Kære Tobias,
Desværre, ifølge kasinoets påstande, er problemet allerede lukket på deres ende, og de har allerede forklaret situationen fuldt ud for dig. Da vi bad dem om at give os en form for relevant bevismateriale vedrørende situationen, nægtede kasinoet at samarbejde med os om yderligere løsning af denne sag.
Da casinoet er licenseret af MGA-licens, er der et par muligheder, vi kan anbefale dig at bruge, da formidlingen af denne særlige klage mislykkedes.
Kasinoets godkendte alternative tvistbilæggelsesenhed er EADR ( https://eadr.org/ ) i henhold til deres vilkår og betingelser. Jeg vil gerne kraftigt anbefale dig at rejse klagen til denne organisation, da kasinoet er bundet af licens til at samarbejde om at løse tvister med dem. Desuden vil vi bede dig om at informere os om processen.
I mellemtiden vil vi lukke denne klage som uafklaret med klassificeringen 'venter på regulatorbeslutning', som ikke vil have nogen negativ indvirkning, før vi modtager oplysningerne om resultatet af processen.
I tilfælde af spørgsmål eller yderligere hjælp til at rejse klagen, så tøv ikke med at kontakte mig via min e-mailadresse: ' martin.d@casino.guru '.
Dear Tobias,
Unfortunately, according to the casino's claims the issue is already closed on their end and they have already explained the situation in full to you. When we were asking them to provide us with some kind of relevant evidence regarding the situation, the casino refused to cooperate with us on further resolution of this case.
Since the casino is licensed by MGA license, there are a few options we can recommend you to use, since the mediation of this particular complaint was unsuccessful.
The casino's approved alternative dispute resolution entity is EADR (https://eadr.org/) according to their terms and conditions. I would like to strongly suggest you to raise the complaint to this organization, as the casino is bound by license to cooperate on solving disputes with them. Moreover, we would like to kindly ask you to inform us about the process.
In the meantime we will close this complaint as unresolved, with classification 'waiting for regulator decision' which will not have any negative impact until we receive the information about the outcome of the process.
In case of any questions or further assistance with raising the complaint, please do not hesitate to contact me via my email address: 'martin.d@casino.guru'.
Redigeret af en Casino Guru admin
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