Hej doubrechtova,
Jeg hedder Michal, og jeg har overtaget din klage. Jeg har gennemgået din sag og vil kontakte casinoet for at kaste mere lys over denne sag.
Vi vil gerne invitere Chance Casino til at deltage i samtalen.
Kære Chance Casino,
Vil du være venlig at give en forklaring på de aktuelle omstændigheder?
Spilleren har modtaget denne bonus / gratis spins

Spilleren var involveret i gameplayet indtil her

Og så forsvinder pludselig de 31 resterende spins

Og selv i spillet står der, at det "kun" var 19 gratis spins

Hvad skete der med de resterende 31 spins, som spilleren stadig skulle have?
Hello doubrechtova,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite Chance Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Chance Casino,
Could you kindly offer an explanation regarding the current circumstances?
The player has received this bonus / free spins

The player engaged in the gameplay until here

And then, suddenly the 31 remaining spins disappear

And even in the game, it says it was "only" 19 free spins

What happened to the remaining 31 spins the player should still have?
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