Tak for din tålmodighed.
Hvis dit indskud aldrig er blevet krediteret din casinokonto, er det eneste, jeg vil anbefale, at kontakte din betalingsudbyder. De skal undersøge det, men husk på, at det er en kompliceret proces, der kan tage cirka en måned. I disse tilfælde har kasinoet normalt sine hænder bundet. Jeg vil også kraftigt fraråde at indsætte flere midler, indtil problemet er løst.
Hvis pengene gik tabt under transaktionen, vil det tage noget tid, før de vil blive krediteret din casinokonto eller refunderet til din bankkonto.
Jeg er ked af, at vi ikke kunne være til meget hjælp nu. Jeg lader denne klage stå åben i en måned og beder dig venligst holde os opdateret.
Thanks for your patience.
If your deposit has never been credited to your casino account, the only thing I would recommend is contacting your payment provider. They need to investigate but bear in mind that it’s a complicated process that might take approximately one month. In these cases, the casino usually has its hands tied. I would also strongly recommend against depositing any more funds until the issue is resolved.
If the money got lost during the transaction, it will take some time before it’ll be credited to your casino account or refunded to your bank account.
I’m sorry we couldn’t be of much help now. I will leave this complaint open for a month and kindly ask you to keep us updated.
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