HjemForumCasinoeris this scam?

is this scam?

 af kmauter
405 visninger 9 svar |

Hello, would be very nice if someone help me to verificate this casino page. https://bit-of.com

looks real, but after some days i had a bad feeling with that!

So i'm really thankful in advice.


this is the startpage.



I'm sorry, but this one looks like many others we have come across lately.

Have a look here, please.

I will inform our data team to prepare the review of this one a swell and put the warning for others.

Have you deposited any money there?

Hej Romi,

Tak for din feedback.

Jeg havde allerede frygtet noget som dette. Problemet var, at jeg blev lokket til at registrere mig på denne side med en gratis bonus i første omgang.

Efter kort tid begyndte mønterne at komme ind og gav mig hurtigt en bankroll på over +10k

Selvfølgelig føltes dette noget surrealistisk og på en eller anden måde rejste min tvivl.

Ikke desto mindre opvejede udsigten til denne hurtige fortjeneste risikoen og gjorde mig i starten naiv, idet jeg troede, at denne $150 indbetaling faktisk ville bekræfte min konto og min ægthed. Jeg må sige, at jeg ikke har haft meget erfaring med krypto-baserede transaktioner indtil nu, og da jeg gentagne gange blev forsikret i kundechatten om, at dette kun var for min egen beskyttelse, og at de ønskede at forhindre falske spillere med multi-falske konti i at bruge disse sider...

Så efter 1-2 uger var jeg faktisk klar til at få min konto verificeret... især da jeg uden den ikke kunne deltage i deres VIP bonusprogram eller indsamle nogen rakeback.

Med $12.000 allerede "tjent" på det tidspunkt, syntes de $150, der kræves til dette, at være inden for et acceptabelt interval...

Blot kort tid efter at have foretaget denne betaling, modtog jeg et svar fra det påståede live supportteam, der informerede mig om, at der havde været vanskeligheder på grund af min betalingsmetode, og at de efter at have talt med "sikkerhedsafdelingen" havde fastslået, at min konto var blevet fuldt verificeret til spil, men at yderligere sikkerhedstjek af min "pung" nu var påkrævet, før en udbetaling kunne foretages...

Jeg ved, set i bakspejlet, at jeg virkelig burde have bemærket det før, eller endda med det samme...

Der er simpelthen for mange spor, der peger på dette. For eksempel de utallige copy-and-paste og sponsorater med klubber som det argentinske landshold, UFC eller forskellige Formel 1-hold.

For at være ærlig er det bare nogle billige tekster med forskellige billeder, som slet ikke tilføjer nogen troværdighed. Der er ingen klar pressemeddelelse, der faktisk beviser et samarbejde mellem de førnævnte grupper og dette casino...

Da jeg allerede i andre fora havde erfaret, at brugere, der var for kritiske, fik deres konti blokeret, tænkte jeg, at jeg ville fortsætte med at spille dum indtil videre og stille kundesupportspørgsmål kritisk, men så lade deres helt almindelige svar overbevise mig og dermed fortsætte med at fastholde det udseende, at svarene og feedbacken fra support på en eller anden måde trods alt ville overbevise mig.

For eksempel tilbød jeg bare for sjov at betale yderligere $250 for at se, hvordan de ville reagere.

Jeg kan også give kundeservice chathistorikken i denne sag.

På dette tidspunkt er jeg ikke længere bekymret over de $150, jeg tabte. I stedet er jeg bekymret for at sætte en stopper for webstedets drift og/eller potentielt beskytte andre ofre mod lignende svigagtige tab...

Det er derfor, jeg allerede har kontaktet sider som Medium Rare NF (Stake) og spilleautomatudbyderen "Pragmatic Play" for at advare dem om, at nogen opererer under deres dække på internettet og forsøger at snyde uvidende folk ud af deres penge...

Jeg håber, at nogen med større indflydelse end jeg, og med de nødvendige kræfter og ressourcer til i sidste ende at sætte en stopper for disse aktiviteter, vil påtage sig denne sag. Selvom jeg frygter, at dette ikke vil opnå meget, er jeg taknemmelig for hver enkelt person, der kan blive forhindret i at begå lignende fejl.

Ikke desto mindre mange tak for din opmærksomhed og venlige hilsener.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Chatverlauf 1/2

Your support
Welcome to bit-of.com Casino. Thank you for contacting our support team. How can we help you?
Bot · Just now.
Hello!150deposit the only way
Hello, welcome to the bit-of.com casino support team. My name is Alice. I'm here to help you
Alice · 14 Mar 06:31
Since our casino is decentralized, to withdraw funds, according to our Terms of Service and Curaçao Gaming regulations your account needs to be verified and activated. This involves making a verification deposit of $150. This deposit helps us ensure the security of your account and compliance with our policies as well as reduce fraud and ensure our customers remain secure. Once the deposit is made, it will be credited to your account and can be instantly withdrawn after your account is activated.
Here are the steps to verify your account: [1]. Go to the Deposit Tab or follow the link https://bit-of.com/profile/deposit. You can make a deposit via direct crypto payment (e.g. frome Binance, Bybit, Exodus, Trust Wallet, Metamask etc.) or via bank card, ApplePay, GPay etc. [2]. Make a deposit of $150 . [3]. Once the deposit is credited, your account will be verified.
This industry, unfortunately, has a high rate of fraudulent activity, and this sort of steps helps our Automatic System drastically reduce fraud and ensure our customers remain secure. This is a one-time procedure, after this steps your account will be forever Activated. If you need more detailed instructions on a particular deposit method, please let us know and feel free to contact our support team.
Alice · 14 Mar 06:31
is the $150 deposit the only way to verify my account?
okay . thank you.
Which varieties are calculated with Rakeback? I played different things all the time and yet the amount "Bets Placed in 24h" remains at $ 2522
thanks in advance
As we wrote earlier, a deposit is required to verify and activate your account. Account verification is a one-time procedure after which your account will always have the Verified status. A large number of draws, bonuses, promo codes and gifts in conjunction with wide coverage of our casino in the media and information space, as well as partnerships with the largest crypto and sports brands generate a huge amount of traffic to our site and new users. This is one of the main reasons why we are forced to regulate the multiple use of promo codes and other ways of abusing the casino by verifying and activating each account. Our casino is completely decentralized, and the entire automatic security system is built with our high-tech cryptography specialists and with the help of other crypto companies that are our official partners. All this ensures an absolutely safe, secure, simple and fast verification and activation procedure for your account.
Once you make a deposit of the exact amount $150, your account will be verified and activated, and the deposit will be available for play or withdrawal, as well as the entire balance of your account.
Alice · 22 Mar 10:02
i've send the money from my moonbase account to this bitcoin adress for deposit: bc1q9v900272esdytnfs0wzmhrnldykfwddr0mrwdt
the money is now in my account, but there's also a KYC verification "unverified" message in my account?!
I apologize for the delay in replying. I was busy finding out from the Security Department why you are being asked for an additional deposit and I received an answer, I will forward it now.

S: We have checked the status of your Account in the System. You have successfully verified your Account, however, as we can see, your transaction fell under the TRUST rule. In accordance with the updated set of FATF recommendations from November 2023, AML/KYC policy and the decentralized structure of our crypto casino, we are forced to follow a number of requirements for verifying transactions, wallets and coins. This procedure does not entail the requirement for any of your additional personal data, routine completion of transaction reports and confirmation of the origin of funds. The only necessary and possible condition is to verify your external wallet and confirm ownership of it. In order to verify your external wallet, you need to make a deposit in the amount of $250. After the deposit is made, it will be immediately available for withdrawal, as well as the entire balance. Unfortunately, until the above condition is met, the withdrawal of funds from your account to any wallets or methods is suspended by the automatic security system of our crypto casino, which operates on smart contracts based on high-level security protocols at each node of interaction between the system, person and finance.

Chatverlauf 2/2

that's a joke, or
first $150 and now $250
for what!?
Previously, you made a deposit to verify your account, and now you need to verify your wallet. These are two different procedures. We are very sorry that you have encountered such inconveniences, but help here in the Live Chat is all we can do for you now, we cannot manually avoid these procedures for your account in any way, since our system is completely decentralized. This process is regulated completely automatically by the crypto casino security system, we cannot influence it. However, for your account there are no more restrictions and obstacles for the withdrawal of funds except for external wallet verification. So you need to verify your external wallet and confirm ownership of it, to do this you need to make a deposit in the amount of $250. This deposit will be credited to your Account and is available for play or withdrawal, as is the entire balance of your account.
Alice · 22 Mar 12:37
great customer service
Once you make a deposit of the exact amount $150, your account will be verified and activated, and the deposit will be available for play or withdrawal, as well as the entire balance of your account.
that's a quote from one of your early answers.
great SCAM !
Our system uses high-level security protocols and includes Provably Fair – a cryptography-based provable fairness technology that ensures that the online casino plays fair games. This means that you are dealing with a secure, fully decentralized platform that gives you isolated access to your game and money. Each casino account generates non-custodial wallets where all deposits, winnings and promo bonuses are stored. In other words, all the finances that are in your wallet (balance) are stored in a crypto wallet created inside your casino account and have absolute protection from anyone, even from employees and casino management. Only you have access to manage your account, data and finances. We also partner with major brands, celebrities and have many positive reviews that you can read on the Reviews page.
Alice · 22 Mar 14:25
ok. sounds legit. so i will trust you and payed
do you have any guarantees for me that i get my complete bankroll after the 250$ buy in?
i mean, you don't answer via mail (Email could not be delivered)
And your business model sounds criminal. I mean, you didn't mention anything from the $ 250 payment before I made the first deposit.
I'm curious to see which story you will serve me next
also its very funny. that you give me a free bankroll, i can play with and after i want to buy out, you tell me something from a safety crypto wallet model
I would be ashamed if I had to earn my money in this way ...
You will be able to withdraw your funds after activating your wallet
Alice · 23 Mar 22:01
And that should I just believe you now?
Honestly, you are one of the lucky few who managed to make such a big balance so quickly. It's impressive! Considering the fact that our system uses high-level security protocols and includes Provably Fair – a cryptography-based provable fairness technology that ensures that the online casino plays fair games. This means that you are dealing with a secure, fully decentralized platform that gives you isolated access to your game and money.
Alice · 23 Mar 22:02
However, I get the feeling that everyone gets a great balance so quickly, so that the person is forced to have this deposit (activation of the wallet) carried out.
why i can't contact you via your email adresses?
Support support@bit-of.com | Partners partners@bit-of.com | Press press@bit-of.com
anyone can't be delivered
Yes, you can contact us by email at support@bit-of.com , but I should warn you that the fastest way to contact us is here and it is no different from email. The response time by email can take up to 21 days according to our casino regulations. I am here to help you and solve your problem as soon as possible, but you must understand that there are regulatory requirements that we cannot deviate from.
Alice · 23 Mar 22:06

Desværre blev mit detaljerede svar på dette indlæg videresendt til et administratorteam til gennemgang, hvilket er grunden til, at den chathistorik, jeg efterfølgende har lagt ud med dette websteds kundesupport, stadig virker noget ude af kontekst, eller giver ringe mening uden den ekstra forklaring.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm sorry that you are just another victim of these so-called casinos.

We try to warn our users about them as much as we can. There is also an article about these written, and you can read it over here.

I hope it will really help others to understand that they have to avoid these sites.


Tak, men intet problem.

For at være ærlig lærte denne hændelse mig meget om kasinoer, krypto og svindel...

Det var også ret fedt, selvom det kun var for et kort øjeblik, at have den følelse af at vinde stort og have mange penge.

De $150, jeg betalte i undervisning, skader mig ikke i sidste ende, så det er ikke så slemt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

I'm glad you take it this way. Please be careful in the future.

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