for a single win. If your two numbers incidentally appear in that last 2 digits of two or multiple prizes, you would win. For example, you bet 1,000 CHIP on the pair "36" and "37", when compared with the Vietnamese lottery result, if both of them appear in the last two digits of the prizes in that day’s lottery draw, you would win 14,000 CHIPs. Either one of them does not appear, you will lose your bet.
To win in Parlay-2, both chosen numbers have to be in the result
Similarly, in Parlay-3 (one win 53), you bet for the occurrences of 3 numbers (each one has 2 digits). For example, if you bet 1,000 CHIPs for the three numbers "00", "01", "10", you would win the following 1,000 x 53 = 53,000 CHIPs based on the result. Either one of them does not appear, you will lose your bet.
Similarly, in Parlay-4 (one win 200), you bet for the occurrences of 4 numbers (each one has 2 digits). For example, if you bet 1,000 CHIPs for the three numbers "00", "01", "10", "81" you would win the following 1,000 x 200 = 200,000 CHIPs based on the result. Either one of them does not appear, you will lose your bet.
You buy a ticket to predict the second last digit of the Special prize (the Head). If the second last digit of this prize is identical to your chosen number, you would win with leverage of one win 5. For example, you bet 1,000 CHIPs that the second last digit of the Special prize is "5". If that number appears in the second last digit of the Special Prize, for instance, the Special prize of that day is "90157", you would win 1,000 x 5 = 5,000 CHIPs because the number "5" is the second last digit of the Special Prize.
You buy a ticket to predict the last digit of the special prize (the Tail). If the last digit of this prize is identical to your chosen number, you would win with leverage of one win 5. For example, you bet 1,000 CHIPs that the last digit of the Special Prize is "7". If that number appears in the last digit of the Special Prize, for instance, the Special prize of that day is "90157", you would win 1,000 x 5 = 5,000 CHIPs because the number "7" is the last digit of the Special Prize.
The missing lot itself is the lot that does not appear in the daily lottery result. This betting includes Missing-4, Missing-8, and Missing-10.
For the Missing-4 lot betting, you bet for 4 numbers that will not appear in the lottery draw of that day. The leverage is one win 2. For example, you bet 1,000 CHIPs that the 4 numbers "22", "33, "44", and "55" will not appear at the last 2 digits of any lottery prize of that day. If these numbers do not show up as the result, you will win 1,000 x 2=2,000 CHIPs.
Similarly, the. This means that you bet for 8 numbers that will not appear in the lottery draw of that day. The leverage is one win 5. For example, you bet 1,000 CHIPs that the 8 numbers "22", "33, "44", "55", "20", "30", "40", "50" will not appear at the last 2 digits of any lottery prize of that day. If these numbers do not show up as the result, you will win 1,000 x 5=5,000 CHIPs.
You buy a ticket to predict the last two digits of the 7th prizes (the Head). If the last two digits of these prizes are identical to your chosen number, you would win with leverage of one win 75. If your chosen number appears N times, you would win 75 x 1000 x N CHIPs. For example, you bet 1000 CHIPs that the last two digits of the 7th prizes are "72". If that number appears twice in the last two digits of the 7th prizes, you would win 1,000 x 75 x 2 = 150,000 CHIPs.
You buy a ticket to predict the last two digits of the Special prize (the Special). If the last two digits of this prize are identical to your chosen number, you would win with leverage of one win 75. For example, you bet 1000 CHIPs that the last two digits of the Special prize are "57". If that number appears in the last two digits of the Special prize, you would win 1,000 x 75 = 75,000 CHIPs.
Buy a bet ticket that predicts the last three digits of the Special prize from the daily Vietnamese Lottery Draw with leverage of one win 500 for a single win. If your number appears in that last 3 digits of the Special Prize, you would win. If your number appears N times in the draw, you win N x 500 x "bet". For example, you bet 1,000 CHIP on the number "157" for Triple Special, when compared with the Vietnamese lottery result, if the last three digits the Special Prize are "157", you would win the following: 1,000 x 500 = 500,000 CHIPs.
Similar to the lot betting in the North, you will bet on the occurrence of a specific number in the result of the daily Vietnamese lottery draw. There are two common types in lot betting, two-digit package, and three-digit package. However, in the Southern regions, there are 9 lottery prizes but only 18 winning chances. Hence, although the rules of playing/ betting are similar to the North region, the winning rates are quite different.
The winning rate lot betting and Triple Special for the South and the Central is as followed:
• Two-digit package: one win 75.
• Three-digit package: one win 600.
• Triple Special: one win 600.
The winning rates of Straight Betting, Head & Tail, Head & Special, and Missing-lot Betting is similar to the winning rates in the North.