Dette er de oplysninger, jeg har modtaget fra kasinorepræsentanten:
" Kære Casino Guru,
Efter en omhyggelig undersøgelse af Mr. Downers konto, blev det konkluderet, at han igen brugte ændrede legitimationsoplysninger til at kunne oprette en anden konto hos os, mens han tidligere var registreret med en, der er blokeret.
Den konto, Mr. Downer registrerede med, havde ændrede detaljer end tidligere, og når en konto er lukket, betyder det, at du ikke vil være i stand til at registrere en anden konto med disse legitimationsoplysninger.
På Mr. Downers forsøg på at registrere, var det klart, at systemet ikke ville tillade ham at registrere; derfor har Mr. Downer ændret personlige oplysninger for at omgå systemet og derfor være i stand til at registrere sig hos 21LuckyBet Casino.
Ved registreringen indvilligede Mr. Downer i at overholde vores vilkår og betingelser, og at disse vilkår og betingelser styrer det kontraktlige forhold mellem os.
Med ovenstående i tankerne og det faktum, at der er flere tilfælde, hvor vores vilkår og betingelser blev overtrådt; vi mener, at vi ikke havde andet valg end at gå videre med vores relevante handlinger.
Mr. Downer har ret til at henvise tvisten til en alternativ løsningsinstans (ADR). Den relevante enhed er eCogra.
Venlig hilsen
21LuckyBet Casino "
Kære 21LuckyBet Casino Team,
Vil du venligst se min sidste e-mail og give mig de relevante data/detaljer? Er kasinoet i stand til at underbygge sin beslutning med relevante beviser?
Det er muligt at dele dataene direkte her, sammen med dit svar, eller ved at sende dem til min e-mailadresse (
This is the information I received from the casino representative:
"Dear Casino Guru,
After a careful examination of Mr. Downer’s account, it was concluded that he once again used modified credentials to be able to create another account with us while previously being registered with one that is blocked.
The account Mr. Downer registered with had modified details than previously, and once an account is closed, this means that you will not be able to register another account with those credentials.
On Mr. Downer’s attempt to register, it was clear that the system would not allow him to register; therefore, Mr. Downer has altered personal details in order to bypass the system and therefore being able to register at 21LuckyBet Casino.
Upon registration, Mr. Downer agreed to adhere to our Terms and Conditions and that these Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between us.
Bearing the above in mind and the fact that there are several instances where our Terms and Conditions were breached; we consider that we had no other choice than to proceed forward with our relevant actions.
Mr. Downer has the right to refer the dispute to an alternative resolution (ADR) entity. The applicable entity is eCogra.
Yours sincerely
21LuckyBet Casino"
Dear 21LuckyBet Casino Team,
Could you please see my last email and provide me with the relevant data/details? Is the casino able to substantiate its decision with relevant evidence?
It is possible to share the data directly here, with your reply, or by sending them to my email address (
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