HjemForumCasinoerWhat do you enjoy the most about EnergyCasino?

What do you enjoy the most about EnergyCasino?

 af Energy Casino
5.265 visninger 14 svar |

Hi people,

We are ready to roll up our sleeves and offer this leading gambling community the value and support it truly deserves, engaging proactively with every single one of you, and taking into consideration all your feedback. In case you were not aware about us, here is a brief summary:

EnergyCasino is a successful and rapidly growing platform, with a globally recognised reputation for providing creative and innovative gaming solutions. Despite the company being a presence in the industry for a relatively short time, we have firmly established ourselves and are considered a trusted and unique gaming brand. We are transparent in the market while being consistent in our values and services.

One of our core values is to adopt a customer-centred approach, considering customer needs and satisfaction as our key priorities. By doing so, we deliver customised solutions for each individual that surpass their expectations.

Take part in this discussion and enter a chance to receive 20 FS on Book of Dead, exclusively for CasinoGuru members.

Note: Only available for those who successfully registered and deposited at least once.

Best wishes,

Marco from Energy

Didnt enjoy it one bit dead spin after dead spin

I'm sorry to hear that. We encourage you to try our diversified range of slots which I am certain you will like.

As mentioned above, there's nothing to enjoy in that casino. In the beginning, I was like, man, maybe I was doing something wrong or something like that. So, I have decided to give it another chance. Well, nothing changed. This casino just doesn't deserve any attention. Moreover, they don't even have that many gambling features. If you would like to place a bet, then you'll have to find another website. Indeed it's not the best online sports betting sites. Moreover, it doesn't even have the best slots on the internet.

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We respect and value your opinion. Could you specify why you had a bad experience with Energy?


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Energy Casino

Hello Marco from Energy Casino, I am wondering if you are still active here?

I have a problem with my account and think you can solve.


Let me give you a backup - what problem do you have?

I'm not Marco, but in case he is not ready to help, I'd gladly try. 🙂

Indlæg af Kemz er blevet slettet

Advarsel: Energi Casino – Uretfærdige Praktikker På Trods Af MGA Licens

Jeg føler, det er vigtigt at advare andre spillere om min meget negative oplevelse med Energi Casino, på trods af at de har licens fra Malta Gaming Authority (MGA).

Før problemerne opstod, havde jeg en god erfaring med deres kundesupport. Jeg fik hurtige svar på mine spørgsmål, og de var professionelle og hjælpsomme. Den 24. december spurgte jeg, om jeg var kvalificeret til nogle loyalitetsbonusser, og jeg blev informeret om, at jeg havde ret til en bonus på 300 NOK, som jeg accepterede.Problemet begyndte, da jeg efter at have opfyldt omsætningskravet for bonusen, anmodede om at få udbetalt 10.000 NOK. Mindre end en time efter at have sendt anmodningen altså emailen med anmodingen om udbetaling til deres service mail der var på det tidspunkt gået 48 timer fra jeg havde bedt udbetaling, blev jeg informeret om, at udbetalingen var blevet annulleret, og at 9.650 NOK af mine gevinster var blevet konfiskeret. Begrundelsen var, at jeg havde placeret nogle indsatser over 5 euro, selvom størstedelen af mine indsatser var langt under dette beløb (30 NOK – cirka 3 euro).

Det værste er, at Energi Casino ikke har noget system, der forhindrer spillere i at overskride indsatsgrænserne. De lod mig placere højere indsatser og konfiskerede derefter mine gevinster uden nogen form for advarsel eller beskyttelse. Dette er et klart brud på fair spillepraksis og en fuldstændig uretfærdig behandling af spillere. Jeg føler mig snydt af et MGA-licenseret casino.

Jeg vil advare alle potentielle spillere: Vær ekstremt forsigtige med Energi Casino. De har ingen mekanismer på plads for at sikre, at spillerne overholder bonusbetingelserne, og de behandler dine gevinster, som de vil. Min oplevelse har været helt uacceptabel, og jeg vil sikre mig, at de bliver holdt ansvarlige for deres uretfærdige handlinger.

Vurdering: 1/5 (Skuffet og frustreret)

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Casinos with proper licensing offer more security and fairness—always check credentials.

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When I received the bonus, I was informed about the 35x wagering requirement, which I successfully completed, there was no mention of the critical maximum bet rule of €5 (50 NOK). Instead, I was told that the *general rules* applied.

As a casino licensed under the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), it is astonishing that Energi Casino failed to meet its obligations in the following areas:

1. **Lack of Technical Enforcement**

Under **Article 13 of the Remote Gaming Regulations (S.L. 583.01)**, MGA license holders are required to implement technical systems to enforce compliance with wagering rules. Despite this, there platform allowed me to place bets above the €5 limit during bonus play without any warning or restriction. Penalizing players for the casino's failure to enforce its own rules is both unreasonable and unacceptable.

2. Failure to Clearly Communicate Rules According to **Article 12 of the Remote Gaming Regulations (S.L. 583.01)**

Casinos are obligated to ensure clear and transparent communication of all terms and conditions. The maximum bet rule, a critical element of bonus play, was neither explicitly stated during my interaction with support nor highlighted in a manner that would make compliance possible.

Had there system been properly configured to block bets exceeding the limit or had support proactively communicated this restriction, this entire issue could have been avoided. Instead, Energi Casino allowed me to wager above the limit and subsequently confiscated nearly all of my winnings (9670 NKR out of 10,000NKR), despite the majority being earned from compliant bets of €3 (30 NOK).

This lack of transparency, technical enforcement, and proportionality is deeply concerning for an MGA-licensed casino. I have raised these points with Energi Casino directly and am considering filing a formal complaint with the MGA if a fair resolution is not reached. Players trust MGA license holders to uphold high standards, and this experience has been a significant breach of that trust.

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the problem is that enforcing the maximum bet rule on a software level is far from being business standard, and thus far for me, for instance, it is not completely aligned with the license. I wish all caisno would be capable of controlling this feature on behalf of players, but it does not seem like a near future.

Have you perhaps checked the bonus terms in order to get familiar with all associated rules? If the casino clearly states the rules, the player should take notice. I imagine this feels weird because we live in a modern world, but many casino platforms are not that advanced.

Perhaps you would like to know our opinion on enforcing the max bet rule:


"If software enforcement is not possible, each case should be judged separately, so that only players who have broken the rule knowingly and systematically to gain an advantage are punished."

The top fair solution in case you missed out on this rule on just a few bets would be to cancel the exceeded bets and give you a chance to fulfill the wagering. Yet it depends on the circumstances. I wonder whether you would agree with such a resolution. Let me know, please.


Hello Radka,

Thank you for your thoughtful response and for taking the time to provide insight into this situation. I greatly appreciate your solution-oriented approach and your willingness to offer guidance.

To address your question, it’s absolutely clear that I was unaware of the maximum bet rule. While I acknowledge my responsibility to review the bonus terms, I believe the casino shares the responsibility to ensure transparency and proper communication. They informed me about the 35x wagering requirement during our chat, yet omitted the maximum bet limit of 50 NOK (5 EUR).

This inconsistency in communication is concerning, as it would have required minimal effort to disclose such a crucial rule alongside the wagering requirement.

In practice, I played the majority of my bets at 30 NOK, with very few exceptions exceeding the 50 NOK limit. My gameplay was not an intentional or systematic attempt to breach the rules, as evidenced by my average bet size.

At one point, I had accumulated over 12,000 NOK and initiated a withdrawal of 10,000 NOK (approximately 844 EUR), leaving 320 NOK in my account. Unfortunately, Energi Casino confiscated all of my winnings, citing the breach of the maximum bet rule, even though the vast majority of my gameplay complied with the stated terms.

I find the approach you mentioned—canceling bets that exceeded the limit and allowing me to continue fulfilling the wagering requirement—a much fairer and balanced resolution. This would align with the principle of treating players who unknowingly broke the rule differently from those who knowingly and systematically exploited it.

While I remain pessimistic about Energi Casino’s willingness to address this matter fairly, I would truly appreciate your assistance in pursuing this resolution. I’m grateful for your guidance and any further steps you might suggest.

Best regards


Se min vidio angående min oplevelse på youtube:


Energy Casino

Be cautious of hidden terms if you use their casino. They do not disclose the terms beyond the wager in the chat. You need to read the terms thoroughly, and they do not have any technical restrictions that prevent you from violating their terms. See my experience here: https://youtube.com/shorts/113uzDdECjI?feature=shared


Hello Kemz!

I'm very glad you are so fond of discussing the matter. I hope this situation teaches you that every time you consider taking abonus, you should start by reading its terms and conditions. I was asking myself: How can you even consider whether the bonus is worth taking if you are not aware of all the limitations? I understand you expected some kind of responsibility from the casinos, but you should also do your part to help you stay out of trouble or even take disadvantageous bonuses. 🙏

Saying you were not aware is more of an excuse, and this situation demonstrates that associated complications are not worth it. We play to have fun, but on the other hand, we players bear our responsibilities too.

As you may read in the guide - if the terms are fairly visible and clearly stated, there is not much to fault the casino for.

Yet each situation should be considered separately and handled with great care. If you agree, you may consider filing a free-of-charge complaint.

The instructions are as follows:


It may be really overwhelming, and I will be available if you need assistance at any point. Any questions included 🙂

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