HjemForumCasinoerGoldhorns Casino – generel debat

Goldhorns Casino – generel debat (side 2)

2 måneder siden af Anonymized750
2.029 visninger 24 svar |
1 2
Indlæg af Anonymized750 er blevet slettet
2 måneder siden

Yes, I know that if selfie is a problem and you don't have time to take 100x photos a day, it can be annoying. Especially if we're talking about the fact that you get a response after a week with instructions. But if they contact you and tell you exactly what they want to see in the selfie, then you don't have to take the selfie several times, but once is enough, right? Also, if I were you, I certainly wouldn't give up on winning as long as you won everything fair and square. That's not how it should work in casinos, and if you're trying to verify and you're entitled to winnings, then by all means go for it. 

If nothing lands, you have a complaint and our team will try to help you.

Fingers crossed. 🤞

Indlæg af Anonymized750 er blevet slettet
2 måneder siden

I probably won't be too surprised if you take a break from casinos. It's best not to play because the players who don't play are the real winners.

It's a shame you want to give up winning, I personally wouldn't do that but we're not all the same. 

Indlæg af Anonymized750 er blevet slettet
2 måneder siden

I gave a reminder to Nick, but he must have seen that the timer busted out and will reply to you soon, no need to worry. 🙂

Indlæg af Anonymized750 er blevet slettet
2 måneder siden

I gave a reminder to Nick, but he must have seen that the timer busted out and will reply to you soon, no need to worry. 🙂

2 måneder siden

So Jaro can you close my account and my profile please

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
2 måneder siden

Why would you want to do that? The best thing would be to end the whole situation first, and then close the account if you are interested.

Could you handle that?

2 måneder siden

No i send the casino my banknumber so i can atleast get my deposit back

Why not the rest of the funds Jaro you ask? wel thats the question complaint center should of ask the casino.

Close my account please.

Redigeret af forfatter 2 måneder siden
1 måned siden

Well, yes, and that's exactly why I suggested you don't close the account. You haven't got to the stage where we have contacted the casino yet, so it would be possible to do something like that in the next step.😕

1 måned siden

Well, yes, and that's exactly why I suggested you don't close the account. You haven't got to the stage where we have contacted the casino yet, so it would be possible to do something like that in the next step.😕

1 måned siden

Nå, det ser faktisk ud til, at Casino Guru ikke rigtig har lyst og bliver ved med at komme med nye argumenter for at lukke klagen.

Nogle gange virker det som om du taler med casino support, vi er næsten 3 uger længere.

I mellemtiden har jeg indbetalingen fra casinoet tilbage på min konto, så jeg stadig har noget tilbage. For at være ærlig så jeg meget hurtigt, at jeg ikke behøver at forvente meget af casino Guru.

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I saw what Nick wrote, but he described to you quite specifically why what is happening is happening. In my opinion, that's better than if he had told you nothing or a general formula. At least this way you know how things work in casinos and can understand why the casino acted the way it did. 

1 måned siden

Ja, det er rigtigt, men jeg er færdig med denne diskussion. Jeg angav, hvilke dokumenter der blev givet til kasinoet til verifikation, og de er tilstrækkelige, selv kasinoerne i Holland er ikke så strenge.

Latterlige spørgsmål eller I Ufærdige væddemål (hvidvaskning af antipenge) har du set beløbet?

Der var ikke noget galt med at spille, pengene rundt var gambling i næsten 2 timer, og det var heller ikke bonuspenge.

Spørgsmålet her, hvad der var galt med dokumenterne til verifikation casino Guru

Men jeg har heller ikke planer om at spille et andet casino fra din side

Så igen vil jeg gerne lukke min konto her med den klage, I har sendt, men spilleren tog fejl, det virker altid.

Redigeret af forfatter 1 måned siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

Yes I have seen the amount and it is a bit funny anyway, sometimes it is not so much about the amount as about the years that have to be respected. If you put more emphasis on the documents and not on the money, it is still important to present it that way in the complaint because I am not solving them and I am just trying to find out what it is all about. It has not happened once that there might have been some kind of miscommunication. We are all just people.

I'd like to see good things happen, but I see you're pretty resigned.

1 måned siden

Jaro tak for alle beskederne tilbage

Også tak for alle de problemer, du har løst i (fortiden).

Vil du venligst lukke min konto hos dig?

Automatisk oversættelse:
1 måned siden

I can see that you have a complaint still in progress, so it would be better to close the complaint before closing your account.

What do you say?

1 måned siden

I can see that you have a complaint still in progress, so it would be better to close the complaint before closing your account.

What do you say?

1 måned siden

Close my account

1 måned siden

Hi, closing your account now. Take care!

1 2

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