Hej Kamiliowa17,
Hej Peter,
Håber i alle har det godt og i god behold.
Tak for at kontakte os! Vi beklager oprigtigt for ulejligheden, du har oplevet. Efter at have gennemgået den konto, der er knyttet til den angivne e-mailadresse, fandt vi ud af, at spilleren brugte kampagnen med gratis 20 spins den 2024-08-01 kl. 18:04:00 kasinotid. Efter at have opfyldt omsætningskravet anmodede spilleren om en hævning på 50 EUR. Derudover er kontoen registreret i Polen med en polsk adresse, og den har bestået bekræftelsesprocessen. Desværre blev udbetalingsanmodningen afvist af betalingsafdelingen på grund af reglerne om gratis bonusbegrænsning for spillere fra Polen, og gevinsterne blev fjernet i henhold til kasinoets regler.
Spillere fra følgende lande er ikke berettiget til gratis spins uden indskud: Albanien (AL), Algeriet (DZ), Angola (AO), Australien (AU), Østrig (AT), Bahrain (BH), Bangladesh (BD), Hviderusland (BY), Benin (BJ), Bosnien-Hercegovina (BA), Botswana (BW), Bulgarien (BG), Burundi (BI), Cameroun (CM), Kap Verde (CV), Tchad (TD), Comorerne ( KM), Kroatien (HR), Tjekkiet (CZ), Côte d'Ivoire, Danmark, Djibouti (DJ), Egypten, Ækvatorialguinea (GQ), Eritrea (ER), Etiopien (ET), Finland (FI), Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Georgien (GE), Tyskland (DE), Ghana (GH), Grækenland (GR), Guinea (GN), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Ungarn (HU), Indien (IN) , Indonesien (ID), Iran (IR), Irak (IQ), Japan (JA), Jordan (JO), Kasakhstan (KZ), Kenya (KE), Kuwait (KW), Libanon (LB), Lesotho (LS) , Liberia (LR), Republikken Nordmakedonien (MK), Madagaskar (MG), Malawi (MW), Malaysia (MY), Mali (ML), Mauretanien (MR), Mauritius (MU), Republikken Moldova (MD) , Mongoliet (MN), Montenegro (ME), Marokko (MA), Mozambique (MZ), Namibia (NA), Nepal (NP), Holland (NL), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Oman (OM) , Pakistan (PK), Palæstina (PS), Filippinerne (PH), Polen (PL), Portugal (PT), Rumænien (RO), Rusland (RU), Rwanda (RW), Sao Tome og Principe, Senegal, Serbien (RS), Seychellerne (SC), Sierra Leone (SL), Slovakiet (SK), Slovenien (SI), Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan (SD), Swaziland (SZ), Syrien (SY), Tanzania United Republikken (TZ), Thailand (TH), Togo (TG), Tunesien (TN), Uganda (UG), Ukraine (UA), De Forenede Arabiske Emirater (AE), Storbritannien (GB), Vietnam (VN), Yemen (YE), Zambia (ZM) og Zimbabwe (ZW).
Typisk modtager spillere fra Polen ikke e-mail-tilbud for disse bonusser, men på en eller anden måde under distributionen af tilbud sendte vores kampagneteam ved en fejl e-mail-tilbuddet til Kamilas e-mail.
Siden spilleren modtog bonustilbuddet fra os, har vi besluttet at honorere tilbuddet og returnere hendes gevinster til saldoen, så hun kan hæve det ret optjente beløb.
Det eneste, spilleren skal gøre, er at foretage et verifikationsindskud på minimum 10 EUR via krypto og derefter anmode om udbetalingen.
Tak for din forståelse!
Venlig hilsen
George Moore
Casino Adrenalin Management
Hi Kamiliowa17,
Hi Peter,
Hope you are all well and safe.
Thank you for reaching out to us! We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. Upon reviewing the account associated with the provided email address, we found that the player used the free 20 spins promotion on 2024-08-01 at 18:04:00 Casino time. After meeting the wagering requirement, the player requested a withdrawal of 50 EUR. Additionally, the account is registered in Poland with a Polish address, and it successfully passed the verification process. Unfortunately, the withdrawal request was rejected by the payments department due to the free bonus restriction rules for players from Poland, and the winnings were removed according to the Casino's rules.
Players from the following countries are not eligible for the no deposit free spins: Albania (AL), Algeria (DZ), Angola (AO), Australia (AU), Austria (AT), Bahrain (BH), Bangladesh (BD), Belarus (BY), Benin (BJ), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Botswana (BW), Bulgaria (BG), Burundi (BI), Cameroon (CM), Cape Verde (CV), Chad (TD), Comoros (KM), Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Côte d'Ivoire, Denmark, Djibouti (DJ), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Eritrea (ER), Ethiopia (ET), Finland (FI), Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Georgia (GE), Germany (DE), Ghana (GH), Greece (GR), Guinea (GN), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Hungary (HU), India (IN), Indonesia (ID), Iran (IR), Iraq (IQ), Japan (JA), Jordan (JO), Kazakhstan (KZ), Kenya (KE), Kuwait (KW), Lebanon (LB), Lesotho (LS), Liberia (LR), Republic of North Macedonia (MK), Madagascar (MG), Malawi (MW), Malaysia (MY), Mali (ML), Mauritania (MR), Mauritius (MU), Moldova Republic of (MD), Mongolia (MN), Montenegro (ME), Morocco (MA), Mozambique (MZ), Namibia (NA), Nepal (NP), Netherlands (NL), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Oman (OM), Pakistan (PK), Palestine State of (PS), Philippines (PH), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Russia (RU), Rwanda (RW), Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Serbia (RS), Seychelles (SC), Sierra Leone (SL), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan (SD), Swaziland (SZ), Syrian Arab Republic (SY), Tanzania United Republic of (TZ), Thailand (TH), Togo (TG), Tunisia (TN), Uganda (UG), Ukraine (UA), United Arab Emirates (AE), United Kingdom (GB), Vietnam (VN), Yemen (YE), Zambia (ZM), and Zimbabwe (ZW).
Typically, players from Poland do not receive email offers for these bonuses, but somehow during the distribution of offers, our promotions team mistakenly sent the email offer to Kamila’s email.
Since the player received the bonus offer from us, we have decided to honor the offer and return her winnings to the balance so she can withdraw the fairly earned amount.
All the player needs to do is make a verification deposit of a minimum of 10 EUR via crypto, and then request the withdrawal.
Thank you for your understanding!
Kind Regards
George Moore
Casino Adrenaline Management
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