Hvad med kvaliteten af deres kundesupport? Har du nogensinde haft brug for at komme i kontakt med sådanne afdelinger i nogen af disse to?
Og hvis du ikke har noget imod, at jeg spørger, hvor længe har du spillet der, hvor hurtig var din bedste udbetaling, og hvilken betalingsmulighed ville du anbefale til andre spillere?
Ros er rart, men jeg vil vædde på, at du har mere at sige. 😉 Lad os ikke vente!
What about the quality of their customer support? Have you ever needed to get in touch with such departments in any of these two?
And if you don't mind me asking, how long have you been playing there, how quick was your best withdrawal, and which payment option would you recommend to other players?
Praise is nice, but I bet you have more to say. 😉 Don't keep us waiting!
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