Ja hej jeg har kun brugt én e-mail, og det er Daisy 27@yahoo.com Jeg har indsendt mine oplysninger adskillige gange fra og med den 4. marts. Jeg fik endda en bekræftelsesmail fra dem om, at de ville gennemgå mine ting og vende tilbage til mig om et par dage, hvilket ikke skete, og så efter det havde de endda fortalt mig, at de ikke fik nogen af mine dokumenter, og at det måske Jeg sendte dem til den forkerte e-mailadresse, men de oplyser e-mail-adressen, og så efter at de havde givet mig en anden e-mailadresse, og de stadig ikke havde fået mine oplysninger, sagde de, at det muligvis var fordi jeg sendte alle mine oplysninger på én gang, så jeg skulle individuelt send hver Pace-oplysning, som de gerne vil have, så det gjorde jeg, at jeg fik en bekræftelses-e-mail, stadig ingenting, jeg kontakter dem igen næste dag, de siger, at de ikke har nogen af mine oplysninger, selvom jeg har modtaget bekræftelses-e-mails fra dem de vil ikke tillade mig at hæve mine penge
Yes hi I'm only ever used one email and it's Daisy 27@yahoo.com I have submitted my information numerous times starting with March 4th. I even got a confirmation email from them saying that they would review my stuff and get back to me in a few days which did not happen and then after that they had even told me that they didn't get any of my documents and that maybe I sent them to the wrong email address but they provide the email address and so after they provided me a second email address and they still had not got my information they said that possibly it's because I was sending all my information at once so I should individually send each Pace piece of information that they would like so I did that I got a confirmation email still nothing I contact them again the next day they say that they haven't got any of my information even though I've gotten confirmation emails from them they will not allow me to withdraw my money
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