Hej, det er bestemt ikke rart at være i denne situation, og jeg forstår din frustration. Jeg bemærkede fra klagen, at du spillede med en bonus. Spurgte du casinoet, hvilke regler du brød i bonussen? Hvis ja, hvad sagde kasinoet?
Men hvad angår vores sikkerhedsindeks , så tror jeg, at jeg hellere vil undgå dette casino, da det er lavt. Også brugeranmeldelserne er næsten alle negative, hvilket også siger det hele.
For så vidt angår din sag, håber jeg, at tingene bliver ordnet, og at alt vil blive godt i sidste ende.
Du er velkommen til at opdatere os her på forummet, efterhånden som sagen udvikler sig yderligere og også Tomas, som vil afvente din yderligere information.
Jeg ønsker dig held og lykke.
Hi, it's certainly not nice to be in this situation and I understand your frustration. I noticed from the complaint that you were playing with a bonus. Did you ask the casino what rules you broke in the bonus ? If so, what did the casino say ?
However, as far as our safety index is concerned, I think I would rather avoid this casino, as it is low. Also the user reviews are almost all negative, which also says it all.
As far as your case is concerned, I hope things will be sorted out and everything will turn out well in the end.
Feel free to update us here on the forum as the case develops further and also Tomas, who will be waiting for your additional information.
I wish you good luck.
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