Min besked til Neteller i dag for ulovlig adfærd
"Fra 30/4-2024, altså 30 dage, holder du mig fanget. Mine penge på kontoen og du er ligeglad. Du vil sige, at du er en stor pengepung med pålidelighed. Netop det faktum, at du ikke tillader mig at trække pengene viser, hvor meget de skal stole på dig. Jeg håber, at den irske centralbank, du rapporterer, vil sætte dig i dit sted, efter den klage, jeg har indgivet, og du er blevet informeret via e-mail at beholde udenlandske penge, uden din klients vilje, og skam dig også for at have underslæbt penge fra dine konti, angiveligt for brud på vilkår uden nogen forklaring. Du er værre end lånehajer.
My message to Neteller today for illegal behavior
"From 30/4/2024, i.e. 30 days, you keep me captive. My money in the account and you don't care. You want to say that you are a big wallet with reliability. The very fact that you are not allowing me to withdraw the money shows how much they should trust you. I hope the Central Bank of Ireland you report to will put you in your place, after the complaint I have made and you have been informed by email. It is a shame for you to keep foreign money, without the will of your client, and take advantage of it. Also shame on you for embezzling money from your accounts, allegedly for breach of terms without any explanation. You are worse than loan sharks."