Hej romeritoxp32,
Mange tak for din klage.
Desværre tilbyder vi ikke refusion for placerede væddemål. Du kan gennemgå alle væddemål, indskud, udbetalinger, gevinster og tab ved at gå til din konto på https://blaze-1.com/pt/account/transactions .
Systemet placerer ikke væddemål automatisk, og alle væddemål blev foretaget, indtil din saldo nåede sit nuværende beløb.
Hvis du ikke var ansvarlig for væddemålene, indikerer dette, at nogen med adgang til din konto har foretaget dem.
I dette tilfælde kan vi ikke behandle en tilbagebetaling, da væddemålene blev placeret og behandlet korrekt i henhold til vores system.
Vi vil også gerne fremhæve de servicevilkår, du accepterede, da du registrerede din konto:
5.6: Ved at foretage en indbetaling bekræfter du, at alle indbetalinger er godkendt, og du vil ikke forsøge at tilbageføre dem eller foretage nogen handling, der ville medføre, at betalingen refunderes, for at undgå ethvert legitimt ansvar.
6.10: Vores produkter forbruges øjeblikkeligt under gameplay. Derfor giver vi ikke refusioner, pengereturneringer eller serviceannulleringer, når spillet er begyndt. Ethvert spil med rigtige penge vil straks hæve penge fra din konto.
Bemærk endelig, at du er ansvarlig for sikkerheden på din konto. Det er dit ansvar at sikre beskyttelsen af dine loginoplysninger.
Vi registrerer din sag, og hvis der findes uoverensstemmelser, vil de nødvendige handlinger blive truffet. Vi kan dog ikke give en estimeret tidsramme for løsning på nuværende tidspunkt. Vi beder dig venligst vente, mens processen er i gang.
Tak for din forståelse.
Hvis du er i tvivl, eller hvis der er andet, vi kan gøre for dig, så tøv ikke med at besvare denne besked.
Vi er her for at hjælpe dig!
Bedste hilsner,
Blaze Support Team.
Hi romeritoxp32,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint.
Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for placed bets. You can review all bets, deposits, withdrawals, winnings, and losses by accessing your account at https://blaze-1.com/pt/account/transactions.
The system does not place bets automatically, and all bets were made until your balance reached its current amount.
If you were not responsible for the bets, this indicates that someone with access to your account made them.
In this case, we cannot process a refund, as the bets were placed and correctly processed according to our system.
We would also like to highlight the terms of service you agreed to when registering your account:
5.6: By making a deposit, you confirm that all deposits are authorized and you will not attempt to reverse them or take any action that would cause the payment to be refunded, in order to avoid any legitimate liability.
6.10: Our products are consumed instantly during gameplay. Therefore, we do not provide refunds, money returns, or service cancellations once the game has begun. Any real-money gameplay will immediately withdraw funds from your account.
Lastly, please note that you are responsible for the security of your account. It is your responsibility to ensure the protection of your login details.
We will be registering your case, and if any inconsistencies are found, the necessary actions will be taken. However, we cannot provide an estimated timeframe for resolution at this moment. We kindly ask that you wait as the process is underway.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have any doubt or if there is anything else we can do for you, don't hesitate to answer this message.
We're here to help you!
Best Regards,
Blaze Support Team.
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