HjemForumCasinoerBetiBet Casino – generel debat

BetiBet Casino – generel debat

 af schittko91
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Venter på en udbetaling i 45 dage. Jeg ved ikke

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sadly, this is another complaint related to sports betting hence we can't help you. I'm sorry.


Bro jeg har samme problem. Hvad har du gjort ?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Dig, jeg venter stadig i 2 måneder nu. har du pengene endnu og hvad vi gør...

Automatisk oversættelse:


I think you should both check the links I sent to another player in the same situation.

View the conversation here.


Hello there,

and one tip about the proper places for complaints related to sports betting for you as well.

View here

Let us know whether it helps, please.

Hej, jeg vandt 55.000 i kasinoet på betibet, og jeg har ventet i evigheder nu. Jeg får kun standardbeskeder.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I see you have submitted the complaint, what is great. The complaint is waiting for the review now. When did you ask for the withdrawal? Is your account fully verified please?


Hej. Jeg underkaster mig selvfølgelig så store beløb. Jeg ansøgte allerede om de første udbetalinger den 31. december, men disse blev afvist af hykleriske årsager. Jeg har nu indgivet en tidlig klage via internettet (masser af klager og absolut elendige anmeldelser) i håb om, at det vil hjælpe. Jeg er fuldstændig verificeret og har også modtaget bekræftelsen på e-mail.

Automatisk oversættelse:

May I know what hypocritical reasons those can be? Could not find it even in the complaint.

I mean in case of higher sums - like in your case, it is normal that some sort of further checks will be made. The casino simply has to make sure that all was correct and accurate. We allow casinos 14 full days to process the verification and the payout, so I guess you should wait a bit and stop playing with your balance.

Når jeg taler med andre spillere, skriver de også, at efter uger (6-10) har de stadig ingen penge. Det skræmmer dig, især da det er 83k igen i øjeblikket. Jeg ved det ikke, uanset hvor højt beløbet er, at jeg ventede længere end 48 timer på en delvis udbetaling! Luckydays var det bedste eksempel her.. bedste udbetaling!

Automatisk oversættelse:

I dag spurgte jeg som hver dag, om en udbetaling endelig blev behandlet. Det er trods alt nu 80k igen.. Jeg har screenshots, hvor jeg beviser, at jeg udbetalte den 1. januar! Og 2 mails! I dag skriver chatten mig, at jeg ikke har spurgt en endnu.. så meget af det er ikke en joke!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Sorry, the chat operator said that you have not yet submitted a withdrawal, right? Well, can you see the withdrawal in your cashier?

Anyway, what did you "paid out in January 1st"? Probably a translator issue I guess. Did you submit the withdrawal on the 1st of January, please?

Da jeg i går aftes spurgte, hvordan min udbetaling var, kom svaret fra support, der var ingen! Men jeg har 2 e-mails, der bekræfter en tilbagetrækning, og der står afventende i min profil.

Automatisk oversættelse:

And I presume that you have not received an explanation saying what happened with the withdrawal in the meantime, right?

It's good that you submit a complaint, just mind that we give the casino 14 full days to fulfill the account verification (I know from the complaint that the finance department is checking something) and to proceed with the payout.

I failed to find when was your account initially verified, though.

I hope that you will not lose the balance, please do not play until the matter is settled. 🙏

in live games with higher rtp like baccarat or craps, bets greater than 100 eur are not accepted, even using real money, roulette and others are working normally, I don't understand the reason! "www.bingobonga.com", on the same administration, also has this peculiarity, I wonder if it does not comply with the bonus terms!



did you try to ask the casino about that? I guess that it would be best.

Let us know what they say for sure.


yes, and it always reports some problem with the browser, and passes some procedures like clearing cookies! both in chat and by email, strange that it only happens with these games on all providers, very doubtful.



I dare to say this is obviously a technical issue, and I would try accessing the casino - games by using a different browser as well, I have lots of funny "bugs" in my late memory caused by cookies, so it does make sense as well. 🤔

You know the casino support or live chat operators are not it specialists, hence I understand that they suggested these solutions at first. Every time I have a problem even with our website, I'm taking the same steps, erasing the cookies usually solves the issue. 

If you're getting some error about the browser, would be good to know what exactly it says and try to act accordingly. I forgot to ask you, do you experience these issues while using mobile or another kind of device?

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