Kære Bigricky65,
Mange tak for din indgivelse af denne klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem.
Kan du venligst sende mig URL'en på det casino, du oplever problemer med?
Vi anbefaler på det kraftigste ikke at betale gebyrer, der måtte blive anmodet om oven i din aktive saldo eller afventende udbetalinger, da dette ikke er noget, som et legitimt casino ville bede om.
Tillad mig dog at stille dig et par spørgsmål, så jeg kan forstå hele situationen fuldstændigt.
Har du gennemført KYC-verifikationen med succes? Har du tidligere trukket penge fra dette casino?
Som en sidste udvej kan vi anbefale dig at kontakte følgende websted https://mychargeback.com/ for at anmode om en tilbageførsel af dine indsatte midler.
Ser frem til at høre fra dig.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear Bigricky65,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem.
Could you please send me the URL of the casino you are experiencing trouble with?
We strongly recommend not to pay any fees that may be requested on top of your active balance or pending withdrawals, as this is not something that any legitimate casino would ask for.
Nevertheless, please allow me to ask you a few questions so I can understand the whole situation completely.
Have you completed the KYC verification successfully? Have you withdrawn any funds from this casino in the past?
As a last resort, we can recommend you contact the following website https://mychargeback.com/ to request a chargeback of your deposited funds.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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