Undgå kasinoer, der drives af Global Games Tech, og der er en række af dem inklusive Play24bet Oceanbreeze CasinoMGA og Cyber casino. Spillene er klonet og ikke legitimt, de spiller uregelmæssigt, og du vinder aldrig. De tilbyder latterlige bonusser med høj indskud for at prøve at lokke dig ind. Det underlige er, at de har en streng verificeringsproces, hvor du skal foretage en videoidentifikation samt levere verifikationsdokumenter.
Avoid any casinos run by Global Games Tech and there are a number of them including Play24bet Oceanbreeze CasinoMGA and Cyber casino. The games are cloned and not legit they play erratically and you will never win. They offer ridiculous high-deposit bonuses to try to lure you in. The weird thing is they have a strict verification process where you have to do a video identification as well as providing verification documents.