Hmm det lyder ikke særlig troværdigt fra et kasino. Ingen kommunikation, du kan ikke foretage en tilbagetrækning, jeg har en fornemmelse af, at det ikke er den bedste vej at gå.
Jeg vil i hvert fald prøve at give det videre til vores team og lade dem kigge, måske finder de ud af noget.
Hvis du derimod er interesseret iat indgive en klage , kan du prøve. Jeg lover dig ikke, at noget bliver løst, men vi kan prøve. Alt du skal gøre er at indgive en klage og, da vi ikke har kasinoet i vores database, nævne dets navn i teksten, så vores team ved, hvad det er.
Hmm that doesn't sound very credible from a casino. No communication, you can't make a withdrawal, I have a feeling that's not the best way to go.
Anyway, I'll try to pass it on to our team and let them take a look, maybe they'll find out something.
If you, on the other hand, are interested in lodging a complaint, you can try. I don't promise you that something will be resolved, but we can try. All you have to do is file a complaint and, since we don't have the casino in our database, mention its name in the text so that our team knows what it is.
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