HjemForumCasinoerAwful casinos caxino whells casino

Awful casinos caxino whells casino (side 2)

3 år siden af Anonymized209
9.140 visninger 27 svar |
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2 år siden

Yes it is very big and in ireland when it comes to racing we have the best horses and jockeys on the world

2 år siden

This is why it is important to choose a good and safe online casino where you don't risk losing money or anything else. Unfortunately, most online casinos are just scams, and people will try everything to make you run out of money. If you want to play online, it is better to practice sports betting. At least, while betting, nothing depends on the computer or scammer, so you will know for sure when your team won and when it lost. Good luck to you. I am sure you won't be disappointed about it.

Redigeret af Daniel 2 år siden
Årsag: Forbudt link
2 år siden

Yes most casinos are scams and have rigged slots thata for sure and the reviews on this site are a joke 99 percent casino s you never never win matchbook is the bestsite i play now the only site i trust

2 år siden

Hej, jeg er ikke helt enig med dig her.

Faktum er, at kasinoer med en licens, såvel som udbydere med en høj RTP, fortjener respekt. Jeg har venner, der formår at spille 50/50 eller 70/30. Under alle omstændigheder forstår alle, at dette er et casino, og det er kun rettet mod indkomst for sig selv. Men ved at vælge i henhold til kasinoets vurdering: https://casino.guru/top-online-casinos#tab=ANBEFALET

og det er i orden at tjekke det.

Prøv at registrere dig på et andet casino i dit tilfælde, eller begræns dig selv til en grænse, så du ikke har ondt af pengene. Jeg ønsker dig oprigtigt held og lykke og nyd at spille online casino!)

Redigeret af Radka 2 år siden
Årsag: forbidden link + CG link added
Automatisk oversættelse:
2 år siden

Well i disagree all casinos are rigged and scammed

2 år siden

They are all rigged and you are being scammed of that I’m certain after 5yrs of playing. Even more so that they must be feeling the profit pinch as less people gamble, so they have to make their profits by fleecing the customers that do play. Take me for example I deposited twice x£25 the first I got up to £83 the second up to £62 then 💥 BAM = dead spins down to nothing no bonus features no nothing. I couldn’t take out the £83 and £62 because min withdrawal is £100 the casino makes sure you never reach that target unless they want you to. All this RNG is crap!!

11 måneder siden

It's been a while since your post, but I'm sorry to hear about your rough experience with Caxino and Wheels Casino. It's frustrating when casinos don't live up to their promises, especially with big bonuses that lead to dead spins and disappointment.

10 måneder siden

That's true, when a casino promises or says something, everyone probably expects it to be kept, but it doesn't always have to be that way. 

Anyway, you replied to posts a year old, and if you wanted to have any chance of getting a reply from a given player, I would use the "reply" button, because it notifies the player that someone has written back to them. So that's my tip for you. 

However, do you have any experience with them too? 

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