Hej Peter,
Jeg har påbegyndt de nye tilbagetrækninger efter dit råd den 15. juli:
Efter at have gjort det var der problemer med mit modtagernavn, men til sidst sendte kasinoet en besked med "Gode nyheder, at udbetalingsanmodningerne blev godkendt af kasinoet ......." :
Pengene blev sendt til banken som du kan læse og min bank måtte acceptere transaktionerne som du kan læse (?!) . ....
Men selvfølgelig 2 dage senere, en ny problemmeddelelse om, at der var et problem. Nu en henvendelse fra den "højere afdeling" ;
Igen en kopi af mit ID (tror jeg for 4. gang nu) og nu en rigtig stor ting et 6 måneders kontoudtog over alle mine banktransaktioner !!!!!! Kan du forestille dig . Med kilderne til min indkomst og min virksomhedstype mv
Det føltes som om dette firma forsøger at stjæle mit privatliv og ved for meget. Du kan forestille dig, at jeg virkelig undrede mig over, hvor det hele handlede om. Jeg har det ikke godt, det føles ikke lovligt, det føles ikke retfærdigt. Jeg havde så mange spørgsmål og tvivl, at jeg virkelig var i tvivl om at give dem hele min administration. Betalingerne for mine regninger, mine børn, mit hus. Virkelig? Kan de spørge om dette? Er dette nævnt og arrangeret i deres vilkår og (privatlivs)politik?
Jeg googlede og fandt ud af, at flere spillere har stået over for dette og endelig har givet oplysningerne, ellers ville de ikke modtage deres penge. Så jeg forsynede dem med kontoudtoget og handelskammerregistreringen af min virksomhed. Hvis mine hævninger ikke ville have været Eu 15000,-, ville jeg sandsynligvis have sprunget dette over og ville have startet en ny dybere diskussion. Nu kan jeg kun adlyde og håbe, at de vil betale mig mine 15K.
Onsdag den 19. juli mailede lederen mig: "Dine betalinger er blevet bekræftet af os og behandles i øjeblikket af din bank, så vent venligst." Så nu venter jeg på, at min bank behandler betalingerne (?!?!) Er jeg den eneste, der ikke får det længere?
Hi Peter,
I have initiated the new withdrawals on your advise on the 15th of July :
After done there were problems with my beneficiary name but finally the Casino send a message with "Good news , that the withdrawal requests were approved by the casino ......." :
The money was send to the bank as you can read and my bank had to accept the transactions as you can read (?!) . ....
But of course , 2 days later, a new problem message that there was a problem. Now a request from the "higher department " ;
Again a copy of my ID (I think for the 4th time now) and now a real big thing a 6 months bank statement of all my bank transactions !!!!!! Can you imagine . With the sources of my income and my business type etc
This felt like this company tries to steal my private life and knows to much. You can imagine that I was really wondering where this was all about. I doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel legal, it doesn't feel fair . I had so many questions and doubts that I really had the doubts to provide them with my whole administration. The payments for my bills, my kids , my house . Really? Can they ask this? Is this mentioned and arranged in their terms and (privacy ) policy?
I googled and found out that more players have faced this and finally provided the information, otherwise, they would not receive their money. So I provided them with the bank statement and Chambre of Commerce registration of my Business. If my withdrawels wouldn't have been Eu 15000,- , I probably would have skipped this and would have started a new deeper discussion. Now I only can obey and hope that they will pay me my 15K.
Wednesday 19th of July the manager emailed me: " Your payments have been confirmed by us and are currently being processed by your bank, so please wait. " So now I am waiting that my bank processes the payments (?!?!) Am I the only one who doesn't get it anymore?
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