Kære v2931864,
Jeg vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at give dig en opdatering vedrørende den aktuelle situation. Vi har engageret os i omfattende diskussioner om din sag med både casino-teamet og vores klageteam; vi er dog ikke nået til en endelig konklusion. På den ene side betragter vi hos Casino Guru ikke praksis med at tilmelde sig på flere kasinoer og bruge forskellige bonusser – forudsat at de er frit tilgængelige – som upassende, så længe spillerne overholder de fastsatte bonusregler. Spillere har faktisk ret til deres gevinster, forudsat at de er opnået i overensstemmelse med reglerne, hvilket ser ud til at være tilfældet i dette tilfælde.
På den anden side, det, der rejser spørgsmål, er, at efter at du har vundet gevinster, opgiver du konti. Du fortsatte ikke med at bruge kontoen, efter at gevinsten blev udbetalt til dig; du har ikke anmodet om lukning af regnskabet; du lod dem simpelthen være som de var. Dette blev bemærket i flere kasinoer og er ikke rigtig i overensstemmelse med den typiske spillertilgang. Du har gentagne gange været involveret i et sådant mønster på forskellige kasinoer, og vi kan ikke bebrejde casinoteamet for at markere denne adfærd som bonusjagt. Regler, der forbyder bonusjagt, kan findes på næsten alle online casinoer, og når en spiller først bliver anerkendt som en bonusjæger, ender det meget ofte med, at gevinsterne annulleres og deres konto lukkes. Denne tilgang er en industristandard og anvendes af næsten alle online casinoer; Derfor kan vi ikke bebrejde casino-teamet for også at anvende en sådan tilgang.
Selvom det strengt taget er teknisk set, kan casino-teamet have ret, men vi betragter ikke blindt at nævne reglerne som den bedste tilgang, og alle omstændigheder i situationen bør tages i betragtning. Begge sider har legitime begrundelser for at forsvare deres perspektiver.
Når dette er sagt, er situationen her på kanten. Vi mener, at din sag skal afgøres af den relevante myndighed.
Indsend venligst en klage til Curaçao Gaming Control Board (GCB) via denne kontaktformular . Kasinoteamet har udtrykt deres forpligtelse til at overholde GCB's beslutning. Selvom vi ville have foretrukket at løse denne sag i vores forum, under hensyntagen til omstændighederne, er det mest passende skridt at tage din sag til GCB.
Fortæl mig venligst, om og hvordan de reagerede kl michal.k@casino.guru
Dear v2931864,
I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update regarding the current situation. We have engaged in comprehensive discussions about your case with both the casino team and our complaints team; however, we have not reached a definitive conclusion. On one hand, we at Casino Guru do not view the practice of signing up at multiple casinos and utilising various bonuses—provided they are freely available—as inappropriate, as long as players adhere to the stipulated bonus rules. Players are indeed entitled to their winnings, provided they have been obtained in accordance with the rules, which appears to be the case in this instance.
On the other hand, what raises questions is that after you gain winnings, you abandon the accounts. You did not continue using the account after the winnings were paid to you; you didn't request the closure of the accounts; you simply left them as they were. This was noticed in multiple casinos and is not really in line with the typical player approach. You repeatedly engaged in such a pattern in various casinos, and we cannot fault the casino team for flagging this behaviour as bonus hunting. Rules that forbid bonus hunting can be found in almost all online casinos, and once any player is recognised as a bonus hunter, it very often ends in voiding the winnings and closing their account. This approach is an industry standard and is adopted by almost all online casinos; thus, we cannot fault the casino team for adopting such an approach as well.
While strictly technically speaking, the casino team might be right, but we don't consider blindly citing the rules as the best approach, and all circumstances in the situation should be considered. Both sides possess legitimate justifications for advocating their perspectives.
With this being said, the situation here is on the edge. We believe your case should be decided by the appropriate authority.
Please submit a complaint to the Curaçao Gaming Control Board (GCB) via this contact form. The casino team has expressed their commitment to adhere to the GCB's decision. Although we would have preferred to resolve this matter within our forum, given the circumstances, the most appropriate step is to take your case to the GCB.
Please let me know if and how they responded at michal.k@casino.guru
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