Hej Mamsnel,
Jeg er ked af at høre om din ubehagelige oplevelse, og jeg beklager forsinkelsen. Jeg vil kontakte casinoet og gøre mit bedste for at løse problemet så hurtigt som muligt. Nu vil jeg gerne invitere African Grand Casinos repræsentant til at deltage i denne samtale og deltage i løsningen af denne klage.
Kære African Grand Casino team ,
Kan du give os en mere detaljeret forklaring på spillerens situation? Hvorfor er klagerens hævning blevet delt op i rater eller er hævningsgrænsen blevet nedsat?
Forstår jeg rigtigt, at den standard maksimale udbetalingsgrænse pr. transaktion er R20.000, men kasinoet tillod spilleren at anmode om udbetalinger med kun R2.500 pr. udbetaling? Hvis ja, hvorfor?
Det ser ud til, at kasinoet ikke engang overholder sine egne vilkår og betingelser .
" Maksimal tilbagetrækning
Den maksimale udbetalingsgrænse for enhver spiller på African Grand Casino er op til R20.000,00
Spillere kan hæve dette beløb en gang om ugen. "
Hvilke skridt skal spilleren tage for at fremskynde udbetalingsprocessen? Hvilket beløb er allerede blevet udbetalt, og hvor meget er "låst" i ubehandlede afventende udbetalinger? Er der nogen mulighed for at fremskynde processen? Hvis ja, hvad anbefaler du?
Hvis det passer dig bedre, er du velkommen til at svare på min e-mail (branislav.b@casino.guru).
På forhånd tak for at give oplysningerne.
Hello, Mamsnel,
I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience, and I apologize for the delay. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite African Grand Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear African Grand Casino team,
Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail? Why has the complainant's withdrawal been divided into instalments or has the withdrawal limit been decreased?
Do I understand correctly that the standard maximum withdrawal limit per transaction is R20,000, but the casino allowed the player to request withdrawals with only R2,500 per withdrawal? If yes, why?
It looks like the casino even does not comply with its own Terms and Conditions.
"Maximum Withdrawal
The maximum withdrawal limit for any Player at African Grand Casino is up to R20,000.00
Players can withdraw this amount once per week."
What steps should the player take to speed up the withdrawal process? What amount has already been successfully paid out and how much is "locked" in unprocessed pending withdrawals? Is there any option to speed up the process? If yes, what do you recommend?
If it suits you better, feel free to respond to my email (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
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