HjemForumAnsvarligt spilCan’t stop gambling??

Can’t stop gambling?? (side 4)

 af Charlie_Manchester
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I did not mean individual casinos. I mean ALL online casinos. Like, if sending a mail to the Curacao gambling commision and ask them to ban me from ALL their licensed casinos. That SHOULD be an option to be honest.

You mean something like GamStop, right? Something that immediately blocks you from Curacao casinos sounds like a good idea, but I doubt it will ever be a reality, let's be honest, these Curacao regulators couldn't care less about the players, specifically the problematic ones 😂 it's a really good idea I must say, that would not only help problematic players but also those who don't want to come across any casino from said jurisdiction, by now we can only check manually, which just take some seconds, still the idea is brilliant

I did not mean individual casinos. I mean ALL online casinos. Like, if sending a mail to the Curacao gambling commision and ask them to ban me from ALL their licensed casinos. That SHOULD be an option to be honest.

Unfortunately it's not possible and that's why we constantly try to push forward our Global Self-exlusion initiative. I believe that's what many players are missing and that's what players really need. Anyway, it's very complicated and long process so keep your fingers crossed for us 🙂


I couldn't agree more I'm weak willed and have a compulsive obsessive disorder and I think that a lot of gamblers do. I thought that when I signed up to GameStop for 5,yrs would do the job and that would be it. Unfortunately it wasn't and although I'm probably breaking even playing non GameStop casinos I wish I could stop by using willpower but I can't. The Main reason is boredom I don't watch TV and have no social life, gambling on slots win or lose gives me a buzz. If there was a global tool for blocking me from gambling would zI have the will power to sign up probably not, zI say that now but if zzI had a bad session and felt lousy then zI possibly would. It's all about will power most non GameStop casinos will close your account if you ask them. Good luck to you if you're trying to quit🤞😜

I think a lot of people here have this problem, it's nice that you're offering help

Kære mennesker!

Misbruget har været med mig i 22 år.

det hjælper kun "lukke"

det vil sige kreditkort væk. Begræns bankkonto eller del med en ven. Begræns adgangen til penge, så du ikke kan, selvom du vil, og softwareblokkere. Gamban er rigtig god. Jeg gør det nu, så en ven har mine bankkontooplysninger. Han sørger for husleje, lån osv., og jeg får kontanter at leve for. Så det er ikke muligt for mig at indbetale penge nogen steder med kreditkort eller netbank. Og det giver mening at skifte afhængighed. Spil CandyCrush eller noget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

That's what I'm going to do pay my bills and give my spare cash to my friend that way I can't gamble even if I want to. The strange thing is I took ,3 mths off and my quality of life was so much better

I couldn't agree more I'm weak willed and have a compulsive obsessive disorder and I think that a lot of gamblers do. I thought that when I signed up to GameStop for 5,yrs would do the job and that would be it. Unfortunately it wasn't and although I'm probably breaking even playing non GameStop casinos I wish I could stop by using willpower but I can't. The Main reason is boredom I don't watch TV and have no social life, gambling on slots win or lose gives me a buzz. If there was a global tool for blocking me from gambling would zI have the will power to sign up probably not, zI say that now but if zzI had a bad session and felt lousy then zI possibly would. It's all about will power most non GameStop casinos will close your account if you ask them. Good luck to you if you're trying to quit🤞😜

Hello nigeljc!

Can't even imagine how it must feel! Thank you for sharing your point of view. I recall I tried suggesting some free time activities to make yourself feel occupied because I felt this could help.

So I won't do that again. Instead, I wish you strong will!

Kære mennesker!

Misbruget har været med mig i 22 år.

det hjælper kun "lukke"

det vil sige kreditkort væk. Begræns bankkonto eller del med en ven. Begræns adgangen til penge, så du ikke kan, selvom du vil, og softwareblokkere. Gamban er rigtig god. Jeg gør det nu, så en ven har mine bankkontooplysninger. Han sørger for husleje, lån osv., og jeg får kontanter at leve for. Så det er ikke muligt for mig at indbetale penge nogen steder med kreditkort eller netbank. Og det giver mening at skifte afhængighed. Spil CandyCrush eller noget.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hey there.

This is a very open experience, and I thank you for that. I truly feel what you described is a way to go, though it must be quite hard to maintain and accept. Stay strong!

I couldn't agree more I'm weak willed and have a compulsive obsessive disorder and I think that a lot of gamblers do. I thought that when I signed up to GameStop for 5,yrs would do the job and that would be it. Unfortunately it wasn't and although I'm probably breaking even playing non GameStop casinos I wish I could stop by using willpower but I can't. The Main reason is boredom I don't watch TV and have no social life, gambling on slots win or lose gives me a buzz. If there was a global tool for blocking me from gambling would zI have the will power to sign up probably not, zI say that now but if zzI had a bad session and felt lousy then zI possibly would. It's all about will power most non GameStop casinos will close your account if you ask them. Good luck to you if you're trying to quit🤞😜

I even believe that being on Gamstop isn't beneficial for you at all, since you're basically forced to play in other casinos that are often worse and less safe than those on Gamstop, which is quite a strange paradox. Unfortunately, there's no global solution for this at this moment 😕


I mean, it sounds harsh that you can't even control your own money, on the other hand, it's hard to understand it for someone who's never been addicted to gambling. I'm really glad to hear that you managed to find your own solution for the situation. It's important to know that everybody doesn't have such a friend as you do, but families could help in this case as well.

I'm convinced that limiting your access to money can make your life happier since you don't have to be afraid of losing it all and you always know you have enough money for all the stuff you need to buy and pay for 👍

Puha.. jeg er virkelig heldig der. Jeg satte mig selv grænsen på 150 euro om måneden og vandt den faktisk. Ved 150 er det slut, og jeg distraherer også mig selv med gratis spil. Jeg er åbenbart ikke så afhængig, som det er beskrevet her, gudskelov! Jeg håber for jer alle her, at I kan blive hjulpet... for ingen ved, hvad afhængighed betyder, som ikke selv har oplevet det! Held og lykke og frem for alt styrke til dig!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Gambling addiction is a serious problem that affects many people around the world. It can lead to financial, social and emotional problems and can be difficult to overcome. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, it is important to seek help.

There are many resources available for people struggling with gambling addiction, including support groups, counselling and therapy. You may also want to consider self-exclusion programmes offered by casinos or online gambling sites to help you block access to these platforms.

It is better not to gamble but to read up-to-date casino information with casino reviews Remember that you are not alone, and there is no shame in asking for help. Acknowledging the problem and taking action to resolve it takes courage.

Redigeret af Radka
Årsag: Forbudt link


Many of the words that you say are very true but posting links to casino sites whether it’s for free spins or not will never help people with gambling addiction.

Clearly you haven’t read any of the posts on this thread.

To overcome this addiction you need to stay away from everything gambling related. Free spins don’t help anyone with addiction. A clean break to find a better life away from gambling is the key.

Take it easy.




You should be giving ratings to ANY CASINO as if they are a GOOD OPTION. While they are taking your mind body and soul you are having to seek your possessions, cars, house, losing your family and having a nervous breakdown!!

And all because you gave them a 9/10 rating and recommended playing there as it’s a more "fair" casino. - PATHETIC 😡


Many of the words that you say are very true but posting links to casino sites whether it’s for free spins or not will never help people with gambling addiction.

Clearly you haven’t read any of the posts on this thread.

To overcome this addiction you need to stay away from everything gambling related. Free spins don’t help anyone with addiction. A clean break to find a better life away from gambling is the key.

Take it easy.


The author only aimed to post a forbidden link covered in a lengthy text. So, the link was deleted.

I agree this is an especially foul attempt to lure people into the casinos by posting such external links.


With all respect, you should avoid playing in the casino if it slowly gets more and more frustrating to you.

It's crucial to accept that in the long term casinos always win, so one should only deposit money he can afford to lose.

Although I understand the point, you can easily lose even in a good and fair casino. Consider the deposit as payment for time spent playing - nothing more.

We aim to provide honest casino reviews - the probability of winning isn't a part of the process, because the mathematical advantage is always on the casino's side.

Do you need help finding your way out from gambling?

Allow me to suggest this page:


Yes, I’m banned from all high street bookmakers and online bookmakers and casinos. Every casino should get a 0/10 and people be told they are to be used for entertainment ie food or live sports on telly. NOT GAMBLING


You should be giving ratings to ANY CASINO as if they are a GOOD OPTION. While they are taking your mind body and soul you are having to seek your possessions, cars, house, losing your family and having a nervous breakdown!!

And all because you gave them a 9/10 rating and recommended playing there as it’s a more "fair" casino. - PATHETIC 😡

Det er ikke helt rigtigt. Der er spillespillere og patologiske spillere, altså patologiske spillere. For begge grupper af mennesker er casino generelt ikke en god idé. Men størstedelen af de mennesker, der spiller, har deres spilleadfærd under kontrol og spiller €100 væk og lader det så være i en uge.

online casino er underholdning. For nogle en spænding for andre bare sjov. At registrere sig på et kasino med den hensigt at tjene penge eller betale af på gæld er altid en dårlig idé.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Agree.. 200 oo EUR is way too big for an online provider to withdraw.

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