Kære Lucky Legends Casino,
Hvis du gik gennem tråden, anbefalede casinoets CS angiveligt spilleren at åbne en anden bankkonto, hvilket han gjorde, og selv efter at have brugt en ny bankkonto (oprettet efter casino CS's anbefaling), var det umuligt at hæve.
Da vi forsøger at hjælpe brugere med at løse deres problemer, hvordan kunne det hjælpe klageren med at løse det, hvis vi kontaktede kasinoets CS (som ikke var i stand til at løse problemet før)? Han kom som udgangspunkt her, fordi de ikke kunne hjælpe ham med problemet.
Selvom casinoet sandsynligvis ikke kan påvirke tilladte/tilgængelige betalingsmetoder, ender spillernes penge på casinoets betalingsmetode. Hvis kasinoet eller dets 3. parts betalingsudbyder kan acceptere sådanne spillere/indskud fra sådanne spillere, bør der også være en måde, hvorpå spillere kan hæve deres gevinster. Så kasinoet og 3 parter bør finde en løsning på denne situation sammen.
Kan du kontakte casinoet eller den ansvarlige tredjepart og give os mulige muligheder for brugeren med relevante detaljer og betingelser, under hvilke casinoet/3. part kan behandle en udbetaling?
Dear Lucky Legends Casino,
If you went through the thread, the casino's CS allegedly recommended the player open another bank account, which he did, and even after using a new bank account (created based on the casino CS's recommendation), it was impossible to withdraw.
As we are trying to help users solve their issues, how could contacting the casino's CS (which was not able to solve the issue before) help the complainant to sort it out? He basically came here because they could not help him with the problem.
Although the casino likely cannot influence allowed/available payment methods, players' money ends on the casino's payment method. If the casino or its 3rd party payment provider can accept such players/deposits from such players, there should be also a way how players can withdraw their winnings. So, the casino and 3 parties should find some solution for this situation together.
Can you please connect with the casino or the responsible 3rd party and provide us with possible options for the user, with relevant details and conditions under which the casino/3rd party could process a withdrawal?
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