Den 20/12/2024 indsatte jeg på min Bonanzino Casino-konto ved hjælp af krypto (BTC), hvoraf jeg brugte min "Første Indbetalingsbonus", og efter at have opfyldt omsætningskravene på indbetalingsbonussen vandt jeg i alt $1200,00.
Jeg besluttede så at indsende en udbetalingsanmodning samme dag for $999,00, fordi på grund af kasinoets T&C's noget over $1000,00, kan anmodningen tage lidt længere tid, da den kræver godkendelse fra casinomanageren. Ellers vil alt under $1000,00 blive behandlet inden for 24 timer for godkendelse, men det er ikke, hvad casino-chatsupporten fortalte mig, da alt $500,00 og derover skal godkendes fra ledelsen, som jeg havde annulleret min anmodning til $499,00, da chatsupport sagde, at jeg ville' skal ikke vente på ledelsens godkendelse og vil behandle inden for 24 timer for betaling.
Nu er det i dag den 30/12/2024, hvoraf jeg har ringet ind med chatsupport, da det er den eneste kommunikationskanal, jeg får svar fra i modsætning til den e-mail-adresse, der er slået op på kasinoets side under "Kontakt os" ( ), som jeg har sendt en e-mail til flere gange vedrørende min udbetaling, men intet svar.
Casino chat-support lader til at give positive forventninger, idet jeg siger, at min udbetalingsanmodning er blevet godkendt og er i "behandler" status, som betalingsteamet er på, og at jeg forventer betaling snart. Men med de par gange, der har indspillet støtte de sidste par dage til i dag nu, får jeg at vide, at jeg ikke skal bekymre mig om, at mine gevinster vil blive udbetalt, og at nogle banker er lukket gennem feriesæsonen, hvilket er grunden til, at det tager lidt lang tid.
Tak fordi du tog dig tid til at læse mit problem med Bonanzino Casino, og jeg håber, at du vil være i stand til at hjælpe mig med at løse problemet.
Glædelig ferie til jer alle på Casino Guru!
Med respekt,
Edward Matanane
Vedhæftet er skærmbilleder af, hvornår jeg foretog en indbetaling og de udbetalinger, jeg har anmodet om og annulleret (afvist) på mine vegne.
On 12/20/2024, I deposited into my Bonanzino Casino Account using crypto (BTC) of which I utilized my "First Deposit Bonus" and after fulfilling the wagering requirements on the deposit bonus I won a total of $1200.00.
I then decided to submit a withdrawal request on the same day for $999.00 because due to the casinos T&C's anything over $1000.00 the request may take a little longer as it'll need approval from the casino manager. Otherwise anything under $1000.00 it'll be processed within 24 hours for approval but that's not what the casino chat support told me as anything $500.00 and over will need approval from management of which I had canceled my request to $499.00 since chat support said I wouldn't need to wait on management approval and would process within 24 hours for payment.
Now today is 12/30/2024 of which I've chimed in with chat support as that's the only communication channel that I get a response from unlike the email address that's posted on the casino site under "Contact Us" ( which I've emailed several times regarding my withdrawal payout but no response.
Casino chat support seems to provide positive expectations saying that my withdrawal request has been approved and is in "processing" status of which the payment team is on it and to expect payment soon. But with the couple times chiming into support the last couple of days to today now I'm told not to worry that my winnings will be paid out and that some banks are closed through holiday season which is why it's taking a bit long.
Thank you for taking the time to read my issue with Bonanzino Casino and I hope you'll be able to assist me in resolving the matter at hand.
Happy Holidays to you all at Casino Guru!
Edward Matanane
Attached are screenshots of when I made a deposit and the withdrawals I've requested and canceled (declined) on my behalf.
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