The player from Bulgaria had deposited €20 via Revolut to a casino, but the amount had not been credited to her account and her account had subsequently been blocked. After she submitted her complaint, she had been asked to provide additional details such as the payment receipt and the reason for the account block. However, the player later reported that the money had been credited to her account, and hence, decided to cancel her complaint. We then marked the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Spilleren fra Bulgarien havde indbetalt €20 via Revolut til et kasino, men beløbet var ikke blevet krediteret hendes konto, og hendes konto var efterfølgende blevet blokeret. Efter at hun havde indgivet sin klage, var hun blevet bedt om at give yderligere oplysninger såsom betalingskvitteringen og årsagen til kontospærringen. Spilleren rapporterede dog senere, at pengene var blevet krediteret hendes konto, og besluttede derfor at annullere hendes klage. Vi har derefter markeret klagen som 'løst' i vores system.
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