The player from the Netherlands had been unsuccessful in receiving a refund of approximately 580 euros from Cusco Casino. She claimed that the casino was operating without necessary licenses, which made their actions illegal, and she had been recognized as a problem gambler. The casino had largely ignored her inquiries via email and live chat. Despite her claims of self-exclusion and the casino's illegitimate operations, we found no grounds for a refund based on the casino's policy and the information provided. The player had decided to take the matter up with local authorities. The complaint was rejected as it fell beyond our competence to handle country-specific regulations.
Spilleren fra Holland havde ikke haft held med at modtage en refusion på cirka 580 euro fra Cusco Casino. Hun hævdede, at kasinoet fungerede uden de nødvendige licenser, hvilket gjorde deres handlinger ulovlige, og hun var blevet anerkendt som en problemgambler. Kasinoet havde stort set ignoreret hendes henvendelser via e-mail og live chat. På trods af hendes påstande om selvudelukkelse og kasinoets illegitime operationer, fandt vi ingen grund til refusion baseret på kasinoets politik og de angivne oplysninger. Spilleren havde besluttet at tage sagen op med de lokale myndigheder. Klagen blev afvist, da den faldt uden for vores kompetence til at håndtere landespecifikke regler.
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