Angående fotovideomateriale. Ja, jeg havde flere screenshots fra dette løb, hvor det var tydeligt, at jeg lå på 1. og 2. pladsen. (Jeg havde en modstander, som vi byttede plads med under dette løb).
Jeg tog disse skærmbilleder til mit personlige arkiv, jeg havde ingen erfaring med at tage præmiepladser i casinoturneringer før.
Derfor er det klart, at så snart jeg finder dem, vil jeg straks sende dig disse materialer, for det vil være i min interesse. En anden ting jeg kan sige om denne turnering, jeg husker præcis, at jeg ikke kunne slippe 2. pladsen, det sidste store hul var mellem 2. og 3. pladsen i point. Og hvordan dette løb præcis endte, ved jeg ikke, vi kan ikke vide, hvem der vandt, mig eller min modstander. Da turneringen ingen ende havde, annoncerede administrationen lanceringen af version 2.0 af webstedet, og en ekstra cryptocurrency BTC blev også introduceret. Til denne 2.0-innovation havde kasinoet kun to mønter TRX (Tron) og BTT (BitTorrent). Det vil sige, at de bevidst ikke gennemførte løbet og ikke fordelte præmierne blandt deltagerne, og på turneringens 6.-7. dag installerede de blot Betfury 2.0-opdateringen. Du vågner op om morgenen og ser et helt nyt websted, en ny menu, en ny grænseflade, der er ingen denne race og yderligere mønter, alt er nyt, og det er det. Jeg havde spørgsmål om, hvad der skete med løbene, og jeg skrev endda en appel til en fyr fra deres hold ved navn Stevie om dette. Men til ingen nytte.
det sidste pågældende løb blev afholdt i de sidste dage af maj 2020
Jeg er sikker på, at de har al denne information og historie, og de kender og husker denne historie meget godt. Hvorfor de gjorde det - jeg ved ikke. Måske vil de finde styrken og modet til at indrømme denne fejl. Det er værd at bemærke, at på tidspunktet for løbet og før 2.0 innovationen accepterede dette casino spillere fra Ukraine.
Regarding photo video materials. Yes, I had several screenshots from this race, where it was clear that I was in 1st and 2nd place. (I had an opponent with whom we swapped places during this race).
I took these screenshots for my personal archive, I had no experience of taking prize places in casino tournaments before.
Therefore, it is clear that as soon as I find them, I will immediately send you these materials, because it will be in my interests. Another thing I can say about this tournament, I remember exactly that I could not drop 2nd place, the last big gap was between 2nd and 3rd place in points. And how exactly this race ended, I do not know, we cannot know who won, me or my opponent. Since the tournament had no end, the Administration announced the launch of version 2.0 of the site, and an additional cryptocurrency BTC was also introduced. For this 2.0 innovation, the casino had only two coins TRX (Tron) and BTT (BitTorrent). That is, they deliberately did not complete the race and did not distribute the prizes among the participants, and on the 6th-7th day of the tournament they simply installed the Betfury 2.0 update. You wake up in the morning and see a completely new site, a new menu, a new interface, there is no this race and additional coins, everything is new, and that's it. I had questions about what was happening with the races, and I even wrote an appeal to a guy from their team named Stevie about this. But to no avail.
the last race in question was held in the last days of May 2020
I am sure that they have all this information and history, and they know and remember this history very well. Why they did it - I do not know. Perhaps they will find the strength and courage to admit this mistake. It is worth noting that at the time of the race and before the 2.0 innovation, this casino accepted players from Ukraine.
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