Kære Wali19 ,
Som forventet har casinoet fuldstændig undgået enhver kommunikation vedrørende de problemer, vi rejste. Som jeg nævnte i min tidligere besked, hævder kasinoet at have en GCB-licens, men der er ingen officiel validator, hvilket kraftigt antyder, at licensen er falsk. Derudover er kasinoets påstand om at have fungeret siden 2017 vildledende, da det ser ud til at være et forsøg på at skabe en illusion af troværdighed og stabilitet.
Spillene blev grundigt testet, og det viste sig, at de er rigget på en måde, der forhindrer spillere i at tabe, hvilket kan tilskynde dem til at indbetale penge med forventning om at hæve store gevinster. Advarsler om dette casino er allerede vist på dets anmeldelsesside.
Tak, fordi du gjorde os opmærksom på dette casino og for at spørge om det, før du foretager en indbetaling. Du ville næsten helt sikkert ikke have været i stand til at hæve nogen penge og kunne også have mistet dit indskud.
Tak for dit samarbejde. Skulle du støde på problemer med dette eller ethvert andet casino i fremtiden, så tøv ikke med at kontakte vores klageløsningscenter. Vi er her for at hjælpe!
Bedste hilsner,
Dear Wali19,
As expected, the casino has completely avoided any communication regarding the issues we raised. As I mentioned in my previous message, the casino claims to hold a GCB license, but there is no official validator, which strongly suggests that the license is fake. Additionally, the casino's claim of operating since 2017 is misleading, as it appears to be an attempt to create an illusion of trustworthiness and stability.
The games were thoroughly tested, and it was found that they are rigged in a way that prevents players from losing, which may encourage them to deposit money with the expectation of withdrawing large winnings. Warnings about this casino are already displayed on its review page.
Thank you for bringing this casino to our attention and for asking about it before making a deposit. You would almost certainly not have been able to withdraw any money and could have lost your deposit as well.
Thank you for your cooperation. Should you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. We are here to help!
Best Regards,
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